
Topic: Comic Book Artists
I was asked if I would stop at the Famous Monsters of Filmland (FMOF) booth at the recent 2009 San Diego Comic Con International... ...By a good Facebook Friend, Debbie Poccia, to see if I could pick up one of only 200 prints of the new FMOF logo poster. Well, I made it there just in time, as I was able to pick up one of the remaining three of that limited edition for her! At the same time I got involved in conversations with Robert Aragon - Editor In Chief / Art Director, Dominie Lee - Managing Editor, and then Philip Kim - Publisher. Those three have a Lot going on now for the relatively 'new' venture. When I say relatively new, it's because I thought that FMOF had ended with Uncle Forry's death earlier this year. However, as FMOF says on their Facebook Fan Page, they are: "Keeping the legacy and vision of Uncle Forry alive and well as we take FM and expand it beyond the page". One of the items at the booth above was shown to be by Rob himself. I took a photo of him holding it, so I could share it with my Blog readers, that are into FMOF or other works by Forrest Ackerman. What Rob is holding is the: "First in a series of classic horror icons by FM's own, Robert Aragon, this 18 x 24 BELA LUGOSI as DRACULA fine art print is limited to 500 pieces printed on 100 lb stock in 4 color with the plates being destroyed. Signed on request". The print is a Famous Monsters Exclusive item, and can only be found on their web site! I'll be sure to keep an eye on this company, and bring you more info in the months to come as they bring out new products to market. In the meantime, I want to thank Rob, Dominie and Philip for their hospitality at their booth at the SDCCI! If you are interested in obtaining one of these Fine Art limited Prints, priced @ $25.00 + $5.00 for shipping to USA buyers, please see the publisher's web site at: The Publishers also have a Facebook Group Page which You can join at: BTW, I would be remiss if I didn't run an artist's bio on Rob, so here it is: Robert Aragon is a self-taught artist. He is currently one of the leading fine art portrait artists in the world. His award winning art has exhibited internationally and is represented and protected by the very prestigious Bridgeman Art Library. One of his admirers was the late Vincent Price, whose friendship and guidance was both a personal and artistic inspiration to him. Aside from portraiture, his passion for classic horror and science fiction has lead him to a career spanning projects such as cover artwork for the Monstrous Movie Music label, children's books, graphic novels and everything in between. He has created works for Karloff Enterprises, Universal Studios, Lugosi Enterprises, Ray Harryhausen, Warner Bros Studios, The Steve Mcqueen Estate, and others. He is currently the Art Director/Editor in Chief(print) of Famous Monsters of Filmland. When he steps away from the canvas the San Diego native enjoys surfing, playing piano, collecting art and film memorabilia. Looks like I have more of Rob's work to hunt down now! Oh, Additionally...unless we are on site all day and night during a three day or longer comic con... we normally blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic book conventions, and pop culture news and events! Plus for purchases of items that our blog posts are based on; please check out our listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our own online store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael