
Topic: Comic Book Movies
The answer was no, I hadn't updated it... And I was about to update it on Wednesday morning, because I had been seeing a lot of 'Best of 2011' lists, etc., but I got really got tuned in to the Iowa Caucus Results from Tuesday evening. Thus the blog post on Wednesday was about 'Politics & Comics Books In 2012'! Then on Thursday morning, I checked my email before finishing writing this blog, and found that Richard Alf, long time comic book dealer and San Diego Comic Con co-founder, had passed away Wednesday night. Having re-acquainted myself with him at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con, and seeing him at the Comic-Con since then, I wanted to bring the news of his unexpected passing to those that hadn't been lucky enough to have seen him at or since the 40th Annual San Diego Comic Con in 2009. That blog can be seen here. Well today, I'm finally planning on posting the 'List'. And no... It's not a 'Best of List', nor a 'Highest Grossing Comic Book Movies List'. Instead, it is 'My Top 20 Favorite Comic Book Movies List', updated to include 'comic book movies' since May of 2009 when I last did this. Enough 'talk'... Here's the list: . --------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 - Captain America The First Avenger (2011) I had to raise my top comic book grade I give for comic book movies for this film after seeing it. The best adaptation from the comic books to film that I've seen yet. Excelsior! # 2- Iron Man (2008) Ever since seeing the special program at the SDCC previewing the trailer and cast, I knew this would be 'right on'! It exceeded even my expectations! # 3 - Spider-Man 2 (2004) This movie was done right! 'Nuff Said! # 4 - Spider-Man 1 (2002) This was a Marvel Comics movie that set the bar for me for future comic book movies! # 5 - Superman: The Movie (1978) Seeing this DC Comic book translated to film was a highlight, and I waited many many years for Marvel Comics to get it as right as this one! # 6 - Superman II (1981) No One can top Christopher Reeve for me as Superman! And the villains were top-notch as well!! # 7 - Fantastic Four 1 (2005) This I waited for decades to see this Marvel Comics group hit the Big Screen. Even after the 1994 non-released film. I am a bit biased here, as the FF are my favorite comic book ever because of the Stan Lee - Jack Kirby original series! # 8 - Iron Man 2 (2010) A fun movie that took off, after the obligatory origin story in the first film! # 9 - Spider-Man 3 (2007) Maybe just a few too many characters to watch in this film, but seeing Sandman was a dream come true! BTW, Spider-Man is NOT my favorite comic book character, the Thing of the Fantastic Four is... But these 3 Spidey Films were done right!! #10 - Thor (2011) A really good adaptation from the comics, but the final scene at the Rainbow Bridge was just a little too 'comic booky'. #11 - Rocketeer (1991) This movie was Fun. I don't care what the critics said about it. The film itself made me go back and buy the rest of the Dave Stevens comics to see what I had missed! #12 - Men In Black I (1997) I was, and still am surprised at how many mainstream people don't know this originated as a comic book! This one is fun to watch over & over! #13 - Men In Black II (2002)! #14 - The Dark Knight (2008) I am not a big fan of the 'grim n gritty' comics genre to watch over and over. Once or twice is usually enough. That being said, this film because of the villain, would be one that I would watch again... #15 - Green Lantern (2011) - Was surprised how much I liked it at the theater! #16 - X-Men: First Class (2011) - Good story, but the comic book characters chosen were not my favorites. #17 - Daredevil (2003) Just watched this again in 2011... Still holding up! #18 - Fantastic Four II: Surfer (2007) Sad to see that no 3rd film for a trilogy was forthcoming, but Galactus as a 'space cloud'? Not one of Marvel's better moments... #19 - Catwoman (2004) Yeah, it is still in my Top 20! I can't help but watch this when flipping TV channels if I catch it! #20 - Batman (1966) 2011 being the 45th Anniversary of the TV Show, plus the publication of 'my' book, 'Gotham City 14 Miles', catapaulted this film into my 'Top 20' this year! Well that's all of them now! Out of approximately 103 different 'comic book films' that could be considered for this 'Top 20 List'. Again, it is 'My Top 20 Favorite Comic Book Movies List'. My choice, and yes, there are some that you may look at and shake your head... You are welcome to post your thoughts about this blog at my Facebook Fan Page, where this blog entry will be posted. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts there of my list and entries you would include instead!
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