Andy Devine In Comic Books - Part 1! | | | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3610 - It has been a while since I first started resarching for this blog post in Kingman, Arizona...! Andrew Vabre "Andy" Devine, (October 7, 1905 – February 18, 1977), was an American character actor and comic cowboy sidekick, best known for his distinctive raspy voice.
Andy was born in Flagstaff, Arizona on October 7, 1905, and he grew up in nearby Kingman, where his family moved when he was a year old.
He had acting ambitions, so after college, he went to Hollywood, where he marked time working as a lifeguard at Venice Beach, within easy distance of the studios.
Andy's IMDb can be found here. As for the comic books with Andy Devine in them... "With two sidekicks going, Fawcett Comics tried for three with ANDY DEVINE WESTERN #1 in December ‘50. Deemed by Fawcett “The Master of Mirth and Girth” and “The Jest of the West”, Andy failed faster than Smiley with #2 (2/51) being the last issue". Both issues are pictured at the top of this blog post.
Both of these comics were drawn in a very cartoonish style by Dick Briefer (1915-1983), best known for his work on FRANKENSTEIN at Feature Comics. In the comic, Andy is a carefree, wandering cook with his horse, Hoss. Both issues have photo front and back covers.
ANDY DEVINE WESTERN #1 in Fine grade records at $177, with #2 in Fine at $129. Right after this series of two westerns comics came the following... The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok is an American Western television series which ran for eight seasons from 1951 through 1958. The Screen Gems series began in syndication, but ran on CBS from 1955 through 1958, and, at the same time, on ABC from 1957 through 1958. This series has a total of 113 episodes in Black and White, and Color.
The Wild Bill Hickok cast starred Guy Madison as U.S. Marshal James Butler 'Wild Bill' Hickok, with Andy Devine as Jingles. The horses were named: Buckshot - Wild Bill's horse and Joker was Jingles' horse.
You may know Andy Devine in Wild Bill Hickok with this tidbit - "Wait for me, Wild Bill!".
Guy Madison died in 1996 of emphysema. Devine died in 1977 of leukemia.
There were eight 'Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles' comic books from Charlton Comics! Those can be seen here at this link. The series ran from #68 (August of 1958) to #75 (December of 1959). Which was actually later than the TV series ran?! A sidenote: Actually Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles had started in Charlton Comics' 'Cowboy Western' comic book series back in #59 in April of 1956. 'Cowboy Western' had been running a 'Wild Bill Hickok' serial, so the insertion of this TV show flowed into the 'Cowboy Western' comic book title. There were only 19 issues of 'Cowboy Western', before it changed to 'Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles'! 
Just before the Wild Bill Hickok TV show went off the air, "Andy went off on his own to 'Andy's Gang'. This was a "children's television program that ran on NBC from August 20, 1955, to December 31, 1960. It was hosted by actor Andy Devine and was the successor to the radio and television programs. Smilin' Ed McConnell and his Buster Brown Gang, later shortened to Smilin' Ed McConnell and his Gang. Devine took over the television program when Ed McConnell died suddenly from a heart attack in 1954. He inherited a number of the characters on the earlier show and the sponsor, Buster Brown shoes". Here's the interesting part to this! Buster Brown Comic Book had three issues with Andy Devine on them, starting with issue #39, as seen to the left! Issue #40 & 42 also had Andy Devine on the front cover! Issue #41 also had Andy in the interior pages. Issues #43, the last of the series, had Andy Divine and the Buster Brown Gang on TV mentioned on the front cover! So, this is just a little bit of Andy Devine in Comics! ~Michael D Hamersky On Comics!
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,610 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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