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Sunday, November 29, 2009
The State Of Comics Retailing In 2009 Metro San Diego - Part III
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons


The State Of Comics Retailing In 2009 Metro San Diego...

Per Jamie Newbold Of Southern California Comics!

Part III - Conventions

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above:  The owner of Southern California Comics, Jamie Newbold. 

To the top right: Stan Lee cutting the Opening Day Ribbon at the exact moment during the 1st Annual Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC).

To the bottom right: Tina LoSasso standing by the large outside banner at the 2009 Comic Con International:  San Diego / San Diego Comic Con (SDCC). This was her 9th straight attendance at this Comic Con!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our Most Collectible Items currently listed for sale!

Two Weeks ago I started blogging a series about "The State Of Comics Retailing In 2009 Metro San Diego", as told by Jamie Newbold  of Southern California Comics in San Diego, (click here for Part I) and (click here for Part II)...

Southern California Comics, a.k.a. SoCal Comics, is owned by Jamie Newbold and is one of the major places in Metro San Diego area that I stop in at for comic book supplies and new comics for myself. 

When I stopped there the previous week for the FACTION comic book signing, (click here for that blog), Jamie and I went over what's been going on in San Diego sales wise for comics. 

Part I of this series was an introduction to the Store, Store Sales, and New Comics. Part II was on individual Comic Book Publishers' titles sales at his store. The following is from Jamie's own words about his activities at Southern California comic book conventions:

"CONVENTION SALES:  On a convention level, my main show presence is at the San Diego Comic Con International. I also attend one or two other shows during the year. I gather gossip and stories from other dealers (including other Overstreet advisors).

Patterns develop each year and I’m privy to the information that explains those patterns. One pattern that escaped my best prediction was the lack of sales at the 2009 San Diego Con.

2008 was a banner year for us in that the convention was just a good, easy show all the way around. However, in 2009, the show was set squarely in the second year of our country’s economic recession. In contrast to the previous show, I felt the reluctance of buyer’s spending money this year. Factors included an overcrowded dealer’s room, freebie frenzy by attendees, a lack of back-issue buyers (the common feeling was that many held off until Sunday to make their purchases) and the Hollywood distraction.

I commiserated with many fellow dealers and learned it wasn’t just me who experienced low sales. No one changed seller styles or offered different products...which generally stay the same each year. The fact is that we didn’t change--the Con changed. One major difference that many have seen is that the Gold and Silver Age sellers have reduced in numbers but attendance has increased.

Where and why have all the buyers gone? One dire consequence of dealer placement and large crowds are the throngs of people blocking access to one booth to get freebies or signings at another. Small press and publishers have been crammed into the same, tight area we occupy. They run promotions that generate huge lines of people and block aisles.

Back issue guys don’t draw large crowds so we can’t fight back. The Con managers do little or nothing to alleviate the stress. What a zoo. The sheer volume of people at our end of the room makes access to our booths a struggle. I’d like to see the show authorities fix that.

One irksome, logistical nightmare that Comic Con presents is their feedback period. Dealers with issues relating to convention problems are welcome to present them on the last day of the show. As a veteran of many Cons, I’ve gathered plenty of complaints, but I never get to air them.

Why? The main reason is that the forum is held for one hour late in the afternoon on the last day when business and theft are especially heavy. When we are all busy standing in long pre-registration lines for next year’s show. When the crush to leave the dealer’s room is at its greatest I’m stuck at my booth working. In fifteen years I’ve never had a problem-free show and never been able to make it to the forum. COME ON!

I give kudos to the fledgling Long Beach Comic Con. Wizard World LA left a gap when it disappeared. The Long Beach people happily filled that gap. I thought the little show had heart. Now, go see it and spend some money when it returns!

Terry’s Comics runs its own annual show in Orange County. It’s dominated by Terry’s desire to honor the traditions of shows of yesteryear where back issues were the draw. Support Terry and all of us Gold/Silver/Bronze guys and show up."  (Michael's Note: Show is called the CalComicCon)

Jamie went on to talk about his Web Site Sales / and eBay & other Auction Site Sales, which I will be posting in Part IV to follow soon... 

Thanks again to Jamie Newbold for sharing the above with me and giving me permission to post it in my Blog!

For those of you that are looking at visiting the San Diego area soon, be sure to visit Jamie's SoCal Comics store.  There is much more to comics in San Diego than just the once a year Comic Con International: San Diego (CCI / SDCC) that over 125,000 people attend!

Here's the direct link to Jamie's store:  http://www.socalcomics.com/!

AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform' on October 31st, 2009.  That version of our Blog had 1.37 MILLION page views before the closure... However, This Blog version is the same Blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same 'Fun Stuff' you are used to reading on the eBay version!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our own new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013


If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.


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COMIC CONVENTIONS FEATURETTE:   This Blog's  'Main Feature' today was about 'The State of Comics Retailing in Metro San Diego Part III - Conventions'.

One of the reasons that I attend as many comic cons that I do is because I want to meet creators that set up at these cons to either promote their latest creations, websites, or their sketching abilities.

Below is Geo Brawn IV whom I met briefly at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con.  He is pictured holding a couple of his comic books, including "The Untold Chronicles: Blood Rites - Next Gen" and the "Genesis of Fate".

Click Here to see HoRRoR and MoNSTer COMICS listed for sale!

Geo has a Fan Page at:  The ART & SOUL of | Geo Brawn IV and if you are a Facebook member you can also join it and be interactive and discuss his creations with him along with other fans.

