
Topic: Comic Books - New
Continuing my blogs on comics that I have recently received for review and that I want to blog about here... is another one from Bluewater Comics! This company keeps publishing many comics that are of interest to me as a reader! This issue is from a series of one shot publications on those who have wielded political power in recent years or are currently. I do not express my political views in my Blog. However this issue transcends political views and parties and tells a good story about this person who has been in the news for several years and how his actions have affected the general population. Actually this issue goes into more depth than you would think, even though it is in a 22 page 'floppy' stand alone issue, and not a graphic novel. Which I believe is due to the writer, Wey-Uih Loh. Biographies sometimes can be a little dull, but Wey keeps the storyline moving, without sensationalizing the character. Good job there Wey! M. Scott Woodward is the penciler on this issue. The likeness of Colin Powell is well represented on the pages. The artwork also flowed with the dialogue and got the story moving within the limits of the 22 pages and was paced well. Kirsty Swan's colors were in keeping with going into the past, both during Colin's childhood and his rising through the ranks of the US Army. Lettering by Wilson Ramos Jr. was very good, even with all the narrative text and the actual dialogue. Sometimes lettering can get in the way of the art, but that did not happen here, even with all of the narrative and dialogue in this text heavy storyline. The front cover by Vinnie Tartamella was a striking one, one that should attract casual browsers at the bookstores or local comic book stores and turn them into buyers... The storyline covers from when Colin was a kid up until when he left office as Secretary of State. The sequential art concept is a good one for presenting biographies. This one did so without shoving any political views in my face as a reader. Good Job! This issue's cover price was $3.99, well worth the price for this stand alone issue #1 in the series of Political Power. For more info on the Political Power series with previous and upcoming issues, please see the Bluewater Comics web site at: BTW, unless we are on site all day and night during a three day or longer comic con... we normally blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic book conventions, and pop culture news and events! Plus for purchases of items that our blog posts are based on; please check out our listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our own online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael |