
Topic: Comic Book History
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3176: I always pass out my business cards or flyers at conventions no matter what size or type of convention they may be. That's because I also sell comic books as well as blog about them... I recently received a phone call from Richard Herd, the famous actor, who had a booth at the recent Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con. Click here to see my blog post on that. Richard called to ask me if I bought and sold collections for people. My answer was yes, and I suggested how we could go about it. I was a little surprised to find that the westerns that he included in the box that was shipped to me were several 'key' issues, which are pictured above. Of course, I called my mother, who was a BIG Fan of Gene Autry. This past Fathers Day Weekend I brought the western comics down to my folks' house, and asked her to pose with them. She did, and then proceeded to give me a handwritten story that I want to share with you all here today: "I grew up during the Depression. Our first radio was one where you had to sit with the ear phones on your ears. When my parents, my sister, and I lived in Hatfield, Missouri on a farm, we used to go to western movies. The movie theaters were in Eagleville and Allendale. The cost of the movies were cheap back in the 'forties.
My dad read a lot of western books during th long winter months. I think his favorite author was Zane Grey. My sister, (Leta), and I liked Roy Rogers and Gene Autry. We used to argue about the two of them. Her favorite was Roy Rogers, and mine was Gene Autry. Roy Rogers was born in Ohio. He was married to Arlene and they had two girls. He and Arlene had one son and then seh died. He later married Dale Evans and they had one girl. They named her Robin Elizabeth and she had Downs Syndrom. She lived around two years. Gene Autry was married to Inez, and they didn't have any children. She passed away and he married a younger woman. I think she was a vice-president of a bank in Los Angeles, California area. I remember the Lone Ranger and his sidekick. Also Hopalong Cassidy. I think my favorites were the early ones: Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, and Alan Ladd. I thought Alan Ladd woas the most handsome man when I was growing up. I guess you would say Randolph Scott was my dad's favorite. It seems like we saw a lot of his movies when I was growing up at the theater in Eagleville, Missouri." Thus ends the blog post for today contributed by Lois E Hamersky, my mother. My thanks to her for giving me the above article to run in this blog post today. Also my thanks to Richard Herd for sending me the above shown comic books and more to be listed in our online store! BTW, You can see what else Richard is doing by checking out his own web site at - where he has many photos for sale where he will personally autograph them to you! My personal favorite is the photo of him as 'Captain Galaxy' along with Scott Bakula as 'Future Boy' on an episode of 'Quantum Leap'! I'll have to run that photo soon here so you can also see that! Wrapping up this blog post...My Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now totalling over 3,175 posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @