
Topic: Comic Books - New
I met Joshua Cozine of Stranger Comics at the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con while he was at The Antidote Trust booth. Joshua, (the Editor), is shown at the top right of this blog post holding both covers of the first issue of The Untamed: A Sinner's Prayer. Back on September 7th I blogged about issue #1 of the series. (Click here for that post. Today I'm blogging my thoughts on issue #2 of which the front cover is seen on the top left of this blog. First, here's what the Press Release tells what issue #2 is about: A Stranger has returned to Oasis. A deal has been made. Seven souls for seven days. Now he is holed up in a tavern cared for by a girl not old enough to remember his past. She radiates an innoncence that defies his thirst for vengeance. But there is another soul to collect, and he shall find it within the brutal and blood soaked underbelly of the town. The Pit Fight Arena!The credits for this issue are as follows: Writer: Sebastian A. Jones
Those reasons were reinforced with this issue! The artwork flows on each page and with the coloring complementing the tone that the writer is conveying with the written words. There is more dialogue in this issue than the previous one, but not where it is 'interfering' with the artwork. There is a good mix of scenes and text on each page. And I as a reader don't feel that this mini-series is being 'stretched out' in any way to take more of my dollars just to continue on the seven day journey, (seven issues). Which is a good thing! As a reader I want entertainment value for my dollars. The two issues printed in this mini series is a 'class act' so far. If you have missed the first issue, you can actually see it animated now at:, just click the 'Watch' box at the web site! For more info on issue #2 of this series from Stranger Comics, please check this page:! I look forward to seeing 'Day 3 of 7' of this mini-series.... Oh, and Yes that is Dale Wilson of DWAP Productions standing behind Joshua Cozine in the top right photo of this blog post. I have blogged about DWAP's Caffeine Dreams comic book series before: (Click here !). Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!~ Michael @