Vinnie's Take On: Skink & Skunk by Nathan! | | | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3612 - The short comic book, "Skink & Skunk" is a cute tale of a skink (geniously named "Skink") and a skunk (much like the other, named "Skunk") who are aboard Noah's arc during the food. It has multiple short stories all with the same general theme of living on the arc. It is quite funny to see what situations they get themselves into.
Although the stories are quite short, they made me laugh, which is what this comic book is all about. I think any age would find these stories funny, so it would be a book on my list to read on a glum day. Of all the stories, my favorite would be the one where Skink and Skunk are on kitchen duty. Skink says he is a culinary genious, and tell Skink to just relax. A lion walks up and says "Uhm... do you have a rack of lamb?" Skink replies with "Only what you see, buddy. No meat, only veggies." In a decisefull pose, the lion says "Okay. I'll have the mock antelope in the squirrel flavored sauce." In the next panel, we see the two squirrels aboard the ship in a boiling cauldron. One says "This is not what I had in mind when we signed up for kitchen duty." This scene just got me. The comedic gold in this comic was endless! I won't spoil the rest of the stories, and let you pick up this comic for yourself.
The artwork in this comic was great! The cartoony feel that it had is perfect for a comic in which animals are able to speak. Everything was very "cutesy", which further supports my statement that anyone of any age can find enjoyment from this comic book. Each page has 8 panels, all of equal size. I like the effect of "popping out" used in the word balloons, noises (Slam!), and some objects like a held sign or wooden sword. It added a bit of texture to the page, which is wonderful. Now, my only disappointment was the fact it wasn't in color. I will admit, I am a "snob" when it comes to color, but it would've just made this comic all the much better. Despite that, the art was very beautiful, and I enjoyed it dearly.
All in all, it was a pretty darn good comic book. Like I said, my only downfall was the lack of color. As everything else was magnificient, I'm giving this comic book "Skink & Skunk" a comic book grade of Near Mint Minus (NM-), a 9.2 out of 10.0 grade scale. You can pick up a copy of this wonderful book, as well as other comics by the author at ~Vinnie!
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,612 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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