Geo also has a web site at:  http://www.BrawnGraphix.com for other information!

Please Note:  Geo's works and personal web site are intended for Mature Readers.

If his genre of creations is something that you would enjoy, be sure to check out his Pricing and Commissions page!

My Thanks to Geo for taking the time to show me his works! 



WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.


We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:34 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:40 AM PST
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing's Black Friday Event!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons


Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing's

'Black Friday' Special Event  

A Report - The Day After!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

To the left: The inset photo and text for the FBCC Make It So Marketing exhibitor table as seen at: http://www.Hamersky.com, a.k.a. "Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing". 

Above photo: A scan of the original photo from 1973, where the inset photo was taken from by Michael Netzer, Founder of the Facebook Comic Con, to write the text.  That photo is one of the couple of photos I have found going through photo albums from that period which was the 2nd San Diego Comic Con International that I sold at as a comic book dealer!

Yesterday was our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table's Black Friday Special Event...

I decided to set up and run this special event, on my own, after seeing no other Facebook Fan Pages or Group Pages that I belong to, doing such an event, or at least publicizing it by Tuesday evening.

So, I set up the 'Event Page' first with just the preliminary data to have a 'flyer / poster' to promote. That was finished at 6:45 PM on Tuesday evening.

What's an Event without prizes?  So I thought since the Black Friday Event would be running from 8AM PST to 6PM PST on Friday, I should have hourly prizes.  So I pulled a few comic book sets and graphic novels that I had been sent by the creators of those projects for possible review to give away as prizes.  I only pulled the items that I posted favorable reviews on, as in the back of my mind I wanted to use those publications as additional promotional bonus for those creators / publishers. 

Then I started sending out 'invites' on Wednesday Morning, the day before Thanksgiving Day to those 'Facebook Friends' of mine at 4:45 AM. 

Since I was going to have to shut down operations for the day to drive up to Los Angeles at 10AM, there was only so much I could do to send out invites and continue setting up the event.  So only approximately half of the 3,200 Facebook Friends that I have in my network were sent 'invites' to attend at that time.

When I arrived back to my 'home office' later that day, I was able to send out a few more invites, but the final ones were sent Thursday morning, (yes... Thanksgiving Day), to the rest of the Facebook Friends.  Since I was getting a late start in setting up and promoting this Black Friday Event, I wasn't able to send out email invites to non-Facebook Friends.  That would have involved retrieving their email addresses and inserting into the invitation messages.

Next I started adding more Free Prizes to be given away.  There would have to be a total of ten prizes, as I figured giving out one an hour, on the hour.  So the first one would be given away at 9AM PST.  That went smoothly, except for one thing I noticed...

In the Event text, and in the communications I was sending out, it stated that to be eligible to win a Free Prize you had to be 'attending'.  What?  Isn't Facebook Comic Con a 'virtual comic convention'?  How could you be 'attending' an event that is in a 'virtual world'? 

Well... in the RSVP Box at the Event itself, there were three choices to choose from:  'Attending', 'Maybe Attending' and 'Not Attending'.  In the actual emailed invites that went out to my Facebook Friends there was another choice, 'Ignore'.   

With over 3,200 Facebook Friends I get a LOT of invites to Fan Pages, Group Pages, Events, Causes, Game Applications, etc.  And yes, I do click the 'Ignore' button on 'Causes' and 'Game Applications'... I do admit that! 

Additionally, since I am a comic book dealer online as well as a blogger that reviews comics, graphic novels and other publications, I don't want to possibly alienate my potential sales or reader base by joining causes!  Causes that I either believe in that may not be 'popular' with some or all of my friends, group members, or readers, OR causes that I just don't want to be associated with, even though they may be 'popular' with many others but not with me.  So I do click the 'Ignore' button on Causes that are sent to me to join. 

I also click on the 'Ignore' button for All Applications sent to me now.  I used to participate in several, but found as my 'Friends' Network grew, it took longer and longer for several of the applications to work.  It had to be something about pulling up the increasing numbers of Facebook Friends in the Network I've been building to make the application (app) work.

As a side note, I read recently that the 'average' Facebook user had 152 Facebook Friends.  My network is now over 3,200.  The maximum number of 'Friends' a person is allowed to have is 5,000! So if you have a smaller network of 'Friends' then an app would probably work faster... 

Getting back to our Facebook Comic Con (FBCC) Group Page... I also want to mention that the FBCC is a network of creators and other exhibitors such as ourselves that are involved in the comics / cartooning industry.  Tina and I are online comic book dealers, who also happen to have a Blog, (http://www.comicbookcollectorsblog.com/  ), that you are reading right now.  

The Facebook Comic Con network has over 380 'exhibitor tables' under the FBCC umbrella.  FBCC was founded earlier in 2009 by Michael Netzer.  I have written a few blog posts about other sanctioned events that the FBCC has put on.  An important number to remember is that according to Facebook policy, a 'Group Page' can only have 5,000 group members.   You may see other pages that have up to a million 'fans'.  Those pages are 'Fan Pages', which don't have a maximum set number of who can join.  A 'Group Page' is limited because there are supposed to be only so many members in a 'group', and 5,000 was the chosen number of maximum membership.

Okay, so I've covered FBCC itself, our FBCC - MISM exhibitor table, and the special FBCC - MISM Black Friday Event.  From there I've gone into setting up the Free Prizes to be awarded, and the invitations... So What Happened Yesterday?

First, sending out invites and the responses:   The person(s) setting up the event can't see how many invitees actually clicked the 'Ignore' button on the actual invation.  The person(s) setting up the event can see the number of 'Confirmed Guests' - those that clicked the Attending radio button.  They can also see the number of 'Maybe Attending'.  In my Event's case I deliberately set the 'Not Attending' persons to Not be seen by others, as those numbers would more likely be higher than those 'Attending'.  I could still see those persons named as 'Not Attending' in the Event administrator's control box.  The last number would be those that I would be 'Awaiting Reply'.  As you can see below, that number is quite large for this event.  But remember I only started setting this up on Tuesday night.

Here is a link to the actual event from yesterday:  


Here is a link to the main Facebook Comic Con Page, which is actually defined as: FACEBOOK COMIC CON is an unofficial virtual comics, animation and media convention bringing together the robust community of industry professionals and fans registered on Facebook.


So, I've covered the invites and responses participation.

What about the Prizes?   Yes, All ten of the prizes were awarded!  And will be shipped Free of Charge by us to the winners. The full list of winners will be posted on 'The Wall' of the Event, as I have received a message this morning already asking for a full list.  What I had posted was each winner's name along with the prize that was awarded after each hour.

Participation is the next part of this blog's topic.   For whatever reasons, there were still invitees that chose to only 'Maybe Attend', even though in the communications sent out and on the event page itself, it stated that you had to click the 'Attending' radio button to be eligible to 'win' a Free Prize.   I do appreciate those that chose to 'Maybe Attend', but sorry to see that their names would not be eligible to 'win' a prize.  And the Prizes were good! 

Here's the link to the prizes that were given away:


My thanks to those creators / publishers that sent me those publications to read and possibly review in this Blog!  They made wonderful prizes, and I included a link on each photo's page to the review blog I wrote about each publication.

My thoughts yesterday, and now this morning after the event as to why the participation was lower than we would have liked.  Yes, the event invitations went out a little late.  But usually 'Black Friday Events' are sprung on the public just a day or two in advance in the 'real world'. 

Secondly, it seems that the idea of 'Attending' an Event, even though it is a 'virtual event' in a 'virtual world' is a little hard to convey to the invitees.  I've noticed that before at other sanctioned events at the main Facebook Comic Con.  All I was asking for was for the invitee to click the 'Attending' radio button in the 'RSVP' box to be eligible to win a Free Prize!  No Purchase necessary!

Purchases?  Yes, during this 10 hour Black Friday special event, we at http://www.MakeItSoMarketing.com were  giving 'Free Shipping' to any purchases made by those with US mailing addresses during this time. Besides getting our own online store's name made more 'visible', along with our Group Page for 'Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing', our intent was to also give our Facebook Friends OR our Group Page Members a chance to purchase back issues of comics, graphic novels, and other items with FREE shipping as a Bonus during that ten hour period.  

I have learned a lot during the past few days on setting up a Facebook Event, promoting it, running it, and communicating before, during, and now after the event itself.   Those that say every business should have a 'Facebook Presence' probably have never set up and run a 'Facebook Event'!

I have already set up several Fan Pages or Group Pages for others during the past year+ I have been on Facebook as a paid consultant.  Trust me on this one our blog readers, setting up an Event on Facebook is 'rewarding' in more ways than one.  But it is a LOT of work!  Especially if You are the person that is doing the majority of the set up and running it, in the hopes of making it 'interactive' during that period of time the Event is running.  I'm glad that we decided to only run our Event for the 10 hour time period... I was groggy by 6:00 PM after being up at 4:45 AM yesterday getting ready for the Event! 

My Thanks to all that participated in this special Event yesterday, whether by donating the prizes awarded, or by clicking the 'Attending' or 'Maybe Attending' buttons.  And my Thanks for those that either publicly wrote on the Event's wall or my own personal Facebook member wall or sent me a private message!

AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  That version of our Blog had 1.37 MILLION page views before the closure... However, This Blog version is the same Blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"


Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!


REVIEWS: To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



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Earlier this week I received a notice that the Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market is getting into the comic shows market.

"A GREAT DAY OF FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" is what the Press Release stated.

That's because the Rose Bowl Comic & Collectibles Show will be held in conjunction with the Rose Bowl Flea Market. RG Canning and local comic shop owner Chris Brady have joined forces to present the Rose Bowl Comic & Collectibles Show held the second Sunday of every month in conjunction with Rose Bowl Flea Market held in Pasadena.

“The area has been in need of a local comic and collectibles show devoted to comics, card gaming and sports cards and memorabilia for a long time, I am proud to partnering with a great company like RG Canning to bring this project to life,” said Chris Brady, one of the promoters of the event.


Click Here to see 'My World at eBay! 

The Rose Bowl Comic & Collectibles Show kicks off on December 13, 2009 and will continue every 2nd Sunday of the month in conjunction with the Rose Bowl Flea Market held at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena California. 

My understanding is that this new 'Swap' show will be starting in December 2009, and then run from February thru May of 2010.

Tina and I will be putting this 'comics show' on our 'To Attend' List for 2010, so we will be blogging about sometime early next year after we attend...



WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.


We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, November 28, 2009 7:37 AM PST
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Thursday, November 26, 2009
Whom I Am Thankful For...
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Comic Book History


Whom I Am Thankful For...  

A Reflection Back At This Time Of Year!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

For the past several years during this Thanksgiving Holiday time I have had a blog series of "Whom I Am Thankful For"...

This year I have been so busy that I haven't blogged a series like that so far, but I did find after checking our blog stats yesterday, that those earlier archived blog posts on "Whom I Am Thankful For" were being viewed by several other readers of my blogs...

So that I can share those posts once again for those that are new to this blog, PLUS the fact that the original blog posts posted on the eBay blogs are no longer remaining due to eBay closing down 'their' blogs platform; here are the reposts from those archived blog posts and a couple of new ones added. The blog series was entitled:  

"Whom I Am Thankful For", and Included the following so far, with some minor updated revisions:

Part  I -   Stan Lee, who will be celebrating his 87th birthday this year! Stan and Jack Kirby were the reasons I started collecting comics, instead of just reading 'funnybooks'. Stan is shown to the left, signing my personal copies of Fantastic Four #1 and Strange Tales Annual #2 for me several years ago. Below is the text from that blog post:

Today is the time of year that many Americans stop, reflect and give thanks...

I am no exception to this as Tina and I get ready to go to my folks for Thanksgiving Dinner.

I was thinking about this as I was getting cleaned up just a few minutes ago...

I am thankful for many things, which is why this is but Part I, but one of the earliest things I can remember being thankful for was the early ability to read and comprehend which helped me become an 'A' Student in High School.

I have of course my great aunt and uncle who started me off with 'funnybooks', but it was pretty much one writer that moved me to look up new words in our dictionary that he wrote on his pages! Stan Lee also introduced new concepts and other genres of writing besides superheroes to me.

Additionally he made me and probably millions of others feel that we were part of a different world, that of 'Marvelmania' via his 'Bullpen Pages' where he wrote to fans like me!

His gift was that he never wrote 'down' to his readers, and his writing improved my vocabulary and started my interest in other pop culture items like Movies and TV Shows,  etc.

I am thankful that he and I have finally seen the fruits of his early labors make it to the 'Big Screen' in the past few years. I am truly thankful that my love of comics in printed format have finally been transformed to good/great comic book movies that I am viewing today 49+ years later!


Part  II -  Engineer Bill ... who has passed away since this blog was first posted. He had a great afternoon kids show with cartoons in Los Angeles during my childhood there. Below is the text from that post:

Yesterday was the time of year that many Americans stopped, reflected and gave thanks...

I was no exception to this as Tina and I got ready to go to my folks for Thanksgiving Dinner.

I am thankful for many things during my life, which is why this is but Part II, but one of the earliest things I can remember from my childhood was when my dad was stationed in Long Beach.

It was then that Engineer Bill (Stulla) hosted a kid's TV show on KHJ Channel 9 in Los Angeles.

He was a favorite TV show host during the 1950's and 1960's.

His show was broadcast on every week day about when school had been out for a while.

What really stuck out in my memory was his 'Red Light - Green Light' portion of the show, where my brother and I would drink, stop, drink, and so on when he would say 'green light' for us kids to drink the milk out of the glass, and 'red light' to stop drinking!

Some of the things that stick in your mind don't always make sense years later, but it was here that I found that drinking and eating what's good for you was fun!

By the way, other local televised kid's shows of Los Angeles during that time were Sheriff John, Chucko the Clown, and Bozo the Clown.

I don't remember many 'National' shows that I watched during that time but one for sure was Captain Kangaroo seen in black and white format.


Part III -  Sheriff John ... who also died since this blog post was published, (he passed in 2008). He was another of my favorite kids TV Shows hosts in Los Angeles. Below is the text from that post:

Yesterday was the time of year that many Americans stopped, reflected and gave thanks...

I was no exception to this as Tina and I got ready to go to my folks for Thanksgiving Dinner.

I am thankful for many things during my life, which is why this is but Part III, but one of the earliest things I can remember from my childhood was when my dad was stationed in Long Beach.

It was then that 'Sheriff' John (Rovick) hosted a kid's TV show on KTTV Channel 11 in Los Angeles.

He hosted the show from 1952 to 1970!

His program would open with Sheriff John entering his office while lip-syncing to the record lyrics of "Laugh and be happy and the world will laugh with you when people see you smiling, they can't help smiling, too..."

After that Sheriff John would go on to the check list, the  bulletin board for pictures about safety, and then to the US flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

The big thrill for kids with birthdays would be to hear your name called on the show!

Plus a birthday cake would be decorated with thick frosting, candy and lollipops. Then while Sheriff John sang the birthday song, the carousel cake spun in a circle while displaying the words "Happy Birthday Brigadiers" on the side of the cake!

It may sound cornball by today's standards, but it was fun in those days! Plus it started me on the 'straight and narrow'!


Part  IV - Fess Parker.... Davy Crockett!  ... who turned 85 years old in August!  One of my best Holiday Seasons was in 2003 when we stayed at his Inn in Los Olivos, California! (See  photo of us with him to the left.) Below is the text from that Blog Post:

Yesterday was the time of year that many Americans stopped, reflected and gave thanks...

I was no exception to this as Tina and I got ready to go to my folks for Thanksgiving Dinner.

I am thankful for many things during my life, which is why this is but Part IV, but one of the earliest things I can remember from my childhood was our black and white TV set where I saw several TV Shows including one of my folks' favorites, 'Walt Disney'.

I definitely can remember those early years of watching Fess Parker as 'Davy Crockett' and made sure I would re-watch them when they were repeated years later!

Tina and I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Fess Parker a few years ago at his Hotel/Restaurant in Los Olivos, California.

