I visited the Titan Magazines booth at the recent 2009 San Diego Comic Con International...
Where I met Ricky Clayton, Marketing Manager for Titan. We discussed the fact that I have a Blog that covers comic books and pop culture topics.
I also mentioned that my wife was a frequent reader of their LOST: The Official Magazine, because of her fondness for that TV Show.
Wondering why we didn't pick up more of their line of magazines, Ricky proceeded to give me a couple of sample magazines to read and possibly review here in this Blog.
After reading those samples, I started blogging with their Smallville Magazine, which is now up to Issue #32 already! (Click here for that blog!)
Today I'm blogging about their Star Wars Insider Magazine which I haven't seen for a while... and it's already up to Issue #111 !
This issue of Star Wars Insider Magazine is an 82-page issue, packed with interviews and features. Here are just a few articles that were spotlighted on the front cover. As for my notes below... I've been a long time fan of the franchise. I have viewed all of the films on the Big Screen, starting in back in 1977 when Star Wars film first hit the movie theaters. And yeah, that's me up on stage at the 2009 SDCC with several Star Wars characters. However I am more fond of the Original Trilogy than the second one, and have viewed them more and recollect them better. I am a fan of the franchise, not a fanatic...
Inside Artoo – Kenny Baker: Star Wars Insider talks to actor Kenny Baker about his role as “the hero of the whole thing” (according to none other than George Lucas), R2-D2. Ahead of the release of his autobiography Little Acorns…The Kenny Baker Story, Baker not only reveals his memories of playing the Galaxy’s most famous Astromech droid, but talks about a lifetime in show business including roles in The Elephant Man, Time Bandits and Labyrinth. Insider continues the tribute the Star Wars saga’s most dependable, brave, resourceful, and enigmatic character with a look back at some of Artoo’s most memorable moments.
I found the above feature to be a fun read. I've always like R2-D2, and reading more about the actor Kenny was a good feature. The multiple photos made this a very appealing article.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Corey Burton: Voice artist Corey Burton talks to Insider about playing a trio of tough guys in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Count Dooku, Ziro the Hutt and Cad Bane. Of playing the latter, Burton says: “He’s really the roughest, toughest, most lawless bad guy I’ve ever done. I’m keeping him very creepy – it’s much more menacing to be quiet and calm than to be screaming, ‘I’m gonna kill you.’ He’s someone you want to avoid.”
I watched the 60 Minutes special last night, which was a tribute to the show's creator Don Hewitt, who recently died. Don always said that there had to be at least one segment in the program that someone would relate to, and / or be interested in. Which is good that the R2-D2 feature was in this same issue. I am sure this feature on Corey Burton appeals to many Clone Wars fans, but it didn't stand out to me. However the photos were appealing and the segment was presented well. Just not a sub-series that I am overly interested in. I'm sure others will find it more interesting to read...
A Bounty Hunter’s Babe! “ I have no idea what I was!” says Mercedes Ngoh of playing the striking Rystall Sant, one of three sultry singers performing in Jabba’s palace who made a sizzling addition to the 1997 remix of Return of the Jedi. In the latest issue of Insider, Mercedes talks about her Star Wars experience, and reveals what it was like working with George Lucas and Femi Taylor, dancing in hooves with six toes, and spending four hours in make-up to get Rystall’s exotic look after a 4 a.m. wake-up call!
The above was another character that I wasn't overly aware of, but the feature was presented very well. Again in a magazine format, pictures will help draw attention to an article.
There were more articles in this issue. Robot Wars! was OK, Jedi Archive was very interesting to me, Score de Force was a good background piece on composer Kevin Kiner, and the Comics section held interest for me as a fan of the comic books.
So I would have to say, that this magazine, #111 in the series was an interesting read and the magazine still has something to say to Star Wars fans even after this long of a publishing run! Overall a nice package for fans of the Star Wars franchise!
If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this magazine, cover priced @ $5.99, please see either your usual sources of obtaining magazines or books, such as eBay stores or brick n' mortar stores, or try the publisher's web site at:
The Publishers also have a Facebook Group Page which I joined at:
BTW, unless we are on site all day and night during a three day or longer comic con... we normally blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic book conventions, and pop culture news and events!
Plus for purchases of items that our blog posts are based on; please check out our listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our own online eBay Featured Store!
Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!
~ Michael
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you breaking into or work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 
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NOTE: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768. All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. CONVENTION PHOTOS: I have been posting photos of costumed attendees from the 2009 San Diego Comic Con International for a while. It seems I have a photo for each topic that I blog about here! In this case, the young lady below is just one of many Con attendees that were carrying a light saber! I think it helped her 'cut' in lines... bad pun intended, LOL! Thanks to the young lady for stopping long enough to have her photo taken! 
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