
Topic: Comic Books - New
I stopped by the Com.X booth at the recent Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC), basically to meet Andi Ewington in person.... As Andi and I have been Facebook Friends for a while; but with him based in the United Kingdom, and myself based in the San Diego, California area, we had never met. So an added plus for me attending the LBCC a couple of hours North of me was to meet Andi. Besides showing me the Special Edition Sampler, (more of which is shown in the bottom "Convention Photos Featurette", he also introduced me to Benjamin Shahrabani, Producer for Com.X. Benjamin showed me a few of the projects that Com.X will be producing this year, as well as showing me a couple of others that have already been published. This blog post is on the graphic novel 'Path' which is created, written and artworked by Gregory S Baldwin. I had not seen it before, nor heard of it when it first came out in the UK. Com.X has opened a Venice, California office. So what is this graphic novel about? Here's the PR for it: "Doppler is a neurotic bunny who doesn't have much in the way of people skills, but when he is cornered by a pack of hungry crocidogs, Dodge rescues him. Dodge is an older Elephant who doesn't see so well, but he needs help getting to his destination and against all odds, Doppler and Dodge form a very special friendship." Product Details Okay, so here's my thoughts on the graphic novel: Right off the bat, this 'Path' graphic novel is one big chase scene. Which has a cast of weird creatures including 'air leeches'! All of these other creatures are trying to eat the two main characters, who are a rabbit and an elephant! Weirdly there could be a few laughs when reading this journey. I know that also seems a bit weird, considering the ending, which I am not going to give away here... The only thing that keeps this from being a graphic novel for the much younger set would be the 'cartoon violence' and the fact that the rabbit uses the word 'crud' quite a lot during the journey. The creatures are kind of scary looking as well as weird, but not gruesome or gory. So a little bit older kids would be OK with this storyline.Talking about the looks of the creatures, the artwork in general is very unique and eye catching. The black & white / sepia tone coloring fits this storyline. With the illustrator being the writer also, the story and art do not clash with each other, but instead complement each other. The story is somewhat a clever one, but I was trying to figure out to whom this graphic novel was being marketed to while reading it. The much younger set might be too young for it, while the older kids could dig the story and art. Parents could read the story to their kids, but with it being one big chase scene, there aren't any places to stop in the story to come back to at a later point. There isn't that much dialogue, but the artwork needs to be looked at closer, thus slowing down reading aloud time. Doppler the rabbit is at times 'charming and cute', but then at other times comes across as being paranoid. But then again with so many weird creatures that beset the two main characters, maybe everyone is out to get him?! Dodge the elephant definitely has a one track mind, with a destination in mind for himself. Not knowing exactly where he's going, but he is going to get there! I think he is the 'rock' for this storyline, in that everything revolves around him and his journey. The story is a different type of one because of the strange creatures that beset the two main characters. The artwork by Gregory S Baldwin fits this story and is actually a 'good read' for being one long chase scene. The lack of color doesn't hurt this book in the storytelling; just possibly in the cost of the book itself for those that prefer color pages for this kind of money. However, the book is still available in most online sources that I checked before posting this blog. So there is a good possibility of a discounted price from the cover, so check it out if price is a concern to you! My thanks to Andi Ewington for the introduction to Com.X, and to Benjamin for introducing me to a couple of his company's publications. For more info on Com.X's works: Non-Facebook people can go to the following web site: Facebook people can become a Fan of at least the 'Forty-Five' Facebook Fan Page, as I don't see one for the 'Path' or Com.X, at: ! AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'. This is the same blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published. I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading! Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! ~ Michael @