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Saturday, November 7, 2009
2nd Annual Bakersfield Comic Con THIS Sunday!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons


2nd Annual

 Bakersfield Comic Con

THIS Sunday!

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above:  Herbert Jefferson Jr (Portrayed 'Boomer' on 1978 Battlestar Galactica TV Show) as seen at the 2009 SDCC! 

To the top right: The poster for the 2009 Bakersfield Comic Con. Featuring Sergio Aragones, Scott Shaw!, Alex Nino, Tone Rodriguez, and several more!

To the right:  Just one of the many slides seen at the 'Oddball Comics' Slide Show Program at the 2008 SDCC presented by Scott Shaw!  Scott will be presenting this program at the Bakersfield Comic Con... Worth the entry fee alone to this Con in My Opinion!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our Most Collectible Items currently listed for sale!    

I realize that this blog post is being published a little late for those out of the immediate Bakersfield / Southern California area....  

But I wasn't aware of it until Scott Shaw! created an 'Event' on Facebook, to which I was invited to attend.  Thanks Scott for doing so!

Although Tina and I are unable to attend... I wanted to blog about this because of a few factors:

1)  Sergio Aragones will be there!  He's always a 'Fun Guy' to see at any Con! 

2)  Scott Shaw! will be presenting his 'Oddball Comics Slide Show'... Which is worth the price of admission alone to this con.

3)  Several established comics creators, including Tone Rodriguez and Alex Nino, Plus several up-n-comers like Mike Hampton will be there!

Here's the PR for the 2nd Annual Bakersfield Comic Con:

Start: Nov 8, 2009
End: Nov 8, 2009
Time: 10:00am
Price: $5 / Children 8 & Under - FREE!
Contact: Steve Wyatt | supercon@super-con.com
Location: 3100 Camino Del Rio, Bakersfield, CA 93308

For additional info on the Con:

Non-Facebook people can go to the following web site:


Facebook people can see more at:


Thanks again to Scott Shaw! for sending me an invite to this event!

AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  This is the same blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see 'Our Reviews posted at eBay! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013


CONVENTION PHOTOS FEATURETTE:   Below is a photo of Tone Rodriguez at the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con!  He was very busy there at that Con sketching each time I walked by!  Barely enough time to look up for this photo!  If you missed seeing him at the LBCC, and can't make it to the above mentioned Bakersfield Comic Con shown in the 'Main Feature' of this blog post,  then check out his website at:  http://www.tonerod.com/  

 Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, November 7, 2009 6:32 AM PST
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Friday, November 6, 2009
Have YOU Taken The PATH?
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New




 Taken The


Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!


Above:  The Com.X Logo as seen on their publications! 

To the top right: The final front cover to 'Path' by Gregory S. Baldwin!

To the right:  The com.X booth as shown at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC). Left to right are: Jon Sloan, Eddie Deighton, and Benjamin Shahrabani!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our Most Collectible Items currently listed for sale!    

I stopped by the Com.X booth at the recent Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC), basically to meet Andi Ewington in person....  

As Andi and I have been Facebook Friends for a while; but with him based in the United Kingdom, and myself based in the San Diego, California area, we had never met.

So an added plus for me attending the LBCC  a couple of hours North of me was to meet Andi.  Besides showing me the Special Edition Sampler, (more of which is shown in the bottom "Convention Photos Featurette", he also introduced me to Benjamin Shahrabani, Producer for Com.X.

Benjamin showed me a few of the projects that Com.X will be producing this year, as well as showing me a couple of others that have already been published.

This blog post is on the graphic novel 'Path' which is created, written and artworked by Gregory S Baldwin.  I had not seen it before, nor heard of it when it first came out in the UK.  Com.X has opened a Venice, California office. 

So what is this graphic novel about?  Here's the PR for it:

"Doppler is a neurotic bunny who doesn't have much in the way of people skills, but when he is cornered by a pack of hungry crocidogs, Dodge rescues him. Dodge is an older Elephant who doesn't see so well, but he needs help getting to his destination and against all odds, Doppler and Dodge form a very special friendship."

Product Details
Comic: 80 pages (graphic novel format)
Publisher: Com.x; 1st edition (2008)   Cover priced: $12.95 USD
Product Dimensions: 10 x 6.6 x 0.3 inches 

Okay, so here's my thoughts on the graphic novel:

Right off the bat, this 'Path' graphic novel is one big chase scene. Which has a  cast of weird creatures including 'air leeches'!  All of these other creatures are trying to eat the two main characters, who are a rabbit and an elephant!

Weirdly there could be a few laughs when reading this journey.  I know that also seems a bit weird, considering the ending, which I am not going to give away here...

The only thing that keeps this from being a graphic novel for the much younger set would be the 'cartoon violence' and the fact that the rabbit uses the word 'crud' quite a lot during the journey. The creatures are kind of scary looking as well as weird, but not gruesome or gory.  So a little bit older kids would be OK with this storyline.

Talking about the looks of the creatures, the artwork in general is very unique and eye catching.  The black & white / sepia tone coloring fits this storyline.  With the illustrator being the writer also, the story and art do not clash with each other, but instead complement each other.

The story is somewhat a clever one, but I was trying to figure out to whom this graphic novel was being marketed to while reading it.  The much younger set might be too young for it, while the older kids could dig the story and art.  Parents could read the story to their kids, but with it being one big chase scene, there aren't any places to stop in the story to come back to at a later point. There isn't that much dialogue, but the artwork needs to be looked at closer, thus slowing down reading aloud time.

Doppler the rabbit is at times 'charming and cute', but then at other times comes across as being paranoid.  But then again with so many weird creatures that beset the two main characters, maybe everyone is out to get him?!

Dodge the elephant definitely has a one track mind, with a destination in mind for himself.  Not knowing exactly where he's going, but he is going to get there!  I think he is the 'rock' for this storyline, in that everything revolves around him and his journey. 

The story is a different type of one because of the strange creatures that beset the two main characters.  The artwork by Gregory S Baldwin fits this story and is actually a 'good read' for being one long chase scene. The lack of color doesn't hurt this book in the storytelling; just possibly in the cost of the book itself for those that prefer color pages for this kind of money. 

However, the book is still available in most online sources that I checked before posting this blog.  So there is a good possibility of a discounted price from the cover, so check it out if price is a concern to you!

My thanks to Andi Ewington for the introduction to Com.X, and to Benjamin for introducing me to a couple of his company's publications. For more info on Com.X's works:

Non-Facebook people can go to the following web site:


Facebook people can become a Fan of at least the 'Forty-Five' Facebook Fan Page, as I don't see one for the 'Path' or Com.X,  at:

http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=44939182256 ! 

AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  This is the same blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see 'Our Reviews posted at eBay! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013


CONVENTION PHOTOS FEATURETTE:   Below is Andi Ewington holding one of the 'COMLX Limited Edition Sampler Long Beach Comic Con 2009' publications that were shown at the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con! In it were several sneak peaks at Com.x publications, including 'Monster Myths', 'Duppy;78' and  Andi's own 'Forty-Five'. 

Which BTW, Congrats to Andi having TFAW sell out already of it, with re-orders already being fulfilled for those that missed it!  And for those of you that haven't seen 'Forty-Five, check it out by going to this website: 


 Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Friday, November 6, 2009 6:45 AM PST
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Thursday, November 5, 2009
Oprah Winfrey - Another Issue In the Female Force Series
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


Oprah Winfrey

  Another Issue In the Female Force Series

From Bluewater Productions!

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST listings!

Above:  The Bluewater Comics Logo used by Bluewater Productions. 

To the top right: The Front cover as illustrated by Vinnie Tartamella.

To the right:  The artist of the front cover, Vinnie Tartamella!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE Comics and Magazines for sale!    

The comic book shown above was released just last month, and should still be available for sale at Your Local Comic Book Shop (LCBS)!

Before I get to my review on this issue, here is some of the PR info that was used to promote the comic book:

"This comic series has been featured on CNN, Fox News, and OK! Magazine.

Actress, Producer, Entrepreneur, and talk show queen. She turned her wounds into wisdom and survived an abusive family to become one of the most powerful and influential people in the world. See the humble beginnings of Oprah Winfrey."

Following are the credits for this issue:

Writer and interior pages penciler: Joshua LaBello
Colorist:            Michelle Davies
Letterer:          Wilson Ramos, Jr.
Cover art:        Vinnie Tartamella 
Type:               Comics 
Genres:            Biography, Non-Fiction
Publisher:        Bluewater Productions 
Pub. Date:      October 06, 2009
Availability:   Released 
ISBN:              978-1-4276-3998-1
For ages:       13+

I read the above comic book this weekend along with a few others from Bluewater Productions.  I blogged about the Tribute issue to Michael Jackson already this week. (Click here for that blog.)

The reason I read this one and am blogging about it quicker than normal, is that comics like these that have big potential mainstream interest, have a way of being underordered by LCBS, and then sold out before my Blog readers can get to their LCBS for shopping.

This issue is just one of several in the 'Female Force' Series by Bluewater Comics.

