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SAN DIEGO COMIC CON FEATURETTE:   Doug Bradley's SPINECHILLERS - the audiobooks from Renegade Arts Entertainment!

I've been waiting to publish the topic of this Featurette for a while, as it is not totally comic book related. However it kind of flows with this blog post's 'Main Feature' today.

While I say this topic is not comic book related, I did meet Doug Bradley (pictured below at the left), and Alexander Finbow (pictured below at the right) at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con! Yet the audiobooks that Alexander gave me to listen to for possible blog review are not comic book based. 

However, the stories are some that have been adapted into comic book format, or other sequential artwork format, such as graphic novels.  The authors of the stories include  Edgar Allan Poe, WW Jacobs, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charles Dickens, Willam F Harvey, JP Lovecraft, and others.

Plus I'm sure you would recognize Doug Bradley who starred in the film that the movie poster behind him features! His voice work is very distinguishable. 

So I'm going to mention that Alexander Finbow has just sent me notice that the company 'emusic' is his new audiobook distribution partner, and that you can easily check out that company's  online service for the four audiobooks that are in this series.

Alexander also mentions that 'emusic' is also the only place where you can get volume 4 of Doug Bradley's Spine Chillers right now. 

What I like about his new distribution partener is that You can listen to a part of each of the four volumes to see if you like Doug Bradley's voice who reads the stories in each volume.  Here is the web link directly to the 4 volumes: .  If you like the genre of stories that Doug is narrating, then you'll probably enjoy this audio book series!

Also, if You are a Facebook member, please see Alexander's Facebook Group Page for Renegade Arts Entertainment online by clicking here!

Plus, Doug Bradley has his own Official Facebook Fan Page now.  Click here to become a Fan!

Thanks Alexander for bringing this series to my attention at the Comic Con International: San Diego!


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