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Thursday, August 30, 2007
EUReKA, Flash Gordon, Fallen, Monk & More Have ALREADY STARTED!
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: TV Shows

Yes, The 'New' TV Show Season Has ALREADY Started!


To the right is a pic of Colin Ferguson promoting the 2nd Season of his TV Show 'EUReKA" at the San Diego Comic Con International just held recently.  

... This is just but one of the newer shows that we were introduced to while attending the SDCC.  We have finished the first season of 'EUReKA' on DVD, and are going to watch the second season shows that we have taped so far. In the meantime we are now on the THIRD season of 'THE 4400', which we are also enjoying!

Please Note: The following are just SOME of the TV Shows that have returned or are returning or just starting out!!!

Doctor Who (SciFi)                             Jul   6  (Series Three US Debut)
Eureka (SciFi)                                    Jul 10  (Season Two)
Monk (USA Network)                          Jul 13  (Season Six)
Psych (USA Network)                          Jul 13  (Season Two)
Who Wants to ...Superhero? (SciFi)    Jul 25 (Season Two)
Derren Brown Project (SciFi)              Jul 25  (Series Debut)
Fallen (ABC Family)                           Aug  3  (Limited Series Return)
Jekyll (BBC America)                         Aug  4  (US Debut)
Masters of Science Fiction (ABC)       Aug  4  (Series Debut)
Flash Gordon (SciFi)                         Aug 10  (Series Debut)
Doctor Who (BBC America)                Sep  8  (Series Two BBC America Debut)
Torchwood (BBC America)                 Sep  8  (US Debut)
Chuck (NBC)                                    Sep 24  (Series Debut)
Heroes (NBC)                                  Sep 24  (Season Two)
Journeyman (NBC)                           Sep 24  (Series Debut)
CSI: Miami (CBS)                             Sep 24  (Season Six)
Reaper (The CW)                             Sep 25  (Series Debut)
Bionic Woman (NBC)                        Sep 26  (Series Debut)
CSI:NY (CBS)                                   Sep 26  (Series Debut)
Ghost Hunters (SciFi)                      Sep 26  (Season 3 Resumes)
Haunted (SciFI)                               Sep 26  (SciFi Debut)
CSI (CBS)                                        Sep 27  (Season Eight)
Smallville (The CW)                         Sep 27  (Season Seven)
Ghost Whisperer (CBS)                    Sep 28  (Season Three)
Moonlight (CBS)                              Sep 28  (Series Debut)
Numb3rs (CBS)                                Sep 28  (Season Three)
Stargate Atlantis (SciFi)                   Sep 28  (Season Four)
Desperate Housewives (ABC)            Sep 30  (Season Four)
Dexter (Showtime)                           Sep 30  (Season Two)
Pushing Daisies (ABC)                      Oct   3 (Series Debut)
Supernatural (The CW)                    Oct   4 (Season Three)
Blood Ties (Lifetime)                       Oct 13 (Season One Resumes)
Sarah Jane Adventures (CBBC)          Fall    (Series Debut)
Tin Man (SciFi)                                Dec     (Miniseries Debut)
Doctor Who: Voyage ..Damned (BBC1) Dec 25 (Christmas Special)
Sarah Connor Chronicles (FOX)         Jan     (Midseason - Series Debut)
New Amsterdam (FOX)                     ???     (Midseason - Series Debut)
Life on Mars (BBC America)             Jan     (Season Two)
Afterlife (BBC America)                   Mar     (Season Two)

Ok, to be honest, there is NO WAY we could watch ALL of the above, nor would we want to!!

We are currently watching The 4400 on DVD to catch up with it. The first two seasons have been outstanding, with only ONE poorly written episode (IOHO) so far!

There are some shows like 'Smallville' that I have just never been able to get into... even though we sold out of ALL the recent TV Guides with the Smallville picture on the cover and can't keep Smallville comics in stock!  Probably best to start with season One on DVD, as it is now going to start Season Seven! 

By the looks of sales, the Bionic Woman Show could be a breakout hit this Fall!  Can't come up with any items to sell as those promo items were snapped up quick at the conventions we have been to!

Who Wants To Be A Superhero comic book #1 is sold out out the stands and is OOP at the publisher! We only have two copies left for sale at this time....

We are waiting for the Heroes #2 promo comic book to be sent back to us from CGC with their 3rd party grading. We have five copies (NM or better?) enroute sometime in the future to us for to list for auction sale!

We just sold this past week the FIRST APPEARANCE of Doctor Who in an AMERICAN comic book, those are not easy to find anymore!

Kyle XY the promo comic is still available in our eBay Featured Store... it picks up from where the first season ended!

Desperate Housewives ended on a high note with season three, after stumbling around in season two.  Hopefully it will stay the course...

That's it for this blog post, keep us in mind when you want to know more about some of the shows above! We mainly blog about Sci-Fi and Action Shows, but we also blog about American Idol results in season believe it or not!!

Thanks for reading this pop culture / comics - comic book - comic books blog post and feel free to post your comment about this TV Show below!

Michael (and Tina)


Click here to see ALL of our TV Show & Movie Comics listings! 
Colin Ferguson Plays The Sherriff in EUReKA!
Click here to see the  EUReKA Catalog listings! 
Above is the 2007 Summer Catalog for products Made In EUReKA!  We still have these for sale in our eBay Featured Store.... And Yes... we will COMBINE items for shipping where possible!  


  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

We attend several POP Culture / Comic Book Conventions each year! For more info on this past year's 2007 SAN DIEGO COMIC CON INTERNATIONAL just click on the Photo Above! 
Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:32 AM PDT
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