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Friday, February 13, 2009
Paul Ryan Is Starting A New Phantom Sunday Story...
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Artists



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Paul Ryan

Is Starting A New Phantom Sunday Story...

"The Love Triangle"!


Click Here to see our newly listed Comics, Graphic Novels, Books and other listings for sale Including Paul Ryan drawn comics!

In The Phantom Comic Strip

Created By Lee Falk From King Features!

Paul Ryan... mentioned on his Facebook Status on Monday, February 9th, 2009, that he was "Starting A New Phantom Sunday Story... "The Love Triangle!", which reminded me that I hadn't yet blogged about Paul's comic strip work for King Features.

If your local newspaper, like mine, doesn't carry 'The Phantom' strip, you might want to write them and ask them to carry it!

If they won't, then you can still check out the online version at:


Paul's Phantom is actually the 21st Phantom in the succession of the Phantom Legend.  This current Phantom "and Diana Palmer were wed in 1977, and today their scrappy young son, Kit, is in training to someday take the sacred "Oath of the Skull" and become the 22nd Phantom"!

At the top left of this blog post is Paul's pencil cover art for "The Ossuary!" which is an issue of 'Fantomen' to be published by Egmont in Sweden.  It is a actually a reprint of Paul's first Sunday strip story for King Features "The Phantom".

Paul Ryan also had a long run on the 'Fantastic Four' comic book series for Marvel Comics that I enjoyed. The FF were going through some changes during that time period with Tom DeFalco writing and Paul illustrating the stories. 

Sue (Storm) Richards was becoming leader of the group at that time, and still had part of the character 'Malice' in her innermost being.  There was some controversy about the Invisible Woman's costume at the time, but I enjoyed the issues that Tom and Paul collaborated on during that run! 

I was fortunate a few years later to meet Paul at a SDCC and have him autograph a few issues for me for my personal collection.  Thanks Paul! 

This was at the 2001 SDCC where he and John Buscema were on a panel together, along with others. This is the main reason I personally go to Cons, to see and hear comic book greats talk about their experiences during their career. If you haven't been to a Comic Con yet... check one out near you!

Again, winding down this morning's blog post, I suggest you take a look at Paul's work on 'The Phantom' comic strip, whether it be in your newspaper or online!

For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention'  here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store

We are pleased that our blog has greeted its' 330,000th visitor yesterday! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!

~ Michael (and Tina)
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Note From Make It So Marketing:

Michael first set up at the 1972 San Diego's West Coast Comic Con. To the left is a photo of Michael at the 1973 SDCC - San Diego Comic Con that was held at the Sheraton Hotel, Harbor Island, San Diego. Click that photo to see 'Our Current World Of Pop Culture'!
Each comic / comics book. Graphic Novels or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded by Michael, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale!    
If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to email us a 'want list' and if in stock, we'll place it in our eBay Featured Store 'Just for You' to purchase!


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PO Box 130653
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:55 AM PST
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