We had visited his Fess Parker Winery, his Hotel/Spa in Los Olivos, and had a great dinner in his restaurant while visiting 'Wine Country' in the Santa Inez Valley.

I appreciated finally meeting the man who had given me so many years of entertainment and was a good role model for me while growing up!

Part  V - Howard and Marge McIntosh.... My Great Uncle and Aunt who are both responsible for giving me the first comic books to read at their house years ago!  Here is the story:

Years ago when my folks would drive to Howard and Marge's house in Los Angeles, Howard & Marge would have 'funnybooks' for my brother and I to read in the back patio, so we wouldn't either bother the adults or get bored listening to the adults talk!   The 'funnybooks' were a different world for me, and led me to really look forward to our regular visits to their house.  Because we could take the 'funnybooks' home with us!  

We are sharing this year's Thanksgiving Day with Great Uncle Howard with my folks.  Howard turned 95 years old this year.  Sadly, Marge passed away a few years ago. 

Definitely Howard and Marge were instrumental in getting me to enjoy reading more via funnybooks, and that in turn led me to read the comic book that Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers illustrated, (mentioned in Part VI), that started me collecting comics!

Part  VI - Jack Kirby, who 'showed' me that comics were made by real people and didn't all have to be 'funnybooks', as evidenced by the cover of Journey Into Mystery #72, which featured the 'Blob' - a MoNSter that stuck in mind for years!  That comic book is what started me 'collecting' comics instead of just reading them....

Definitely that led to my life long fascination with reading and collecting comics, even though my tastes in comics have changed since I first started reading 'funnybooks'.  In the photo to the left: Jack is shown at the left, with inker Joe Sinnott shown at the right.

Plus it was his artwork that kept going with comics, when I was told that 'comics' were for kids.  I knew different as I watched Jack's pencils become more and more illustrative in the late 1960's and into the mid 1970's.  Now it's known that comics aren't just for kids!  Sadly though, most comics are printed for 'kids' anymore either... Thanks Jack for keeping comics important in my life during those transition years of 'comics are for kids'!

Part  VII -   Tina LoSasso, with whom I celebrated our 8th year of marriage this month!  As shown at the photo to the left... we are on quite a journey. It's like I've stepped into a different portal to a new life being with her!

It's Tina who has merged my love of comics and her love of books into what we are both doing today; a business built on promoting comics and books, book launches and other publicity, including attending comics conventions, book signings and blogging!

Today is the day that I give thanks to Tina for a Great Eight Years, and here's to many more!   She would be here blogging too an addendum, but she's been baking pies for two different Thanksgiving Dinners we are attending on Thursday! 


Part  VIII -   Francis and Lois Hamersky, besides being my folks, were instrumental in giving me an 'allowance' during my early childhood, thus 'allowing' me to buy more comics to feed my 'collecting bug'!

In the photo to the left, my little brother Frank, and I are shown in the front of the Disneyland car, with Mom and Dad in the back. This is from a 1959 photo of my family when we were chosen 'Navy Family Of The Month' at the Naval Base in Los Alamitos, California, and awarded an all expense paid trip to Disneyland!

Today is the time to thank them also for helping form my life.  Thanks Mom & Dad!

BTW, I must have gotten that 'collecting bug' from my Dad, as he had a great coin collection for many years!

I am of course also Thankful for a LOT of other people in my life, and they will be mentioned as the year(s) go on in this blog.  After all it's not even a 'Top Ten List' yet!

Thanks again to all of those named above that have helped form me into the person I am today!

AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  That version of our Blog had 1.37 MILLION page views before the closure... However, This Blog version is the same Blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

Wishing All of You reading this blog post a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"


Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!


REVIEWS: To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



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COMIC CON 'BLACK FRIDAY' FEATURETTE:   This year, Tina and I decided to have a 'Black Friday' Specials Sale at our virtual exhibitor table at the 'virtual comic con' that we belong to!

What this means to you is that we are having 'Black Friday' specials for those that belong to our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing Group Page.

All YOU have to do to be eligible to win ONE of TEN Free Prizes is to join 'join' our Facebook Group Page, and then click on the 'Black Friday' event to say you are 'attending' this virtual comic con event!

That's right, you don't phyiscally have to 'be there' at this virtual comic con, just click the event RSVP box button!

To make it easier for YOU, our blog reader, Just click this link here, to be taken to the event page.  You have to be a Facebook member, and then a member of our group page to be eligible to 'click' the attending button!  Sound a little complicated, but it really isn't as you don't have to travel to attend our 'Black Friday' Special Event!

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay! 

 This is just one way of our giving Thanks to those that elect to read our blogs and join our exhibitor table at the Facebook Comic Con!  Hoping you all have a Happy Thanksgiving Day and a safe Black Friday where ever you may go!



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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.


We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, November 26, 2009 5:06 AM PST
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
You Never Know What Waits Inside The...
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Other Non Comics Works



Never Know What Waits Inside The... 


A Publication From Main Enterprises

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above: The publisher of Dark Corridor and other publications, Jim Main.

To the top right: The front cover of issue #3 which is illustrated by Scott McClung.

To the bottom right: The front cover of issue #1, illustrated by Dan Taylor.


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our Most Collectible Items currently listed for sale!

Yesterday was the birthday rememberance for Boris Karloff.  I neglected to blog about that fact, although I have done so in previous years...

I noticed that a few other bloggers are running Karloff Blogathons this week or other events in rememberance for Boris.

However, what I am going to do today is blog about just one of several magazines that are being printed Today that remind me of stories that Boris Karloff and others like Rod Sterling presented to me when I was younger.  Yes, even though those two persons were on TV with their shows, Boris Karloff with 'Thriller', and Rod Sterling with 'Twilight Zone', both of those TV Shows had printed format version of those shows also!   Namely comics!

Well, Jim Main of Main Enterprises isn't printing a comic book here, but his magazine 'Dark Corridor' issue #3 had several features that reminded me of what I liked about the two above mentioned TV Shows / comics publications.

Before I start with my review, here is an excerpt from the press release for Issue #3:

What has been described as our best issue yet of our horror/fantasy/suspense fiction and illustration magazine is now availble. Cover art by Scott McClung, The Iguana and John Lambert. Interior art by Dan Taylor, Terry Pavlet, Jack Bertram. Fiction by Sam Gafford,(A Gathering Deamonica) Mark Orr (The Doll) and Michael Vance (In The Out Door). Plus our review section, Den Of The Dark(with reviews by Dennis Kininger and Glenn Walker as well as out letters page section. A 32 page full sized magazine with full color front and back covers.

I did not receive a review copy for issue #1, but since I published a photo of it above, here is the press release for that issue:

The long anticipated horror, fantasy, suspense fiction and illustration publication from Main Enterprises is finally here and is definately worth the wait! Michael Vance contributes the offbeat tales "The Zoo" and "Picked Clean" , while Sam Gafford is responsible for the mesmerizing piece,
"Showtime!" Artists Greg Woronchak, Dan Taylor and Sam Gafford handle the illustrations for the stories respectively. Rounding out the issue is the illustrated poem, "Siren's Song", by Brian Osborne and Armando Abeleda. Additional illustrations by Larry Johnson, Michael Connolly, Mike Roden, color back cover by Roger Foucault...and a stunning front cover illustration by Dan Taylor!

Okay... So reading the above press release excerpts you should get an idea of what the magazine presented to the reader.  So how did I find this magazine?

Well, the front cover of issue #3 that I received promised some dark experiences inside! The splash page had a message from the publisher "Grim" Jim Main, which reminded me of some earlier hosts both on TV and magazines and comics, which helped to set the stage. 

The 'Dark Correspondence' was next, which was the 'letters page'.  Since I had not seen the previous issues, the letters were okay, but probably would have been better to be at the back of the magazine, so that other 'newbies' to the mag like myself could have gotten right to the stories... However, having illustrations inbetween the letters was a good thought, and the letters printed were informative.

I liked the fact that the first story, 'The Gathering Daemonica' had four illustrations to help break up the text.  The next story by Michael Vance also had illustrations, in this case five of them.  Having illustrations interspersed in the story continued with the next story by Mark Orr.  Being a reviewer that likes sequential artwork, I appreciated having illustrations in this magazine's stories.  Not that I couldn't visualize the settings that the authors were attempting to portray to me, but that I enjoy having illustrations with my reading text.

The next section was called 'Den Of The Dark', which was the review section of the magazine.  Wasteland #1 was reviewed by Dark Dennis Kiniger, and then he went on to review four more publications.  Those included 'Coraline' by Neil Gaiman, 'Dark Delicacies' by  several authors, edited by Del Howison and Jeff Gelb.  Plus 'Duma Key' by Stephen King, and 'The Pines' by Robert Dunbar.  So again if you are a fan of this genre of fiction, you should be able to see if this reviewer's reviews matched your own if you had those selected books.

Added to the above were two inside cover illustrations, and a back cover illustration. Thus you have the complete package to Dark Corridor #3!

I believe this issue to be a well crafted magazine for those that enjoy this genre of story.  The illustrations added to the stories presented.  The letter section and the review section would make the reader of this magazine feel 'included' as part of a group, and 'feel' invited to follow the magazine next issue.  

Details on ordering these issues are as follows:

For issue #3 that I reviewed... Cost of this issue is: $3.95 plus 1.70 S&H. $5.65 total.  Personal checks only please, made out to Jim Main. 

For issue #1 that I did Not review... Cost of this issue is: $5.50 per issue postpaid in the USA.  Personal checks only, with checks made out to Jim Main.  

Jim's web site to order is at:


Thanks to Jim Main for sending me this magazine and other items from his Main Enterprises catalog to me for possible review!

AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  That version of our Blog had 1.37 MILLION page views before the closure... However, This Blog version is the same Blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"


Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!


REVIEWS: To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



Site Meter





IN MEMORIAM FEATURETTE:   News has reached me last night that Ken Krueger, Chairman of the 1st San Diego Comic Con, passed away this past Saturday, November 21st, 2009.

Ken is pictured below, (fourth from the left), when he attended the "40th-Anniversary Secret Origins of Comic-Con Panel" on the first day of the 2009 Comic Con International: San Diego.

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay! 

The photo above that I took at the special panel shows all of those that came to the special 40th Anniversary of the Comic Con - 1970's Origins Panel.  Left to right are: Dave Clark (behind podium), Richard Alf, Greg Bear, Ken Krueger, Roger Freedman, Scott Shaw!, Barry Alfonso, Mike Towry, and William R Lund.  Note: Shel Dorf,  founder of the SDCC, was not able to attend because of his extended stay in the hospital.  Shel also just recently passed away, (click here for that blog). 

