| | Above is just One of the many film posters that the Star Trek Into Darkness film has out! Featuring (l-r) Captain Kirk, Lt. Uhura, 1st Officer Spock & Commander John Harrison! | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3860 - Tina and I just got back from seeing this film at our local theater! Tina's review blog will be posted later this weekend... In the meantime, here is My Take on the film:
First of all, here is the link to the Wikipedia entry for the film. If you don't want to see spoilers... Then don't click on the link! Secondly, it has been four years since the first Star Trek reboot, (film #11). Here is the link to to that Wikipedia entry for that film. I for one just saw most of that film earlier this week on TV, and didn't remember most of what was shown. It has been that long since the first one was released! So, I wasn't overly excited to go see this second film. Matter of fact, it wasn't even in my list of events for 2013 I was going to. But I did 'bug' Tina about going to see it this week! Oh, and also while I say I wasn't that excited about seeing this film, I have already seen the first eleven (11) films of the Star Trek franchise, as seen in this link. It was just that this film kind of snuck up on me when laying out the films I wanted to see on the Big Screen this year at my 2013 events blog. Thirdly... Here's what I thought about the film... Storyline: This film dove right into the story... No stopping to introduce the characters at all. Which if you have already seen the 11th film of the Franchise, you didn't need any introductions! The storyline was presented in what I believed to be episodic mini-features, which was okay with me! The storyline didn't ramble though, and went from scene to scene pretty smoothly. The writing was fine, and the characters were voiced properly. I still can't get over the 'romance' between Uhura and Spock though... The CGI in the film didn't overwhelm the storyline, it all fit in rather seamlessly. The ending was pretty good too... And the film didn't feel 'overlong' at 2 hours & 3 minutes. However our theater showed 25 minutes of 'previews' of upcoming films, sheesh! Characters: The characters were repeats from the first film in this reboot. I liked them all, but some more than others. Quinto as Spock was so darn right on it wasn't funny! Chris Pine still didn't seem totally right for the Capt. Kirk role though. By the end of the film he was better, and maybe a third film with him would fit him properly into the role. But then again, I grew up with William Shatner as Capt. Kirk. Zoe Saldana was better as Uhura... And was actually more believable in this film in the role. Karl Urban as Lieutenant Commander Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, chief medical officer, was even better in the role in this film, and he actually received more film time, I believe. John Cho as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, third officer and helmsman, had a good scene in the film, when he took over the Captain's chair. Benedict Cumberbatch as Commander John Harrison, later revealed to be someone else, couldn't have matched up to the original actor that played the role... but did a serviceable job in the role. Anton Yelchin as Ensign Pavel Chekov, navigator, was kind of out of the role for this film, but he did play in a different arena of the ship, so I won't be too hard on him. Simon Pegg as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, second officer and chief engineer, played a good role in this film. More believable in the role. Bruce Greenwood as Rear Admiral Christopher Pike, was good as always. I like this actor, and he did the Pike role very well. Peter Weller, as Starfleet Admiral Alexander Marcus, Dr. Carol Marcus' father, did an okay role in the film, which was expanded at the end of the film. I liked him better in his two RoboCop film though. The characters in the film fit pretty smoothly into the storyline, and it was worth the money paid to see the film on the Big Screen! My comic book grade for this film is a Near Mint Minus (NM-) 9.2 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. If you enjoy Star Trek, or JJ Abrams work... Then you gotta see this film on the Big Screen! Oh, and as soon as Tina has her review ready... I'll blog it! ~ Michael
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,860 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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