Here are my thoughts on it, as well as a few points of interest by my wife Tina, who also read it:

The storyline that the writer, Joshua LaBello, laid out was well told.  I had not known of all the background scenes that Joshua laid out in this comic book.  The early years were well covered, and the later years were more of a 'scattered montage', to use Tina's phrasing of it.

Not that we didn't like the comic book, it truly is one that holds up well as an individual bio-comic and as one in the 'Female Force' series.   When Tina says 'scattered montage', that's because there was so much history to capture in such a small format (comic sized instead of graphic novel sized), that there had to be some 'cutting' done in presenting Oprah's long history.

The interior pages pencilling is finely illustrated also.  In this case the writer and penciller were the same, so he had the complete say as to how to layout the story he was telling.  Good job on this Joshua!

Michelle's coloring accentuated the pencilling.

Wilson's lettering was his usual good performance, and fit well within the parameters of the story and art. 

Plus after seeing so many great covers by Vinnie Tartamella, I just had to run a photo of him near the top of this blog post.  It's because of his front covers, and OK... also the personalities / subjects of these different series by Bluewater, that make me put these issues near the top of my reading stack!  Another great cover, Vinnie! 

I found this to be a good read, and also informative.  Yeah, there's been times when I've caught Oprah on TV, especially on her road trips with Gayle King.  Those were fun episodes!  And yes, Tina also found this to be a good read! 

BTW, I have already blogged about a few other issues in this series, including: Princess Diana, Condoleeza Rice, and Caroline Kennedy.

To see more news about this comic book series, and / or other comics that are being published by Bluewater Comics, please check their web site at:    http://www.BlueWaterProd.com !

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  This is the same blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading! Just because eBay decided that their 'eBlogs closing' was in their best interest doesn't mean that I've stopped blogging!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see 'Our Reviews posted at eBay! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



CONVENTION PHOTOS FEATURETTE:   So the Main Feature of this blog post today was about a famous woman being featured in a comic book.  Ok, so I'm running another woman related article in this blog, this one here in the Featurette section today.

Last month I met Tyler Dranguet at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con!  Actually I met her at a different table in Artists Alley while at the LBCC, but when she found out I hadn't stopped in at her employer's table, she made sure I found it and talked with Dan Wickline.   That's definitely being a great Editor (and personal assistant)!

Since then I've received a .pdf copy of a recent comic book that she edited of Dan's.  So I'll probably be blogging about that soon enough here!  Today I just wanted to publish her photo with one of the other comics she edited, and make mention that more and more women are making it big in the comics industry due to their hard work and creativity!  It didn't use to be that way...

Dan's web site and what's happening with him can be found at:  http://www.danwickline.com/ . My thanks to both Tyler and Dan for showing me what was happening with them at the LBCC!

 Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, November 5, 2009 5:55 AM PST
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Shel Dorf - July 5, 1933 – November 3, 2009
Mood:  sad
Topic: Comic Cons


Shel Dorf

  Founder of the San Diego Comic Con Passes

July 5, 1933 – November 3, 2009

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST listings!

Above: Jack Kirby (left) and Shel Dorf (right) as seen on November 9th, 1969. This photo was taken from the 1st Visit to see Jack Kirby by the group that went on to found the SDCC!

To the top right: Sergio Aragones and Shel Dorf at the Inkpot Awards Ceremony from the 1982 SDCC. Photo courtesy Alan Light.

To the middle right:  Milton Caniff and Shel Dorf at the same 1982 ceremony. Milton had hired Shel to letter the Steve Canyon strip for the last fourteen years of its existence. Photo courtesy Alan Light.


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE Comics and Magazines for sale! 

Click here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE Comics and Magazines for sale!

Photo Above: Shows all of those that came to the special 40th Anniversary of the Comic Con at the 2009 SDCC for the 1970's Origins Panel.  Left to right are: Dave Clark (behind podium), Richard Alf, Greg Bear, Ken Krueger, Roger Freedman, Scott Shaw!, Barry Alfonso, Mike Towry, and William R Lund.  Shel was not able to attend because of his extended stay in the hospital.    

Yesterday, late afternoon, I received a message from John Tighe, Administrator of the 'Fans of Shel Dorf, Founder of the San Diego Comic Con' Facebook Fan Page.  

The message was copied from Charlie Roberts communication:

I just spoke with Shel's brother Mike. Shel passed away at 1:15 PM Pacific Time today, Tuesday November 3rd at Sharp Hospital in San Diego after a lengthy illness.

Funeral services will be held at 1 PM this Wednesday at the "Home of Peace" cemetary located at 3668 Imperial Avenue San Diego, Ca 92123 ( Ph: 619-583-8850).
Mike said that any friends of Shel are more than welcome to attend the service.

Respectfully, Charlie Roberts

I also received an email from Mike Towry from the ShelDorfTribute.com site, as well as from other Facebook Friends.  This blog post is just to mention the services that are being held Today in San Diego.

So as to get this blog posted quicker, I am just going to refer you to my earlier blog post from October 7th, about when the ShelDorfTribute.com site was first set up... (click here for that blog).

Shel's passing has been noted already on at least one TV Station in San Diego, as I saw a mini-feature on him during the 7:30 AM spot on KUSI-TV. Shel was duly noted as the Founder of the Comic Con.

Also, you can go to this page for more info on the services for today, (click here).

I am sure there will be more information and also stories about Shel in the upcoming days, so  please check the following websites at:



My condolences to Shel's family members and friends,

~ Michael D Hamersky @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see 'Our Reviews posted at eBay! 

Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013


CONVENTION PHOTOS FEATURETTE:   I wanted to publish a photo in this section today that represented why I appreciated Shel Dorf's hard work in establishing the San Diego Comic Con. 

After looking thru hundreds of photos, I chose the below photo because it is thanks to Shel Dorf and others of the early years of the SDCC that I was able to finally see so many of the Comics Greats that I had never seen in the early 1960's when I first started collecting. 

That's because the Comics Universe had been in New York City for the longest period of years!  Nowadays, I'm sure that those in SoCal couldn't imagine Not being able to attend Comic Con International.  But in 1972 when I first set up as a Dealer in the El Cortez, it was more than a dream come true.  I could buy, sell, AND meet comics greats in person while at the San Diego Comic Con! 

Thank you Shel Dorf for making it easier for Comics Greats to come to San Diego, which in the early 1970's was NOT on the world map!  That's why they called the first Con  'San Diego's Golden State Comic Con', as everyone knew where California was, but not San Diego!

Below is a photo from a 2001 panel with many comic book greats... You'll find me at many of these panels because of my love for the Silver and Bronze Ages of Comics... BTW, Can You name all of those pictured below?!  And... The next time You go to Comic Con International: San Diego... be sure to think of Shel Dorf as being one of those that started all of this for us! 

 Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:49 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, November 4, 2009 4:20 PM PST
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Tribute: Michael Jackson Comic Book From Bluewater Productions
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


The Tribute: Michael Jackson Comic Book

From Bluewater Productions!

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST listings!

Above:  The Bluewater Comics Logo used by Bluewater Productions. 

To the top right: The Tribute comic book, pictured with Cover 'A' wrap-a-round.

To the right:  The Tribute comic book, pictured with Cover 'B' wrap-a-around!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED Comics and Magazines for sale!

Click here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE Comics and Magazines for sale!    

This blog post is relatively timely because of the Michael Jackson film that was released last week.  In addition to that film, there was also a comic book tribute issue which is pictured above with both covers that were used for the comic.  

Before I get to my thoughts on this issue, here is some of the PR info that was used to promote the comic book:

"To millions, he was the King of Pop; one of the world's most cherished entertainers and a celebrated international icon. With his untimely passing, Michael Jackson left an extraordinary and tragic legacy. Bluewater Productions is paying tribute to his memory and legacy in October 2009 with a special collectors edition biography comic, which will trace Jackson's rise as a musical prodigy with the "Jackson 5" through last Thursdays sad end.

The book will feature highlights from his storied career and enigmatic private life.

"Michael Jackson's music served as the soundtrack to countless lives... including mine," said Bluewater president Darren G. Davis, "His influence on our culture has been profound."

TRIBUTE: MICHAEL JACKSON, KING OF POP features a wraparound cover and foreword by The Official Michael Jackson Fan Club's Giuseppe Mazzola. Mazzola was also Jackson's friend.

"This is a celebration of his life and what he meant to a legion of fans," Davis said. "Although the book won't shy away from some of his personal troubles, we try to tell a balanced story that shows Jackson as a musical genius, an unparalleled superstar, and as a complex person."

Michael Jackson's reign as the King of Pop is celebrated in the latest biographical comic book from Bluewater Productions.

The newest addition to the publisher's critically acclaimed library features a cover and foreword by artist and friend of Jackson's Giuseppe Mazzola.

The life of the world's most popular entertainer was infused with fantasy and tragedy. His discography is legendary. His legacy is complicated and unparalleled."

Following are the credits for this issue:

By:    Wey-Yuih Loh - writer, Giovanni P Timpano - interior art, Erick Marquez - colorist, Jaymes Reed -letterer, Cover 'A' - Giuseppe Mazzola, Cover 'B' -Vinnie Tartamella 
Type:   Comics  
Genres:   Biography, Non-Fiction
Publisher:   Bluewater Productions 
Pub. Date:   October 06, 2009  $3.99 cover priced
Availability:   Released  (Note: 1st Printing Sold Out!  Still available at your LCBS!)
ISBN:   978-1-4276-4183-0
UPC:   978142764183050399
For ages:   13+

I read the above comic book this weekend.  Quite honestly I'm not that big of a fan of Michael Jackson.  Before I go further, I'll say this:  I enjoyed the Jackson 5, and several of Michael's songs in his solo career. However I didn't go see him in concert, nor when he had to go to court. 

So I read this as someone who was not going to go 'ga-ga' over the fact that this is a Tribute issue to Michael.  I also read it as someone who enjoys rock bands and solo artists history being portrayed in comics / graphic novel format for reading.

The 'Splash Page' was a letter to the readers of the comic by Giuseppe Mazzola, of the Michael Jackson Official Fan Club.  So that should settle any thoughts that this publication was intended to 'rip off' Michael Jackson's legacy, as was done when Elvis Presley died so many years ago now...

Upon opening the comic to the second page, I then come across a 'cartoon character' who introduces the story.   I can't quite get over that.  It kinda 'bugs' me, (no pun intended).  Okay, I figure that the cartoon character is being used because Michael really never 'grew up'.  However I don't see an explanation for the cartoon character in the story.  Yeah, the cartoon character is the narrator of the story.

The story line is one that a Michael Jackson Fan would love.  I made sure of this thought by asking my wife Tina to read this issue also.  She was of the opinion that this issue would be a good keepsake for Michael Jackson Fans, as the storyline was pretty much what she knew about Michael.  She's a bigger fan of Michael's works than I am, which is why I asked her.

However she took point with the interior artwork, which is what I was coming to next...  Her thoughts about the Jackson kids not looking just 'right' artwise was something I was thinking too when reading the issue.  The artwork on both of the covers were done by different artists than the interior pages artist.

The coloring was fine, and the lettering fit well with the tone of the tribute issue. Yet the interior artwork was just a little 'off' in my opinion.  Looking again at the issue, I would have to agree with my wife, and point to the head shots, and the facial expressions as being what bothered me also.  The rest of the panels were fine, with the bodies and scenes illustrated well.  It was just the heads / faces that just didn't seem right.

However, the storyline was put together well.  No sensationalism here.  No out to make a quick buck capitalizing on Michael's death.  Instead it is a well written comic book tribute, and well worth the time and money for a Michael Jackson fan to pick up for their collection.  As this blog is being written to be published on Tusesday November 3rd, the news is out that the 1st printing of this tribute issue is 'Sold Out'.  What that means is that the publisher doesn't have more copies to send to retailers.  You should be able to find a copy of this issue at your Local Comic Book Shop, (LCBS).  If not, then there is a 2nd printing planned, along with a different cover for the second printing.

To see more news about the second printing of this comic book, and / or other comics that are being published by Bluewater Comics, please check their web site at:    http://www.bluewaterprod.com/  !

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown!  

PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'.  This is the same blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published.  I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading!

Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!  It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!

~ Michael @  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


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For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

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Note: If you breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



CONVENTION PHOTOS FEATURETTE:   So the Main Feature of this blog post today was about 'The Tribute: Michael Jackson' comic book.  So I'm running another music related article in this blog here in the Featurette section.

Last month I met two guys at the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con from the rock band 'Kirby Krackle'!  Those two guys are pictured below, (left) Jim Demonakos, and (right) Kyle Stevens.  I've mentioned them before in this Blog, but never pictured them.  They were at their booth very close to the entry doors of the LBCC exhibit hall, so Tina and I just met them briefly.  Long enough to take their photos and check out what was on their booth table.  We picked up a couple of xtra 'complimentary MP3 codes' for our blog readers that were not able to go this con.  The comp codes allow you to receive a comp MP3 of their 'Going Home' song. Message me @ Facebook if You would like one. Limited time and limited amount offer!  And for those of you that are wondering... yeah, the name comes from their love of Jack (King) Kirby's works!  Kirby Krackle's Facebook web site and up to date info on the band can be found at:  http://www.facebook.com/kirbykracklemusic. My thanks to both of them for showing us what was happening with them at the LBCC!

 Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 6:10 AM PST
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