
Topic: Comic Books - New
Tina and I had a Great Time... At the 16th Birthday Party for the independent book store 'Mysterious Galaxy' on Saturday, May 9th 2009 in San Diego, California! While there we checked out what books would be of interest to Tina, and what graphic novels or comics TPBs would interest Michael. One item I immediately knew that I wanted to read was the compilation into TPB format of Jeff Mariotte's Desperadoes comic book series, all five series of them! Plus it was an opportunity to have Jeff sign the book as he was a featured author speaker that day! I had read a couple of issues of his third Desperadoes series, 'Quiet Of The Grave', because it was part of a western collection we had purchased recently. What really grabbed my eyes was that the art was by John Severin, whose work I have admired for years! So this was my introduction to the series that Jeff plus his array of artists had created since 1997 to 2007. My first thought on holding the TPB, (Trade Paper Back compilation), was that it was awful heavy! And it was a great value too! Cover Priced at only $24.99! With almost 500 pages of story and art! So with all five published series to be read in one volume, I was itching to start reading it after having Jeff sign my copy that day!
This Omnibus presents separate adventures compiled into one volume. Due to the change in artwork in the last three series, it would be best to read those separately and stop for a while before reading the next series, IMHO. There is great reading value in this Omnibus. I am truly surprised at the low cost of obtaining this book at only $24.99, whereas picking up each of the series in their earlier TBP format would have run at least $17.99 each. Paperback: 492 pages I must also say that I am a 'Facebook Friend' of Jeff Mariotte, altho he and I had not met in person until the Birthday Celebration at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore! I don't believe that being FB Friends with Jeff unduly influenced my personal opinion in the above reviews of the stories compiled into this Omnibus! In closing... Tina or I blog daily on comics and pop culture news and events. Check out our daily blog posts, and new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael |