
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3232: Today's post is once again on another publication that I 'found' at the recent SDCCI, back in July of this year. What a great place to celebrate my Birthday Week! I was still in the Small Press Section of the Comic-Con when I found this new series. Actually I was at the booth next to the booth run by Blair Kitchen, whose Possum #1 I blogged about yesterday, and his brother Mike Kitchen. Sean Forney and I have been Facebook Friends for a while, and I've blogged or mentioned him in this Blog and / or my own Facebook Group Page several times! Sean and I talked for awhile, and knowing that this Blog is the #1 'Followed' Blog on Facebook using the NetworkedBlogs app, he gave me the Preview and the booklet of 'Little Red Riding Hood' to read and possibly review here. I'm only going to review the Preview here, as the booklet, while it is illustrated, is not a comic or graphic novel per se. However, it is vital to the background of this new series! Here is what the the creators of Scarlet Huntress say about her origin story on their web site: "After running away for two years due to the death of her mother, Scarlet returns hoping to move on with her life. Instead her plans change when she learns of a secret family legacy that will change her life forever. Through her grandmother Scarlet learns of a hidden world full of evil, werewolves, and huntresses. Now Scarlet must decide if she will follow in the secret family business and become the next Scarlet Huntress." Interesting concept...Here is 'My Take' on the Preview issue of the Scarlet Huntress: Front Cover - I'm taking into consideration that this is a 'Preview' comic book...Not a regular comic book. Although it is not in color, I'm figuring the Scarlet Huntress is the woman in the foreground, with what appears to be wolves of some sort behind her, and a menancing figure behind them. This gets my insterest to turn the page... Inside Cover - Gives the Credits to the those that worked on the Preview issue, along with websites to go to. Okay start so far... The first page - Not a 'Splash Page' - as it appears to be interior pages of the planned first issue. So, since it is a 'Preview' issue, I'm okay with that. Total of 8 pages presented to this story...and it sparked my interest to want to read the full upcoming 1st issue! Next are pin-ups, character illo sketches, photos of the model that Scarlet Huntress is patterned after...for a total of 24 more pages. I like looking at sketchbooks or preview issues that show the development of a series over time, IF they whet my appetite for more. This one does... The inside back cover was the Ka-Blam! printers ad. Which I see a lot in other self-published comics that are either given to me at comic cons or sent in for possible review...Another good print job from Ka-Blam! Oh, and the interior pages are black & white, with color covers outside and inside. The back cover is the only page in true color, and the colors of the Scarlet Huntress costume are vivid! I found this Preview Comic to do exactly what preview comics are meant to do...Interest the casual browser enough to make them want to be a reader. That's because I like Sean's 'pin-ups' that are presented in the pages of this publication. Plus there appears to be a well thought out origin of this character. My comic book grade for this publication is a VERY FINE / NEAR MINT, (VF/NM) 9.0 on a 10.0 grading scale. Here's a little bit more on Sean Forney co-creator of this character, with a 'bio' that I found on his blog: "Sean grew up in Genoa, Ohio. He is a graduate of Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Sean spent a few years living in New Albany, Indiana. He currently resides in Westerville, Ohio. He is married to Stephanie Forney, an artist and art teacher. Sean Forney is a professional illustrator and comic book artist who recently completed color work on My Adventures with Spider-Man by Marvel and Identity Direct. He created Star Wars promotional material including the official t-shirt and patch design for LucasFilm/Disney/Blue Planet Gear for the 2009 and 2010 Star Wars Weekends at Disney Hollywood Studios. Daily, he works with The Artifact Group coloring Bakugan illustrations for the national toy line. Sean co-created and illustrated Scarlet Huntress #1, Scarlet Huntress #2, and a children’s book tie-in called Little Red Riding Hood: Origins of a Huntress. He illustrated a pinup for Hanging Chad Entertainment’s Moos Miht: The Adventures of Mighty Moose #9 and colored variouscovers for Moos Miht issues. Sean’s early work was for Twisted Gate Entertainment which included drawing two short Scarlet Huntress stories for the anthology books The Portal #1 and #2, and covers for various titles. He has worked for various comic book companies including Sundragon Comics, Funky Ninja Comics, Stormchaser Comics, Camp Comics, Paper Dragon Ink, Fusion Studios, and more. He illustrated When the Cops Come Knockin’: An Illustrated Guide to the Law, character dossiers in G.I. Joe versus Cobra Fall Special: Rise of the Headhunters through Fun Publications, colored covers for Arrow Comics’ Wild Planet, and worked on comic strips for the Microsoft Developers’ program." Also...Here's an interesting item on Scarlet Huntress: The Scarlet Huntress is modeled by Brianne Jeanette.
It is in this book that the 'true' origin of the Scarlet Huntress is told...Reading this and the Preview comic book together will get you prepared for the first full issue of the comic book series. Which I will be blogging about at a future time! In the meantime...You can 'like' Sean Forney's Facebook Fan Page, which can be found here. Sean also has his own web site, as found here. You can also order the items mentioned in this blog at that site directly from him and Stephanie. Issue #1 is also there for purchase. Oh, and if YOU like attending comic cons, Sean is exhibiting at several during the rest of this year. This is the link to the Cincinnatti Comic Con for more info. Stop in, say hi, and check out the new series! --------------------------- Thanks again, Sean, for sharing your time with me at the recent San Diego Comic Con International! PLUS: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,230 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! ~ Michael D Hamersky @