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"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"


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Note: If you are breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

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COMIC CON PHOTOS:   At each comic convention that we go to, Tina and I take photos, either together or individually, depending whether we attend the same programs or panels. 

That way we can take in more of a con, and compare notes later, as well as possibly blog about different aspects of the con.

I particularly am finding that the Artists Alley of cons is becoming more central in my interest in attending comic cons. There at the Artists Alleys is where I find either new 'up and coming' creators, or 'established' creators that enjoy sketching for their fans that atttend.

Pictured below is Ray-Anthony Height that I first met at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC):

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Ray was holding a copy of his publication 'The Grind', which is his Sketchbook that featured 'The Art of Ray Anthony Height'. Cover price is $17.99.

The promo for the book is: "The Grind is 48-page, full color, sketchbook that gives you a peek behind the curtain of up and coming comic book artist Ray-Anthony Height. Ray has produced is an exciting collection of character designs, sketches, pinups and more!"  48 Pages | Color TPB.

Unfortunately, Ray had no press kit for distribution, and I've not see his other publications that he has been featured in. Thus I have no review on this sketchbook or his other works.

However, Ray says this about himself on his Facebook Group Page, 'Art of Ray-Anthony Height':

"Ray-Anthony Height is an up and coming comic book penciller and freelance artist who's steadily carving out a career for himself. He's worked for Marvel and Image Comics, Hasbro,and Upper Deck with the list of assignments getting longer each year."

For more on his works, please see his Facebook Group Page by clicking here

My thanks to Ray-Anthony for stopping long enough to pose for the above picture at the 2009 LBCC!  Ray-Anthony was a friendly comics creator and I was pleased to meet him!




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