
Topic: Comic Books - New
Back in September I received a Press Release and some preview pages of the upcoming Dead Duck Graphic Novel... Which I had meant to blog about before its' release on November 25th! That was because I found the subject matter and the illustrations to be one that I enjoyed reading. Well, I thought I better blog about it earlier now, because the creator is asking those that were thinking about buying it when it came out to change their plans to do a pre-order to make sure the graphic novel does come out! Here, I'll let you read what the PR says about the graphic novel: WHAT IS “DEAD DUCK?” WHO IS JAY FOSGITT? WHAT IS APE ENTERTAINMENT? HOW MUCH DOES “DEAD DUCK” COST? HOW MANY PAGES IS “DEAD DUCK”? WHERE CAN YOU GET A SNEAK PEEK OF “DEAD DUCK?” OK, so that was part of the press release that was sent to me in September. The following is what was posted on Jay's Facebook Wall and emailed to persons like myself on Thursday: "This is a call for help, folks. I need to get sales up on pre-orders for Dead Duck, and fast. I know many of you have already ordered Dead Duck for yourselves through your area comic shops. And I know many of you plan to buy Dead Duck at the signings I've been mentioning. That's still great, and I can ask no more of you. But there are many, many more of you who are waiting for the day that Dead Duck is intended for release to buy your copies. Here's the problem with that: Dead Duck is an independently published comic book. Unlike Spider-Man or Batman--mainstream, audience-proven comics which bookstores keep in stock because of their guaranteed salability--Dead Duck does not have an assured audience, since it's relatively unknown to the public. That means that most book stores will NOT immediately stock Dead Duck unless YOU contact them in advance and pre-order your copy. Now here's the figures: I need to pull in at least 400 more pre-orders to make this all work out. So here's what I'm asking…. I need people to start ordering Dead Duck from either your local bookstore, on or directly from Ape Entertainment. Each order will increase my sales, and will assure Dead Duck's success come November 25th. If you order now from the above-mentioned venues, and encourage anyone you can think of to order one as well, here's what I'm prepared to offer: For each new order I get as of this blog posting, I will send a personalized Dead Duck or Zombie Chick sketch on a postcard to every person who notifies me of their purchase. You can e-mail me at: with notification of your order (if I don't know your personally, please include some proof of purchase), as well as a mailing address for you. In the meantime, here's how you can order Dead Duck: TO ORDER DEAD DUCK THROUGH A BOOKSTORE: This is Dead Duck's ISBN number: ISBN-13: 9781934944721 TO ORDER DEAD DUCK THROUGH AMAZON.COM Just click HERE TO ORDER DEAD DUCK DIRECTLY FROM APE ENTERTAINMENT Just click HERE No pun intended, but I'm dead serious here, people. I've spent my entire life trying to get to this point in my cartooning career, and your help can push me to the top of the summit. So please, if you can, order now, encourage others to order now, and I'll do my damnedest to show my appreciation to each and every one of you. I hope to hear from you soon with news of your purchases. Much love and appreciation, friends." --Jay Note From Michael: I normally don't do these kind of blog posts... but I have seen part of the work that Jay has put into this project and feel that it deserves some mention here to make sure the graphic novel is printed, and in the quantities that should be available for readers once they hear about it. That is is the reason for this blog post today. Plus take advantage of Jay's offer to send You a personalized post card sketch that he mentions above! If, after You see the pages that he mentions, and find that You like his work, then feel free to help out this creator by following the outline of how you can help by what he lays out in his message above. BTW.... Whereas Tina and I don't publish comics or books (yet?) or set up at comic cons anymore, (except at our own Facebook Virtual Comic Con Dealer Table), we do have thousands of indies and mainstream comics in our own online store. Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films! ~ Michael @