
Topic: Comic Books - New
This comic book is being released November 15th and the creator / publisher has asked me if I would mention it in my Blog.... Since a preview copy of the comic book that is the first issue of a new ongoing series came in with the request, I thought I would include it in today's blog post. I'm always interested in new comics, especially those that are the first issue of a proposed ongoing series, although I may not blog about all the comics that come in for possible review in the 'Main Feature' section of this blog. First, here's what the Press Release said about the comic book: "Legend has returned from retirement only to find the world on the brink of domination at the hands of his long-time nemesis, Anthrax and his team has been replaced by a rowdy, disorderly band of ex-super-criminals. HOW can Legend win and WHO can he trust. There is an invisible war going on without our knowledge. A battle being waged between our government and an alien empire bent on enslaving our entire species. It is a fight that we are losing and our only hope is a super-human military force known as THE MAJESTIC-XII." Here are the credits: Created by Justin Leach and Andrew Kilian. Written by Justin Leach. Penciled and inked by Andrew Kilian, with coloring by Omi Remalante Jr. with Lettering by Jon Zamar. 24 pages, bi-monthly, on-going series, and produced by Odyssey Comics Okay, so why did I take the time to blog about this first issue in the 'Main Feature' section of my Blog? Like I said, I like to read first issues of proposed ongoing series or mini-series, so I first of all can possibly enjoy a new story arc, and / or mention it in my Blog. Independent publishers can use the mention, promotion, or publicity, especially in today's economy. So let me talk about the storyline here. I understood from the series' title that there will be 12 team members. Okay, that's a goodly amount of characters. Quite often that is too many to deal with in a first issue. So I wondered how the writer would solve that possible problem in introducing the characters. That is where I got a little confused... Sure there were little green colored boxes by each of the newly introduced characters that stated the name of the character and what they were, but the characters came in so fast that I was a little overwhelmed. So many team books have a problem in keeping the reader interested in their favorite characters that having too many characters could be a problem. (Side Note: See the last two seasons of the TV Show 'Heroes' for what I mean about too many characters in an ongoing series in any format.) I know from reading team books like The Avengers from Marvel Comics in the Silver and Bronze Ages, that there were limits on how many Avengers would be brought in for a storyline from a team membership of what seemed to be hundreds! Quite often if the action was too much for a smooth storyline, the Avengers would be split into different teams. Those different teams would keep the action flowing and not have large panels with masses of characters everywhere. Several great artists during the Silver Age had trouble keeping the panels flowing with action with too many superheroes and villains in the scenes. One artist that stood out in later years was George Perez who definitely could draw crowded character scenes! I understand from conversing with Justin before writing this blog, that he got what I meant in stating the above about all the characters being introduced so quickly in the first issue. So with that part covered now in this post... let me move on to the premise of the story. The storyline was a little 'familiar' to me, but the characters introduced did have different powers. I liked the initial opening scenes on the first two pages of the book, which occured in the past. That was a good start. Then it jumps to 'today'. That is where the action immediately starts with the introduction of all the characters... But I've already mentioned that. So on with the dialogue, which flows with the storyline, and helps set up the pace for the second issue. With all of the introductions of characters boxes and multiple characters' dialogue, the lettering does get a little cluttered in a few panels. But for the most part it works with the crowd scenes. Talking about the crowd scenes... it's got to be hard to illustrate so many characters right off the bat and keep all the character features and costumes straight. I give credit to the artist for presenting what he did in the first issue. The coloring on this book brought out the flavor of the book that I believe the writer and artist envisioned the first issue to present. The colors chosen were just right for the individual background scenes and accentuated the characters in each panel. Okay, I've covered the storyline, dialogue, artwork, lettering and coloring. Now here's where YOU come in. If you enjoy team books, then you should take a look at the following two links and click on them. If team books are not your thing, but indie comics are what you like, then take a look at what this publisher is presenting. It's good to see what is out there for your posible entertainment. If you enjoy getting in on the 'ground floor' of a proposed ongoing series, then do check it out. Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to post your input on this publication, feel free to do so by joining the 'event' shown below. This series is projected to be printed quarterly.Please see the following link: Facebook members can learn more about Justin Leach's comic book at the below scheduled event: ! Thanks to Justin for bringing the first issue of his series to my attention! AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'. This is the same blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published. I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading! Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! ~ Michael @