
Topic: TV Shows
That special was titled: The I Love Lucy Superstar Special. Well, from the lettering you could tell it would be big. And it was! The superstar of the second half of the Special was none other than Superman, as portrayed by George Reeves back in 1957 when the episode of I Love Lucy was first presented. That was the reason I posted about the Special being aired on my Facebook Fan Page. Plus this was the first ever showing of the 'colorized' format of the I Love Lucy episode, which was a real treat! Yes, the episode was somewhat 'chopped up', but the storyline was great and the colorization was pretty darn good! The story started with little Ricky Ricardo watching an episode of 'The Adventures of Superman' with his dad, Ricky. Then Lucy comes into the living room, shutting off the TV, saying that it was time for little Ricky to go to bed. Little Ricky had been wearing his Superman costume while watching the TV show. Big Ricky and Lucy then talked about Little Ricky's upcoming birthday, and that his best friend was also having a birthday the same week. When Lucy calls the friend's mother, she finds out that both mothers had planned on the birthday party being held on Saturday. Ooops! Well...
Lucy finds out that the friend has a clown, puppets, etc., and only when she hears her husband Ricky mention that Superman was at his studio that she asks him to have Superman come to Little Ricky's party. Not waiting for confirmation, she immediately calls up the friend's mother and tells her that Superman is attending Little Ricky's party. Well, that put an end to the friend's party! Then Lucy finds out from Ricky that Superman would not be coming to the birthday party. Oops! Well, Lucy get a Superman costume and a helmet to hid her red hair from the kids. The story continues to Saturday, when Lucy goes to the next door apartment, (which is empty and available for rent), and goes outside the window ledge to come through her own living room. Long story short... Lucy ends up outside the living room window, and sees that Superman had arrived after finding out that Ricky had invited him to a child's birthday party. Lucy then attempts to go back to the other apartment's window, along with the dozens of pigeons that had kept her from reaching her apartment's living room window earlier, to find that there was a couple looking at the apartment. She didn't get in, and it started raining. The visiting man shuts and locks the window, and they leave.
Then the best line of the episode is said, by George Reeves as Superman... This was really a 'Superstar Special' in my estimation! The colorization of all the characters, including Superman was spot on! When this Superstar Special is re-run, you have to check it out! Oh, and here are a few links you should check out: The photo album of photos I took of the episode, (seen at my Facebook Fan Page) Adventures of Superman Wikipedia Page Desilu Productions Wikipedia Page ~Michael D Hamersky.
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