
Topic: eBay Info
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': That's Right! As previously announced at the beginning of this Holiday Season, I mentioned that I was revising Tina LoSasso's domain name of ''. That's because I had taken that domain name and used it for our online store division. Then I had used that domain name in thousands of references in the eBay version of our Blog since 2006. Well, with eBay closing down 'their blog format' this past October 31st, that meant that the thousands of archived blog posts with that domain name mentioned were no longer pointing toward our online eBay Featured (Premium) Store. So, when Tina asked about increasing the presence of as her book launch and promotion site, this seemed to be a good period of time to do some de-construction and reconstruction of web sites! Note: came about because back in 1999 I had named my own eBay sales page a generic 'comic book marketplace'. Gary Carter, who then owned the magazine 'Comic Book Marketplace' (CBM) based in Coronado, California, asked me if I would change the the generic reference to something else so there would be no confusion. That's when I came up with the many 'tents' idea of web pages in my off-eBay web site. It only seemed natural to have a 'Big Top of Comics' to 'house' those 'tents'. So I built a portal (home) page for the site and started adding multiple pages with different genres of comics, ending up with over two dozen pages in the web site! However, I found that listing comics in my own web site and also in eBay auction listings a little too time consuming while working a full time job. So when eBay started the 'stores' format of listing, I went to that style of listing. Ebay didn't like non-eBay links on their pages after time went by... so I decided to just emphasize the eBay store with my email addy, letting the ComicBooksCircus web site dwindle down in size and scope. Then I just started referring potential buyers to the eBay Store from the ComicBooksCircus web site 'tent' pages itself. So, starting this week, and going into the new decade, I'll be revising the old web site, and re-directing those 'tent pages' to the corresponding eBay store page that carries that 'genre' of comics. What was once Old is now New Again! Funny how things seem to go around in cycles, or is that circles??? Besides having an exhibitor table at a virtual comic con, (Facebook Comic Con), I've now got what feels to be another exhibitor table at the eBay 'comics show'. All I need now are 'real' creators signing there! So, very soon and corresponding pages will only be going to the eBay Featured Store, and will be going to Tina's Corporate web site only, which is almost ready for re-launch. Of course there will be some additional links at that site pointing viewers to Tina's and my other endeavors because it does take search engines a while to re-discover links! Whew! A lengthy explanation, but I wanted to explain why the change in scope of this Blog for the past few days! I'll be back with more mentions and reviews of comics and graphic novels in a few days! Especially with this week being 'Indy Comic Book Week'! (Click here for details on what that is all about!) ----------------------------- BTW, If YOU are a comics or graphic novel creator, whether writer, penciler, inker, colorist, etc., and would like to possibly see Your work reviewed here in my Blog, please check this following link, where I tell you: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog usually on a daily basis during the work week on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown. PLUS... Be sure to check out our own new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that I mentioned above today. That's with the 'New/Old' name of course! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have been reading here! ~ Michael D Hamersky @