
Topic: Comic Book Movies
TODAY'S FEATURE IS (GUEST) BLOG #3965 - I've been pretty busy the last few weeks and haven't had a chance to check out what is happening with any comic book films to be released in the near future or later... One film that did catch my attention earlier was the projected March of 2015 release of a new Fantastic Four film. I've already blogged about the Roger Corman Film that wasn't released in theaters several times, and of course the two that were released years later. Here's an index link to those posts. So what is going on with the upcoming film? Here is a link to the IMDb web site for this film. As you can see, there isn't much there at all! The release date is scheduled to be March 6th of 2015. The director is Josh Trank, and the writers are doing revisions. Allison Williams auditioned for the role of the Invisible Woman. IMDb hasn't updated this web page since April of this year. So I also checked other web pages and found the following: The first two films that were released, in 2005 and 2007, will be ignored. Which is a shame, because I liked those films. The character roles have not been cast of yet. Looked at for the role of Mr. Fantastic: David Tennant, Adrien Brody, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Probably others as well. The Invisible Woman role has been looked at by Allison Williams, and Alice Eve. The Human Torch role has Michael B Jordan as a posibility. No mention of anyone for Ben Grimm / The Thing as of yet. As of October 2nd, (yesterday), Simon Kinberg has been brought in to re-write the film. A big change in shooting location... Instead of Vancouver, the film will be shot in Louisiana, due to a massive State tax credit. So it looks like we have quite a ways to go before anything definite will be announced! Stay 'tooned! ~ Michael
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