Make It So Marketing's Shipping Rates Restated As of January 3rd 2010! 
Above: Michael & Tina @ San Diego Comic Con International / Comic Con International: San Diego 2009! 
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Above: Make It So Marketing's 'Roots' Go Back To The San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) in 1972 when Michael first started selling. Above photo is from the 1973 SDCC! 
Above: Nowadays, You can find Michael wearing his signature polo shirt at several SoCal area Comic Cons. Above photo is from the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC). To the left: Tina enjoys attending the Pop Culture Programs @ Cons, especially those at the @ San Diego Comic Con International. That's because she has to be there even before the News Channels are set up to be early in line for the first program of the day! She doesn't even want to talk about what hour she had to be in line for the 'Last LOST TV Show Panel' at the 2009 SDCC! |
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PLEASE NOTE: This blog post stating our shipping rates was first poste October 29th, 2009. Unfortunately the USPS has revised their rates for January 4th, 2009.
So the below blog post is revised to reflect those rates!
This is a revised blog post combining our earlier posts from May and August of this year when we revised our shipping rates. And domestic shipping actually went down at that time!
Today... Because eBay has decided to 'retire' their blog platform as of October 31st, 2009, we had to use our own domain named Blog to post all the details that we can't fit into the eBay FAQs, message links etc. However we are NOT asking our eBay repeat customers and potential eBay customers to buy off eBay. We just needed a message board to send those asking questions about what we ship and for how much to their area of the world.
This blog post is our means to tell everything that we can in ONE place to make it easier for ALL of our customers, both eBay and non-eBay alike! We do have 'want-list' customers that keep us updated as to what they are looking for and those customers get first opportunity at our items Before they are listed in our eBay Store...
So the following rates apply to ALL of our customers, and are restated here since the eBay blog posts will be deleted after Halloween, (and no we're NOT trickn' you, that's eBay's decision!).
This FLAT RATE Shipping is for NON-CGC graded comic books only! (NO magazines, NO CGC encapsulated graded comics, and NO other non-comic items are included in this shipping special!) We will continue to ship unlimited non-CGC graded comics to USA addresses only at the special $3.95 shipping! Whether you buy 1 or 3 or 10 or even more comics, the shipping rate for comic books is still $3.95! PLUS for the $3.95 you get FREE Delivery Receipt Confirmation for tracking your purchase(s)! PLEASE NOTE: If you add non-comics to your comic purchases we cannot ship them for this special $3.95 rate. The rate is for comics only! If you combine comics with mags, TPBs, etc. then we have to use combined shipping which will be more than the $3.95. How much more? We don't know until the items are pulled!
We also sell Magazines, but they are odd-sized and varied in number of pages so they cannot be sent via the 'unlimited shipping' rate, sorry! We will combine shipping where we can, but please email us FIRST for combined shipping cost BEFORE you click to buy multiple magazines! We will have to revise our Flat Rate Priority Mail Box shipping to $11.95 for January 3rd, 2010!
CGC graded comics come in plastic holders and are shipped only via a Priority BOX so as to protect the holders. We can place 1 to 2 CGC graded comics in the Flat Rate Priority Box for $11.95 to USA addresses only!

SHIPPING COST TO CANADA: FLAT RATE Priority International Shipping is for NON-CGC graded comic books only! We will ship 4 to 9 non-CGC graded comics to CANADIAN addresses only at the $12.95 shipping charge! Sorry, no magazines and no CGC graded comics at this shipping rate!
However, If you want to buy JUST ONE NON-CGC comic, (no magazines, just a comic), then the shipping cost would be $4.99 for FIRST CLASS INTERNATIONAL, but ONLY FOR ONE SINGLE STANDARD SIZED COMIC BOOK. For 2 to 3 standard sized comics... We can ship those comics (only non-CGC comics) for $6.99 USD!
PLEASE NOTE: We will ship up to 25 single standard sized non-slabbed comics in a Flat Rate Priority Box International to Canadian addresses. The shipping and handling charge for that is $28.95 USD.
For those in Canada that are interested in magazines, we can ship one in a Flate Rate Priority Mail Envelope for $12.95 USD. Possibly two magazines in a Flat Rate Envelope depending upon the magazine size and page counts. Please email us first with which magazine(s) you are interested in as we do not list magazines for international shipping normally. The listings would have to each be revised to allow you to purchase them individually. We will be glad to do so after we communicate with you on the costs and how many would fit in the envelope!
For CGC Comics - We are now shipping them to Canadian addresses. On an individual buyer basis only. Please email us if you have interest in our CGC listings. The CGC encapsulated comics would have to be shipped via Priority International Flat Rate Box for the $28.95 USD Shipping Charge PLUS Insurance if over $25.00 value of the item. We can place from one to two CGC encapsulated comic(s) in each Flat Rate Box.
FLAT RATE Priority International Shipping is for NON-CGC graded comic books only! We will ship 2 to 9 non-CGC graded comics, (no magazines) to the UK or AU/NZ for $14.95 USD as that is what the Priority International Envelope will hold with cardboard insert for protection.
However, If you want to buy JUST ONE NON-CGC comic, (no magazines, just a single standard sized comic book), then the shipping cost would be $9.99 for FIRST CLASS INTERNATIONAL, but ONLY FOR ONE SINGLE STANDARD SIZED COMIC BOOK.
Magazines are not normally listed for shipping to the UK & Australia. However, we can ship them, but as explained in the section above for Canadian buyers, the sizes and page counts make those purchases more difficult to figure out shipping costs. Please email us so we can figure out what can be shipped to you and for what cost.
NOTE: We will ship up to 25 single standard sized raw (non encapsulated CGC comics) in a flat rate priority mail box to the UK and Australia. Our charge for this would be $45.95 USD at this time for the shipping.
For CGC Graded Comics - We are now shipping them to UK and Australian addresses. On an individual buyer basis only. Please email us if you have interest in our CGC listings. The CGC encapsulated comics would have to be shipped via Priority International Flat Rate Box for the $45.95 USD Shipping Charge PLUS Insurance if over $25.00 value of the item. We can place from one to two CGC encapsulated comic(s) in each Flat Rate Box.
For other countries that are NOT listed above, we still may be able to ship to YOUR country! There are multiple reasons why we don't universally show that we ship to your country, but we encourage you to e-mail us with your question as to shipping charges for YOUR country!Thanks for bearing with us today, those of You looking for a blog post on the comics and pop culture world that also enjoy. We'll be back tomorrow with another blog post on those happenings! ;)
~Michael and Tina
Make It So Marketing Inc /
Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 | | Thank You For Being One Of This Blog's 
NOTE: This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR in the Future! Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768. All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'. "Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!" |