
Topic: Comic Books - New
I've been blogging the last few days about several new comic book series that have caught my interest... Which is good, because after all, isn't this blog's name ' ? Well it is, and I feel that the comics I've been blogging about recently are ones that are to be read and collected. Not necessarily 'collected' in a trade paperback format, but bagged and boarded to be placed in your collection to read again in the future, they are that good! Today's post is about the 'Lander' comic book series. I was sent copies by Jaymes Reed who writes and also letters this series, after I blogged about some other publications that he had done lettering in and liked. I'm always grateful to be turned on to new series that I feel good while reading and then sharing with my blog readers. Here are what the first two issues are about per Jaymes' advertising blurbs on his web site:
Standard Comic Haley's official original Landing! In 1999, Haley boards a plane for Miami, but she LANDS in the South Pacific... as aviatrix Amelia Earhart in 1937! Meet HALEY, an afterlife time traveler who possesses the bodies of women throughout history to alter the outcomes of varying timelines. In the spirit of Quantum Leap, join Haley for a different year, possession --and artist-- each TIME... And then.... LANDER #1 Standard Comic Haley Possesses a scientist on a doomed planet Mars 3 billion years ago! While her colleague contemplates his faith, God prepares to reward that faith by using Haley to send him to a whole new world... EARTH! And in "Everywhen," Haley Lands in a church with a priest... and a question. Meet HALEY, an afterlife time traveler who possesses the bodies of women throughout history to alter the outcomes of varying timelines. In the spirit of Quantum Leap, join Haley for a different year, possession --and artist-- each TIME..
OK, I'll take it from there... As I've said before here in my Blog... I enjoy time travel stories when they are done right. I cite for example the TV Show 'Quantum Leap', of which I was one of the Original Leapers, attending the very first 'LeapCon' in Los Angeles! Additionally, 'Somewhere In Time' with Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour is a film that I always stop to finish up when I am channel surfing and I catch it in progress... So, yeah I suppose I would be inclined to like a series that calls to mind 'Quantum Leap' in its' advertising blurb. Thing is, I didn't see the advertising until After I read these two issues, and was drawing comparisons of my own to them! Is this series perfect? No, but the first two issues ,(actually numbered #0 & a #1), are very good steps in the right direction to keep my interest in this continuing series. Issue #0 had a good background story, what with it being on Amelia Earhart in 1937, always a great time period to start a series in my mind for a time travel series. Issue #1 had two stories, and as such a reader would naturally favor one over the other. I did. I really liked the 'Mars Lander' story... reminded me of some old black & white TV Sci-Fi Shows that enthralled me as a kid in the early 1960's. You'll notice the word 'God' in the advertising blurb. No, the two issues so far are not overly religious, or come out and preach 'at' you. Very good balance in the writing, and of course Jaymes' lettering was great as usual. I had not read anything by Jaymes before and was pleased with these two issues with him as the writer. The artwork fit the stories and the whole presentation for both issues were entertaining as well as though provoking. What was fun was seeing different artists for each of the different stories. Almost like 'leaping in' to different artist's renditions each time. Seeing 'Lander' from different artists' viewpoints made this different but not too different where the artwork could have clashed with each others' stories. The choices of artists were good ones for these two issues. I would recommend this to those that enjoy time travel TV Shows, Films, or print publications that have this as part of their theme. Issue #3 will be published within the next couple of weeks. I plan on reading that issue and possibly blog on issues #2 & #3 together sometime after that... Details on purchasing these issues can be found at: My Thanks to Jaymes for sending me these copies for to read and possibly review here in my Blog. I look forward to reading more in this series. AND Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films! While You are here today... Please check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that most of our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! ~ Michael