Topic: Comic Cons
Yesterday, late afternoon, I received a message from John Tighe, Administrator of the 'Fans of Shel Dorf, Founder of the San Diego Comic Con' Facebook Fan Page. The message was copied from Charlie Roberts communication: I also received an email from Mike Towry from the site, as well as from other Facebook Friends. This blog post is just to mention the services that are being held Today in San Diego. So as to get this blog posted quicker, I am just going to refer you to my earlier blog post from October 7th, about when the site was first set up... (click here for that blog). Shel's passing has been noted already on at least one TV Station in San Diego, as I saw a mini-feature on him during the 7:30 AM spot on KUSI-TV. Shel was duly noted as the Founder of the Comic Con. Also, you can go to this page for more info on the services for today, (click here). I am sure there will be more information and also stories about Shel in the upcoming days, so please check the following websites at: My condolences to Shel's family members and friends, ~ Michael D Hamersky @