
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': Earlier this week I blogged about the upcoming 'Indy Comic Book Week' that starts December 27th, 2009.... The above pictured comic book is Not part of this upcoming event, but I still wanted to bring it to my Blog's readers today. That's because when I met Dave Ryan again at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, he gave me a comic book that he had printed years earlier to read, saying that it had something to do with a project he was working on. It took me a while to figure out which project he referred to, but now that I've read the Penance comic book issue #1 and researched his websites and more, I've figured it out! So what is this 'Penance' publication about? Well first, it was printed in the year 2000. So I'll just briefly print what the earlier promo info said: "In ancient times twenty four gemstones were scattered through out the world in an attempt to find worthy bearers. Eash is a conduit to it's local mythos. Whom so ever finds a gemstone shall be endowed with a power of a god. Now in a race for omnipotence, mankind will tip the scales in the war between heaven and hell." The first reason I am bringing this previously published comic book up today in my blog, is that You don't have to search back issue bins to find it! It can be found here on the web to read for Free! It's at: . I enjoyed the work by Dave Ryan and Peter Palmiotti. It's a little 'out there' storyline wise, but the art and colors kept my interest throughout the pages! The next reason I'm blogging about this is because it contains the premise for the series 'War of the Independents'! What's that about??? Here is the promo info for 'War Of The Independents from Dave:
Dave goes on to say: "The story revolves around the villains Kain and Orcus trying to create a reverse tower of Babel to open the doorway to RazorJack's world and conquer Earth. The villains make their first appearance in Ryan’s own book “Penance,” The heroes in Penance are not strong enough to deal with Orcus and Kain, so they recruit heroes from throughout time and space." The series will feature a variety independent characters such as: Flaming Carrot (Bob Burden) ...And then Dave lists a lot more characters... way too many to list here! The creative team for this six issue series is: Writer(s) Richard Kane Ferguson & Dave Ryan You can find out more about 'The War Of The Independents' by either becoming Facebook Friends with Dave Ryan by clicking here! Or check the following web site on occasion for possible updates: ! My thanks to Dave Ryan for making me aware of his Penance comic book series and what makes that series important for his next series! I will be blogging about more indy comics series right here at in the days to come, straight into the New Year itself, as that is how long 'Indy Comic Book Week' continues into! You can follow what is happening and how you can participate in 'Indy Comic Book Week' by checking out the details at: For our part...Tina and I will be having all the independents comics / graphic novels that we have ready to be sold listed in our online store at low, low prices at: BTW, If YOU are a comics or graphic novel creator, and would like to possibly see Your work reviewed here in my Blog, please check this following link, where I tell you: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog usually on a daily basis during the work week on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown. PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform' on October 31st, 2009. That version of our Blog had 1.37 MILLION page views before the closure... However, This Blog version is the same Blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published. I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same 'Fun Stuff' you are used to reading on the eBay version of our Blog! Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our own new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! ~ Michael D Hamersky @