Here is just an excerpt from the message that I received:

"Ken Krueger passed away on Saturday, November 21, 2009. As had Shel Dorf, Ken had been on dialysis for an extended period of time. Then late last month, Ken had broken his hip in a fall, and while recuperating he contracted pneumonia and then finally succumbed to a heart attack. He will be sorely missed by family and friends.

As a teenager, Ken Krueger attended the first-ever science fiction convention, the 1939 Worldcon. As an adult, thirty years later, he helped create what has become the premier comics and pop-culture convention, Comic-Con International, for which he served as chairman of the first full convention in August, 1970. In the intervening and subsequent years, Ken was active as a mail-order book seller, book store owner, small-press publisher, periodical distributor and distributor’s rep, and all-around friend to fans and fandom, serving as mentor and life coach to many young fans and aspiring professionals."

The complete 'In Memoriam' note can be found at the Shel Dorf Tribute Page by clicking here.

My condolences to Ken's family and friends. 

Also, my thanks to those at the Tribute Page for sending out this message last night.



WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.


We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:58 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:16 AM PST
Post Comment | Permalink
Monday, November 23, 2009
The State Of Comics Retailing In 2009 Metro San Diego Part II
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


The State Of Comics Retailing In 2009 Metro San Diego...

Per Jamie Newbold Of Southern California Comics!

Part II

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above:  The owner of Southern California Comics, Jamie Newbold. 

To the top right: Jamie Newbold's LCBS holds comic book signing (like the one for the FACTION comic book shown here), and participates in Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) each year in the month of May, as well as over events.

To the bottom right: Talking about FCBD, here is a photo from FCBD 2009 when Jamie and his store manager, Kristin Juan, stopped long enough packing a large sale in a box, for me to take a pic!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our Most Collectible Items currently listed for sale!

Last Monday I started blogging about "The State Of Comics Retailing In 2009 Metro San Diego", as told by Jamie Newbold  of Southern California Comics in San Diego, (click here for Part I)...

Southern California Comics, a.k.a. SoCal Comics, is owned by Jamie Newbold and is one of the major places in Metro San Diego area that I stop in at for comic book supplies and new comics for myself. 

When I stopped there the previous week for the FACTION comic book signing, (click here for that blog), Jamie and I went over what's been going on in San Diego sales wise for comics. 

Part I of this series was an introduction to the Store, Store Sales, and New Comics. The following is from Jamie's own words about individual Comic Book Publishers' titles sales at his store:

"MARVEL COMICS: The Dark Reign event is entertaining. I like what’s been played out so far in the storylines. I think “Dark Avengers“, “Wolverine“, and “Invincible Iron Man” have been both well drawn and written. Although these series were enjoyable, some of the limited Dark Reign series and one-shots alternated between necessary and wastes of money. Spider-Man was retooled and continued to succeed even though I lost track of exactly who knows what about Peter Parker/Spider-Man. I was surprised with the return of the clone legend. That old chestnut bore Marvel shame in the 90s. Now, it’s back for reasons unknown and without much fan desire at my store.

Marvel’s concern for its standard bearer titles reflected in the overall quality of art and writing. I sold generous helpings of titles like “The Avengers“, “Hulk“, “Thor“, “Daredevil” and more because they continue to be that good. Brilliant titles like, “The Torch”, “The Marvels Project“, “Doctor Voodoo”, and Icon’s “Incognito” rocked! Marvel’s “Noir” titles sold in small numbers contrary to their potent entertainment value. It’s just hard to push variety onto a money-tight clientele.

 Disappointing fans with delivery delays and high cover prices slowed the momentum on heavily publicized “Captain America Reborn“, “The Twelve“, and upcoming movie phenomenon “Kick-Ass“. “Captain America Reborn” ran out of steam so fast that it literally chopped the sales of the regular title in half.
The “War of Kings” story event was surprisingly entertaining for me. I’d long since lost touch with the back stories of many of Marvel’s space-based heroes and villains. Bashing Inhumans into the Kree and others was fun. With the Skrull invasion all but forgotten, the War of Kings stories were briefly entertaining and offered suitable space opera replacements.
Marvel trade paperback book sales increased and continue to generate steady revenue through the year.

Marvel’s success formula for Wolverine in 2009 = “Old Man Logan”. Formula for a successful Wolverine story in 2010 = repeat the same as above!
Marvel continues to dominate back issue sales. 1960s Marvels remain on many buyers’ fantasy purchase lists. Conversely, new Marvel comics can be just as difficult to obtain after a sell-through as they were when Marvel began its “no over-ship” policy years ago.

DC COMICS: DC titles showed surprising resiliency in an unsteady market. I found a handful of their comics held their own sales weight against Marvel in numbers I don’t usually see. The “Blackest Night” story arc overwhelmed anything Marvel had. Blackest Night had the luxury of promotion at San Diego’s Comic Con and the wealth of Green Lantern merchandising in ‘09. Blackest Night sales began shortly before that show and caught fire with its inception.

I’ve enjoyed the new characters inhabiting the roles of Batman and Robin. The sales figures on the Bat titles remained consistent and I received favorable feedback from my customers. DC failed to produce much splash with the overworked Superman family. Flash and other frontline DC characters waded in shipping delays or uninteresting stories.

Vertigo usually produces several interesting titles each year, one or two which resonate strongly with my readers. “Sweet Tooth“, “Haunted Tank “, and “Unknown Soldier“ were tremendously entertaining. The emergence of Sgt. Rock in the hands of Billy Tucci was a supreme attempt at blending DC fiction with World War Two fact. Ongoing series such as “Northlanders” has sold steadily while former strong sellers (“Y, The Last Man“, “Preacher“, “100 Bullets“, and “Fables“) continue to dominate at trade paperback sales levels.

