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Monday, August 6, 2007
Babylon 5 TV Shows Fans Won't Want To Miss This One!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows

Babylon 5 Promotional SDCC Comic Con Mini-Comic Is One HOT Item !!!

The Mini-Comic To The Right Was A 'Sleeper' Item That Most Con Goers Missed!


The promotional item for Babylon 5 Fans is a 6 page 'Babylon 5' mini-comic.

This  mini comic was distributed at the SDCC / Comic Con International but on a sparse basis!

The mini comic has a G'Kar and Dr. Franklin story.   

The Mini Comic is approximately 4 1/2" x 7'' .

We just did not pick up enough of this promotional item at the Con... and we keep getting emails around the world asking if we would sell to their country!

Thanks for reading this blog post, and feel free to comment below about any 'Hot' Items you found at the convention or what you found to be a fun experience!






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We are still listing SDCC Exclusives and Promo items from the 2007 SDCC in our eBay Store! 
Above is a pic of the promotional item that we currently have on auction!  We have  several other Promo Items that are sparingly distributed or sold at this year's SDCC in our eBay Featured Store... just Click the Picture above to view the listings!  And Yes, We will Combine items for shipping where possible!  


  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 
Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:45 PM PDT
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Sorry You Incredible Hulk Fans Out There.... !!
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Another Incredible Hulk Movie

Why - Oh Why???


Note: This is 'my take' on the Hulk Movie previewed at the SDCC Comic Con Program of:

07-28-07 Saturday

From 04:15 pm to 05:00 pm in Hall 'H'

 At the San Diego Convention Center 


Marvel Productions talked with Comic Con fans about its second production, yet another Incredible Hulk movie.  This fan's reaction?  Why, oh why? 

Nothing that lead actor and writer of the screenplay, Edward Norton, had to say made me feel any better about it!

In fact, it sounds like a disaster in the making.  Both Norton and the French Director Louis Leterriere loved the TV series starring Bill Bixby.  Much of their inspiration comes from the tv show. 

The screenplay is based on the tv series, the Bruce Jones comic book series, and the grey Hulk. 

Look for the character of Doc Sampson.  Perhaps he's the one who'll be "looking for a cure" for Banner (the focus of the movie). 

Norton dodged questions about whether this outing would be the origin story.  Origins are hard to set up, blah, blah, blah, the origin will be "spooled out" thoroughout the story.  Huh? 

Norton terms the emergence of Hulk as "when he pops out."  Huh?  With the special effects, the actor is apparently "still there" in the scene.  Where we're not sure. 

The only visual we saw was a treatment of the Hulk looking eerily like Lou Ferrigno.

The gorgeous Liv Tyler seems clueless as Betty Ross.  Tim Roth plays The Abomination, and William Hurt is General Ross. 

My prediction: strong cast, weak screenplay, a mess of a film.

Please feel free to post your comment on our blog post about this upcoming movie or any other comic book movie.



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Click Here For the Preview of the Marvel Studios Program with The Hulk and Iron Man Movies! 

Above is a photo of actor Edward Norton at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California! 


Click here for the Hulk Magazines and Comics That are Listed For Sale! 
For you Hulk Fans, we have Incredible Hulk Comics, Rampaging Hulk Magazines, and The Hulk Magazines listed in our eBay Featured Store.  Just Click on the Hulk cover above to view our current listings!

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 
Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:43 PM PDT
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What SCI-FI Movies Do YOU Think Should Be In The Top 25??
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

The 'Collector's Edition' Pamphlet To The Right

Was One of This Year's SDCC Comic Con Promo Items!

Seems like everybody was there this year promoting new Movies, new TV Shows, new Toys, new Games, new everything!

I didn't see the 'Entertainment Weekly' booth there, but somehow Tina and I both received a few copies of this pamphlet that was distributed at the Con!

Being that I am a fan of Sci-Fi movies, (as you can tell by our DVD reviews on eBay), I wanted to know what EW thought was the best Sci-Fi Movies and TV from the past 25 years!

Well, they give away their #1 choice on the cover.... The Matrix from 1999.

Also on the cover are their #8 choice STNG from 1987-1994, and #18 Heroes TV Show 2006-current!

Their #2 choice had a lot of fans attending the SDCC, and I attended one of that show's programs. Their #22 choice was my favorite show for many years... I even blogged about it here a few time before. (Here's one post)

For those of you that are interested in EW's choices, we do have a few of these available in our eBay Featured Store. Just click the top right picture for listings!

Thanks for reading this blog post, and feel free to comment on YOUR favorite Sci-Fi Movies or TV Shows below!



We are listing SDCC Exclusives and Promo items from the 2007 SDCC in our eBay Store Each Today! 
Above is Just ONE of the several Promo Items that are sparingly distributed or sold at this year's SDCC!  


  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 
Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:42 PM PDT
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These Items Can Only Be Found In EUReKA !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows

These Items Can Only Be Found In EUReKA !


Tina and I caught a 'preview' showing of last Tuesday's episode at the San Diego Comic Con International...  

Tina found that she  loved that 'EUReKA' episode and has added it to our 'watch list'!

As she said: "What A Show: playful, intelligent and appropriate for the whole family".

What a SDCC Comic Con find for us!

If you haven't seen EUReKA yet, check it out each Tuesday on the SCI-FI Channel.

If you're already a fan, you'll want the '2007 Summer Catalog' of products 'Made In EUReKA'. 

This fun, faux catalog features pictures and descriptions for EUReKA inventions like the 'Cyro Kennel', Thought Messenger Earpiece', and 'Short Range Personality Scanner'. 


Thanks for reading this blog post and check back with us for additional 'finds' at this past week's Comic Con that we'll be sharing with you!

Michael (and Tina)


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Click here to see the  EUReKA Catalog listings! 
Above is the 2007 Summer Catalog for products Made In EUReKA!  And Yes... we will COMBINE items for shipping where possible!  


  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:40 PM PDT
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Neil Gaiman Wants To Write...
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Neil Gaiman

Wants To Write The Screenplay For

Jack Kirby's


Neil Gaiman brought this up at the Annual Jack Kirby Tribute...  

... that was held Sunday July 29th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California.

He disclosed the fact that he had a meal with the director of Hellboy 2, Guillermo del Toro, in Budapest recently.

The subject of Jack Kirby came up, and they compared thoughts on which Kirby creations they enjoyed the most.

Guillermo came up with 'The Demon' and voiced aloud that doing a movie on Jack's 'The Demon' would be a fine film to direct during this current period of interest in comic book movies.

Neil said that he would love to write the screenplay for that film should Guillermo direct it. In fact Neil stated that he told Guillermo he 'would kill anyone else that would be asked to do it'!  So this could be a possibility in the future!

Neil further went on and stated that he enjoyed 'The Demon' (and Mister Miracle) so much, that he included him in the 'Sandman' series that he wrote for DC Comics earlier in his career!

Thanks for reading this blog post and check back with us for additional 'finds' at this past week's Comic Con that we'll be sharing with you!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Neil Gaiman Has Written For the Upcoming BEOWULF Movie Film Now In Comic Book Format! 

Above is Neil Gaiman at the Jack Kirby Tribute Program held Sunday July 29th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California! Click his picture to see our Beowulf promo listings!  


Jack Kirby Comics! 
Above is an example of 'The Demon' Comic Book that was produced by Jack Kirby for DC Comics in the 1970's. This is the character that Neil Gaman talked about at the Program!  Just click on the comic book cover to see all the Jack Kirby comics we have listed for sale!

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:39 PM PDT
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