Shel Dorf Benefit Art Show to Run Concurrently With Comic Con International: San Diego 2010! July 22nd - 24th From 8 PM - Midnight! 

| |  ----------------Above: Tony Gleeson’s Art for the AFTERCON 2010 Show in Shel Dorf’s Honor! At The Top Left: Preliminary Flyer For the Shel Dorf Benefit Art Show - Please click on it to see full size flyer for additional details! At the Bottom Left: Photo from the 1982 San Diego Comic Con - Sergio Aragones with Shel Dorf - Photo Courtesy of Alan Light. | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3155: Back in April I was sent an email about a special show that would be running concurrently with the 2010 Comic Con International: San Diego, (a.k.a. San Diego Comic Con / SDCC). Which is what the flyer at the top left of this post is about. (BTW, click on that photo to see the full sized flyer.) As of this morning, I hadn't made the time to post a blog about that upcoming show, as I have been busy blogging about what I saw at a different con, and publications sent in for possible review. Well, last night at 8:45 PM, the above pictured artwork of Shel Dorf on a comic book cover came in. That was 'perfect' for this Blog, so I'm tying the April announcement along with the cover from last night here! You see, it was because of the early efforts of the 'Founder', Shel Dorf, and the early organizing committee members, that I was able to attend the early SDCCs and then set up as a comic book 'dealer' in 1972. So anything that those wishing to honor Shel Dorf and the early days of the Con will have my attention! Here's just some of what YOU can also see at the Shel Dorf Tribute web site, to which I provide a link following the info below that I think YOU should definitely see here first before clicking through: Wild Monkey Works, Skidone, and KidRobot present: The First Annual AFTERCON 2010 An artshow to benefit The Shel Dorf New Talent Encouragement Fund that will run concurrently with San Diego’s Comic-Con International 2010, July 22-24, from 8pm to midnight @ SUTURE GALLERY 655 10th Avenue, San Diego , CA 92101 (5 blocks from the SD Convention Center, cross streets are 10th and G) Silent auction featuring original art by over 50 professional artists and special live artists from around the world, custom Munny’s and Dunny’s, skatedecks, and downtempo DJs. 21 and Up. Contributing Artists: Literary Icon Ray Bradbury Godfather of the graphic novel Phil Yeh MAD Magazine artist Hermann Mejia The Simpsons character designer Phil Ortiz Feature Animation character designer Jeff Ranjo Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Steve Breen Rick Geary Dave Thorne Jon J Murakami Stephen Silver Tony Gleeson Jim Whiting Charlie Roberts Mark Richmond Matt Lorentz Wardell Brown Wattana Khommarath Rod Mojica James Garrovillas Robert Watts Michael Aushenker Dean LeCrone Big Toe David Lozeau James McLeod Stephen Fishwick Stacy Pierce Matt Zitman Bee Huff Daeo Brian Morante Jeremy Stock Tou Vue Ed Roeder Andy Mitchell JR Johnson Richie Griswold Huy Vu Brad Constantine Ted Washington Chris Armes Lauren Trottier Jason T Reyes Don Flaws Dave and Doreen Dotson Ari Wells Joe Caporale Rory Murray Joanne Stephens Bort Q. Rockefeller Plus a Shel Dorf Gallery featuring photographs by Alan Light, vintage Comic-Con flyers and photos, and artwork by Shel Dorf! Custom painted skate decks presented by McGill’s Skateshop! The Shel Dorf New Talent Encouragement Fund was established by Shel’s brother Michael Dorf to provide financial assistance to selected high school and college students who have a passion to work in the comics and animation fields. These grants and scholarships aid in the purchase of art materials, DVDs, and literature to inspire students, as well as assist with their art education tuition. Shel was a mentor to many aspiring artists who later became professional artists. As a comics historian and writer, Shel helped elevate the perception of the comic and animation fields to their respected place within the arts, as well as creating what is now known as Comic-Con International. Shel helped build a strong community of creators who share his same passion for the arts and generosity towards young careers on the rise. The Shel Dorf New Talent Encouragement Fund Board Members Michael Dorf, Founder Mike Towry, Chairman Phil Yeh, Art Education Director/Art Review Board Member Wardell Brown, Art Review Board Member Matt Lorentz, Art Review Board Member/Event Fundraiser Organizer Mark Richmond, Art Review Board Member/Event Fundraiser Organizer Please send other fund-related correspondence to the following address The Shel Dorf New Talent Encouragement Fund PO Box 232497 San Diego, CA 92193 That's it for now, the above is just an excerpt of their full blog post...Be sure to add the above special event to YOUR calendar to attend if YOU are attending the 2010 Comic Con International: San Diego that takes place next month! For further info on this event AND to see what else the tribut site has posted, be sure to check out:! Also, to see more info on the artist of the above cover art, be sure to check out:! My thanks to Mike Towry and the rest of the folks at the Shel Dorf Tribute web site for sharing the information with myself and so many others. Hope to see you there!
AND, My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our earlier archived blog posts, now numbering over 3,150 in number! Michael D Hamersky @ P.S. Yeah, that's me in the photo shown to the left, taken at the 1973 San Diego Comic Con! I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 SDCC at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)! Nowadays... Our online comic book store carries many different promotional items from this Con and other cons that either I have attended alone, or that Tina & I have attended since our getting married in 2001 at:
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:
Make It So Marketing Inc. PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013
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My thanks to those of YOU that have read today's blog post! I do appreciate that! For those of you that didn't know me before today...I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 San Diego West Coast Comic Con (SDCC) at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! My wife Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor (dealer) table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)! You can view our dealer table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link, which takes you to our table named: 'Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing'. So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day! Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to also join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'. I am reaching the maximum of 5,000 Facebook Friends soon, and I don't want YOU to be left out! ------------------- Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!
I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph! ~Michael @ WEB PAGE NOTE: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768. ------- NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. |