
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': Last week I blogged about the upcoming 'Indy Comic Book Week' that starts December 27th, 2009.... The above pictured comic book is one that could be at your Local Comic Book Shop, (LCBS) during 'Indy Comic Book Week', depending if there are any copies left! If not, then ask for issue #10 of the series that should be out by then! So what's this issue #9 of the series about? Here is the press release: "The adventure continues! The search for the ‘City of the Dead’ heats up as Sinbad and his band of loyal followers travel deep into the heart of Egypt to find the Crown of Anubis, the second piece of the Jericho Visor. Adding to the intrigue is Sinbad’s decision to place his trust in the mysterious tracker Osmium, a woman from his past, and her wolfhound Zawj. As always, things are never as they appear for Sinbad and his men as the deadly desert looks to claim more victims and retain its secrets." Written by: Dan Wickline Cover by Marat Mychaels OK, so that's what this issue is about and the credits. The above issue was sent to me by Tyler Draguet, Personal Assistant / Editor to Dan since March of 2008. She noticed me taking multiple photos of others in Artists Alley at the 2009 LBCC and talking with them about their publications. She asked me if I had talked with Dan about his works. I told her no, as each time I had gone by, he was swamped with people! She took me over and introduced me to Dan right then and there! Not being overly familar with Dan's works, she showed me a couple publications that she had a hand in while editing. I have already blogged a featurette about Tyler earlier back on November 5th,(click here for that link). Even though Dan was a Facebook Friend of mine, I didn't know all that much about his past credits. For those of you that also don't know, here is a brief bio: "Dan Wickline is a writer who has worked on the 30 Days of Night franchise (Dead Space and Spreading the Disease), Grimm Fairy Tales and Strange Cases. He is currently scripting the on-going 1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad and the Beyond Wonderland Annual. He is also working once again with Steve Niles and Mike Mayhew on SAVAGE. He has written short prose stories of the classic characters of THE PHANTOM and THE AVENGER for Moonstone." I took a look at the covers for the earlier issues of this 1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad comic book series, and the credits. It appears that Dan Wickline has written all the issues since #0 except for issue #7.Okay, so now knowing what the comic book is supposed to be about, and knowing the background of the creator, plus already meeting both the writer and the editor in person...What did I think about this issue? Well, first is the cover, and the 'Cover A', (there are two different covers), was very fetching and striking at the same time! If it was in my LCBS, I would have picked it up just because of the cover to at least look at! The interior illustrations by Eduardo Ferigato fits this adventure genre very well. His characters were well drawn, and the backgrounds filled in enough to identify where the scenes were taking place. The colors used by Jason Embury were very vivid, but not overwhelming, and also meshed well with this genre of story. The storyline by Dan Wickline was a 'setup' for the following issue, as this is a two part story arc. The dialogue for the characters were fine, and I found myself going along with the adventure. However there were two pages of action taking place on the 'high seas' that I didn't quite follow, probably because I hadn't read the earlier issues, and those characters were just in a fleeting two pages. I'm sure that they would be showing up in another issue. But for a 'newbie' like me to the comic book series, I just didn't 'get' that part of this issue... The rest of the cast of characters that were with Sinbad meshed well with him and this storyline. So all in all, I believe that this could be a good starting point for a new reader as it is the start of a two part story arc, plus probably keep a reader who has followed the series this far satisfied as well. For more of what Dan Wickline is creating, please see his web site at: To purchase a copy of this issue #9 check out the publisher's web site at . My thanks to Tyler Dranguet for bringing this comic book series to my attention! I will be blogging about more indy comics series right here at in the days to come, straight into the New Year itself, as that is how long 'Indy Comic Book Week' continues into! You can follow what is happening and how you can participate in 'Indy Comic Book Week' by checking out the details at: For our part...Tina and I will be having all the independents comics / graphic novels that we have ready to be sold listed in our online store at low, low prices at: BTW, If YOU are a comics or graphic novel creator, and would like to possibly see Your work reviewed here in my Blog, please check this following link, where I tell you: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog usually on a daily basis during the work week on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown. PLUS... Be sure to check out our own new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in Our online eBay Featured Store that several of our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! ~ Michael D Hamersky @