Wild Storm’s “Ex Machina” continues to be a strong trade paperback seller. “Gen 13” and “Authority” were best sellers in my store. At last, the final issue of “Planetary” arrived. However, their video game-based monthly titles have done less than I anticipated. They have a strong talent pool and many tradesmen to draw from. I’m anticipating that they must have something heavy waiting just behind the curtains.

IDW, IMAGE, DARK HORSE AND EVERYBODY ELSE: IDW works hard to find new subject matter and talent to bring to market. IDW is a company that works hard at their craft and keeps trying new things. It’s always fun to see what they produce next.

Retooled “Transformers” and “GI Joe” comics spotlighted IDW’s licensed titles. Their sales numbers plateaued after this year’s movie releases. A promising “The Ghoul” from Niles and Wrightson looks like fun. The “Angel” TV show comics continue to do real well. Joe Hill’s “Locke & Key” title has also been a store favorite with customers eagerly anticipating the upcoming third series.

Image Comics delivered with “Chew” this past summer. The first 5-issue storyline was great fun and sold extremely well. In fact, it met “Walking Dead” sales numbers quickly! Walking Dead is the king of trade paperback sales and sells constantly. “Back To Brooklyn” is a violent, tough-gangster 5-issue story. Garth Ennis and Jimmy Palmiotti captured a lifestyle that comics rarely engage at that depth (unless you read any Garth Ennis Punisher story!). “Haunt” with McFarlane’s cover art started well and with Kirkman’s writing, it proves to be a big hit with the customers.

Dark Horse has entertaining comics but customers are not purchasing them. Conan’s re-launch as “...The Cimmerian” is a great read and should sell better. “Kull” was exciting, well-done, and should have brought more attention. Even the Star Wars titles have left more unsold copies behind than in the past. “Aliens” and “Predator” were re-launched with little fanfare. I liked both but the franchises as comic books have slowed way down over the years.

Avatar’s “Crossed”, “Chronicles of Wormwood” and “Ignition City” should be avoided unless you really want to be highly entertained!

In my opinion, these companies and other independent publishers have suffered from uneven sales in 2009. It’s clear from a drop in our new comic’s sales that my customers have sacrificed almost everything to satisfy their Marvel and DC demands. That is a shame. Dynamite Entertainment (“The Boys”, “The Boys: Herogasm“, and “Garth Ennis’s Battlefields“), Boom Studios (Various Disney/Muppet titles and “Irredeemable“) and Zenescope (anything from the Grimm Fairy Tales series) make good reads and deserve to sell more copies than I’m currently able to sell."

Jamie went on to talk about Convention Sales / Web Site Sales / and eBay & other Auction Site Sales... I have titled today's blog post as 'Part II'.  If YOU would like to read more of Jamie's thoughts on comics retailing in the San Diego Metro Area and world-wide... Please email me, message me, or write on my Facebook Wall that YOU would like to read more and I'll move 'Part III' up quicker in the timeline for posting here! Thanks again to Jamie Newbold for sharing the above with me and giving me permission to post it in my Blog!

For those of you that are looking at visiting the San Diego area soon, be sure to visit Jamie's SoCal Comics store.  There is much more to comics in San Diego than just the once a year Comic Con International: San Diego (CCI / SDCC) that over 125,000 people attend!

Here's the direct link to Jamie's store:  http://www.socalcomics.com/!

AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  That version of our Blog had 1.37 MILLION page views before the closure... However, This Blog version is the same Blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our own new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013


If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.


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COMIC BOOKS HISTORY FEATURETTE:   This Blog's  'Main Feature' today was about 'The State of Comics Retailing in Metro San Diego Part II'.

One of the others features of San Diego that I have blogged about a few times is that in the city of Carlsbad in North San Diego County, was the Ranch Home of Leo Carrillo, star of many movies, plus co-star on the "Cisco Kid" TV show.  The comics connection to this topic is that there were 40 issues of the 'Cisco Kid' comic book that were published by Dell Comics from January 1951 to October/December 1958.  We were at the Ranch this weekend celebrating a birthday and ran across the following event that is coming up very soon in December for the holidays of which I wanted to bring to your attention:  

The City of Carlsbad is sponsoring 'Holiday At The Rancho', which is being held Saturday, December 5th, 2009 from 5PM to 8PM, as seen in the photo below.  There are additional details as to what is happening at this event, including photos with Santa!

While you are there, be sure to check out the several exhibits of Leo Carillo's memorabilia, including the portrait of Leo riding his horse Conquistador, (shown above).  Plus at times a few copies of the Cisco Kid Comic Books are shown under glass! 

Please Note:  If you can't make it to this event, but find yourself in the San Diego County area during the Summer / early Fall Seasons, be sure to check out the Leo Carrillo Film Festival. We attended all but one this past Film Festival Season.  Here's a link to our last blog post for this season!

For more info on the City of Carlsbad's part in preserving this historic site please see this link:

http://www.ci.carlsbgad.ca.us/cserv/carillo.html !

For info on how You can become one of the 'Friends Of Carillo Ranch, Inc., please see this link:  http://www.carillo-ranch.org/ !


Click Here to see WESTERN COMICS listed for sale!

NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:02 AM PST
Updated: Monday, November 23, 2009 8:08 AM PST
Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink

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