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NEW INDY COMIC BOOK:   Today's 'Main Feature', as shown above, was on an Indy Comic Book, which is in keeping with my series celebrating the upcoming Indy Comic Book Week at the end of this month.

Today's Featurette section is an update on a mini-series from Bluewater Comics that I first blogged about when issue #1 came out. (Click here for my review blog on issue #1.)

Below are shown both variations of the front cover to the issue #3 of this 4 issue mini series; with cover B at the left, and cover A at the right:

Click Here to see several of our SCI-FI comics and magazines listings!

So what is this issue about? Here's the promo info:

"Tom, Astro and Roger have discovered the origin and the goal of the robot army called the One State. To fight these deadly robots, though, they need to solve a mystery, and, to solve that mystery, they must enlist the help of Joan Dale."

Writer: Bill Spangler

Art: John DaCosta

Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.

Colors: Niko Anaya 

Okay... here's my thoughts for this issue:

I enjoyed the first issue enough to continue with the series. Bill's plotline and dialogue have kept me interested to this point, and I look forward to the ending of the story arc next issue.

John's artwork as I stated in my earlier blog post is a different style when he illustrates the characters.  After three issues I find it still appropriate for this story genre. I really do like the background scenes he puts in, which gives me the illusion of being in space with the characters.

The lettering by Wilson continues to be one of his good lettering works.

The colors by Niko are vivid and mesh well with the artwork.

I'm looking forward to the wrapping up of this four issue mini-series.  So far the ride has been a good one.  I don't see any reason not to enjoy the fourth and final installment... 

For more on this Tom Corbett: Space Cadet mini-series, please check out their web site at:

My thanks to the folks at Bluewater Productions for submitting the 3rd issue of this series being reviewed here today in this blog post.




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