
Topic: Comic Cons
Tonight American Idol 2009... Starts its' Finale Week. As Tina and I have been fans of that series we have mixed emotions as to it entering the final stage for this Season. However I have another 'Idol' that is in Round 3 of a 4 Round battle! That would be Small Press Idol 2009, where Round 3 is now underway! Yesterday, May 18th was the start of this all important Round for 20 projects that made it to this Round. Yet as of this morning, the 19th of May, projects are still posting, going through the judging, and are opening to public voting, as you read this blog post. You would have thought that all 20 projects would already be posted as of yesterday. Especially after all the hustling for votes at the end of Round 2 just to make up for lost time! However only 7 of the 20 projects that made it to Round 3 are 'In Judging' right now! That's right... Only 7 projects are posted and ready for your votes. This to me, makes for a 'soft' Opening Day for Round 3... and the pressure will build to make up for lost time in the days to come, that's for sure! According to the web site, the projects will continue to "post" until May 24th. So there is a cutoff to submit the initial comic book pages of each project. This after Round 1 where the idea and a sketch about the project was submitted. Then Round 2 where character bios and more detailed sketches were submitted. Round 3 is where You the potential voter can go in and download the initial pages to view actual comic pages and see how the idea and sketches transform into the comic book format. I already starting downloading the projects that were actually available to do that yesterday. It is kinda neat to see how those projects are being transformed into actual comic books, so I invite you to check out a few if not more as the days go on... Here's the most important part of Round 3 for the contestants. Voting will continue until the 7th of June. As You and I watch the days until June 7th, we will see who will get a #0 issue in Round 4, who will be given a Cover Feature slot in 'Mysterious Visions' publication, and who unfortunately, doesn't... That's because only 3 of the 20 projects will be moving on to Round 4 to compete for the $700 Grand Prize and publishing deal. The Big Question is... Will it be the project YOU were here to support? That is up to You and of course the project creators themselves with what they present in comic book for you to vote for. I'm sure You, as well as I will be bombarded with requests to vote, and vote daily. For full details of Small Press Idol 2009, Round 3 and its' 20 Contestants please see the main site: As for us... We blog daily on comics and pop culture news and events. Check out our daily blog posts, and new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!! ~ Michael (and Tina) |