
Topic: Comic Books - New
Taking a break today from my new series on comics and graphic novels that I found out about at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con... And instead blogging about what YOU should be able to find at YOUR Local Comic Book Store, (LCBS) in two weeks! That would be the first issue of the new four issue mini-series from Bluewater Productions, written by Bill Spangler and illustrated by John DaCosta. My thanks to Bill for bringing this new comic book title to my attention! So what is this concept about? Here's what the Bluewater PR says about the concept: "The classic space hero from the 1950s returns in an all-new limited series! Long before Kirk, Spock and those other guys went to school, Tom Corbett, Roger Manning, and Astro were attending Space Academy, in a TV series that sparked novels, comic strips and merchandise. Tom is the charismatic leader of the team, Roger is sharp-tongued navigator, and Astro controls engineering. The cadets have their first encounter with a dangerous new enemy with a surprising origin!" Here are the credits for this first issue: By: Bill Spangler, John Dacosta, Wilson Ramos Jr, Niko Anaya, Chris Colbert - (Cover B) What I liked about this first issue is that it is a Fun Read! And No, I'm Not That Old to remember the original airings of the TV episodes! (Almost, but not quite!). The original series ran from 1950 - 1955 on a few different networks. Anyways, there was a series of Tom Corbett — Space Cadet stories that were depicted in what was then the 'pop culture' of the 1950's. Tom Corbett was on television, on the radio, in books, and of course comic books - my favorite venue at the time. Additionally there were comic strips, coloring books, and View-Master reels that were also manufactured during the 1950s. There has been an attempt to bring back this title in the 1990's, but that didn't work out. I'm glad to see this concept being brought back now, and introduced to a new generation of readers! An added plus is that is a four issue mini-series, so there should be a complete story arc printed here. Bill Spangler's first issue story is good reading for an introductory issue and has a 'hook' to bring you back for the next issue. You have to get those intros out of the way so you can move your readers along to the next issue! Additionally there is a 'mystery' of which only part of it is answered in this first issue, so you'll have to come back for the second issue! Good lead in issue for this series! John DaCosta's artwork is somewhat angular and bold, a different style than I am used to seeing sci-fi comics illustrated in, but in this sci-fi story it fits right in! Some may consider his art style in this series 'cartoony', but it fit with bringing this series up to date in my opinion. Besides, I am so tired of seeing the Buck Rogers franchise being rehashed and reworked and replayed, that it is nice to see another older series be brought to light via the sequential art form! Niko's coloring in this issue doesn't reflect a lot of cold dark colors, even though the action takes place mostly in space. The colors used on the pages are 'warm' colors and flow well with the illustration style. Wilson's lettering is his usual good work. Which speaks a lot for itself. The only thing I could see in the presentation of the comic itself, is that the commercial ad pages are kind of 'jarring' against the illustrated pages of the comic book itself. I've seen other companies save their ad pages for the last part of the book. In this comic book, that might have been the better placement of ad pages... For a fun read, and once you're hooked into the 'mystery', you'll want to get the second issue of this series. You can keep up with what's going on at Bluewater Comics by going to their web site at: My thanks again to Bill Spangler who brought this comic book title to my attention! BTW.... Whereas Tina and I don't publish comics or books (yet?) or set up at comic cons anymore, (except at our own Facebook Virtual Comic Con Dealer Table), we do have thousands of indies and mainstream comics in our own online store. Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films! ~ Michael @