HERO INITIATIVE CELEBRATES JACK (King) KIRBY’S 96th BIRTHDAY ON AUGUST 28TH... With a little help from The King’s family!
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3937 - I received the following notice from the Hero Iniative people: Hero has recruited over 40 artists to get up on the morning of August 28, 2013 to simply “Wake Up and Draw.” This event is a way for artists to celebrate the day by sending a “birthday card to Jack.” All drawings will be featured in a special gallery at ComicArtFans.com, and fans can follow the action through the day on Twitter searching hashtag: #WakeUpAndDraw. All drawings will be auctioned to benefit Hero Initiative at a later date! Jillian Kirby, Jack’s granddaughter, has spearheaded the “Kirby4Heroes” campaign. Jillian has recruited a number of comic stores throughout the country to donate a percentage of their sales to Hero on this special day. Many retailers have decided to “celebrate” with their own ideas, including hosting a “birthday party” for Jack, auctioning off original artwork, as well as other activities; all proceeds will go to the Hero Initiative in the name of the Kirby4Heroes campaign. Activities will grow yearly as we approach Jack’s upcoming 100th birthday in 2017. “I started the Kirby4Heroes campaign as a way to connect with my grandfather, who died the year before I was born,” said Jillian Kirby. “I’ve grown so much closer to him through my endeavors in this area. I have to admit I’m astounded by him as an artist, family member, and just as a kind human being. Raising funds for those in the comic book industry in need of financial and medical assistance is a cause my grandfather Jack would have championed. He never turned his back on a person in need.” Fans can visit the official Kirby4Heroes campaign Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/kirby4heroes and donate via the PayPal link at www.HeroInitiative.org. Please type in “Kirby4Heroes” in the special instructions box. A new video detailing the Kirby4Heroes campaign is also available for viewing. A list of participating stores includes: Jesse James Comics, Glendale AZ Flying Colors Comics, Concord CA Lee's Comics, Mountain View CA Alakazam Comics, Irvine CA Mission: Comics and Art, San Francisco CA Golden Apple Comics, Los Angeles CA The Secret Headquarters, Los Angeles CA A&M Comics, Miami FL Chimera's Comics, Lagrange IL Aw Yeah Comics, Skokie IL Graham Crackers Comics, Plainfield IL Alternate Reality Comics, Las Vegas NV Paradise Comics, Toronto, Ontario Floating World Comics, Portland OR Austin Books & Comics, Austin TX
New stores are being recruited each week.
Thanks to Christina Joyce at Hero Initiative for sending this notice to me! I've added a couple of photos of my own to the right... Journey Into Mystery, the comic book that got me started collecting comics instead of just reading them, thanks to Jack's artwork! And what Jack looked like in 1991 when I took my young kids to see him at the San Diego Comic Con. He passed away before the 1994 SDCC started... ~Michael | | Logo for the Kirby 4 Heroes! Jillian Kirby Jack Kirby's pencils (and Dick Ayers' inks!) on Journey Into Mystery #72 are what got me to collecting comic books instead of just reading them! Jack Kirby at his table during the 1991 San Diego Comic Con International. | | |
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,937 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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