
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3812 - Today's blog is on the graphic novel titled: 'Sharaz-De: Tales from the Arabian Nights', by Toppi. From Archaia Entertainment. So what's the book about? Here's the promotional info: A set of tales inspired by the Arabian Nights by the late European comics master Sergio Toppi, exploring a barbaric society where the supernatural is the only remedy to injustice, as Sharaz-de, captive to a cruel and despotic king, must each night spin tales to entertain her master and save her head from the executioner. Tales filled with evil spirits, treasures, risk, and danger, but with ever at their center the passions of gods and men. So what's my thoughts on this book? My first thought when seeing the front cover of this book was... I'll wait and read the other books that had come in for possible review first. That's because the artwork was just a little bit on the 'strange' side for me. However, I did see at the bottom right of the book the following words: 'Featuring A Foreword By Walter Simonson', whose artwork I do enjoy, so I made sure I would read it soon. I've just finished reading this book and wanted to place it in the numerical sequence for blogs to be posted. That's because this book, 'strange' art and all, is darn good! First of all, here is (Sergio) Toppi's Wikipedia entry, for those of you like me that didn't know who this guy was. I say 'was' because Toppi recently passed away, (August of 2012). The other reason I wasn't aware of his work is because the majority of it is in French. Which I haven't studied since junior high school. Upon opening the book, and reading the foreword by Walter Simonson, I plunged in. And I read chapter after chapter of this book! The artwork was pretty darn good, and the text, translated from French to English, caught my attention! I too was hooked on the theme of the book, that of Sharaz-de delivering a story each night to the despotic king, and saving her from the executioner. I've got to say... That the stories and the art filled me with wonder! The majority of the stories are in black & white only, but there are two that are in color. They seem to be finished in watercolors. I found that I wanted to take a break after each story to let the story soak in. Thus it has taken me a couple of days to finish the book up. The fact that the artwork is almost presented like 'Heavy Metal' style makes the reading of the pages a little slower going, because you want to drink in the artistic effects. I'm going to say that this book is one that you'd like to check out for yourself. Thus I'm giving this book a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM) 9.0 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. Here is the ordering info for the book: Reading level: Ages 16 and up If your LCBS doesn't have it in stock... Then you can order it here online: Sharaz-de: Tales from the Arabian Nights ~ Michael
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