
Topic: Comic Books - New
Continuing My Series On Creators that I met at the Comic Con International: San Diego 2009 and received at least one issue of their works for possible review... Is Manuel Ríos Sarabia of Sadhaka Studio. Manuel's Company is actually nearby in San Diego which I wasn't aware of at the time when I met him at the Con. This is what Manuel's advertising blurb about this comic says: "The Fearless Zombie Hunters 1
Standard Comic With his dying breath, El Angel Exterminador thrusts his legacy upon his hopeless son, Angel. Angel decides he is not really cut for the job of being the new Angel but fate puts him in front of a horde of zombies that might just make him change his mind. The appearance of Abronsius, Zombie Hunter, will help Angel to make his final decision. The Fearless Zombie Hunters is… well, basically a tale about fearless zombie hunters. Imagine a black comedy starring Johnny Depp as the wise, middle aged and only living doctor in bio-thanathology, Professor Abronsius; an overweight Diego Luna (Y tu mama también) as the incompetent and disgraceful Angel, Son of El Angel, the greatest wrestler ever in Mexican history and Ana de la Reguera (Nacho Libre) as Candy, the sassy, sexy, retro aesthtete and extremely feminine balance between those two complete opposites. Now picture the three of them (in comic book form) fighting zombies for the sake of the world. There you have it. The Fearless Zombie Hunters. Okay... So what's my thoughts on the first issue of this comic book title? Well, I've seen a concept about luchadores and monsters before in the past. It's been a while and hasn't been overdone to death storyline wise. So seeing it here was an acceptable concept. This story is probably going to be one that if you picked it up after seeing the front cover and the title, then you would be okay with the concept presented inside. So it remained to be seen if it was going to live up to its' title or not. The comic appears to not take itself itself too seriously. Which is good, because there are some bizarre moments during the story. Heck, it's a zombie story after all! The style of writing is similar to a 'B' movie script, not saying it's amiss, just that there is a niche for this sort of thing, and is passable if you go into reading the comic knowing that. BTW, I did enjoy the reference to The Thing's battle cry in the story! The artwork by Gared Campos printed in black and white fits the storyline. Yeah ,when depicting zombies and the carnage that zombies wreak, black and white is a better presentation. Actually it's more like a grayscale coloring style. The illustrations really make the story stand out more. The lettering balloons were a little strange in places, but not too upsetting. There were no interior page ads, which is why this independently published comic is the $3.99 cover price. Even though Zombies and their ilk may be losing favor among the general reading public at this time, the concept presented in this comic book, Fearless Zombie Hunters #1 is one that hasn't been overdone as of yet, and is an interesting first issue for those that like zombie comics.
You can find more about this comic book at Manuel's web site at: which appears to be under a revision at this time. Until then it appears with additional info, this one is still current: BTW.... Whereas Tina and I don't publish comics or books (yet?) or set up at comic cons anymore, (except at our own Facebook Virtual Comic Con Dealer Table), we do have thousands of indies and mainstream comics in our own online store. Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films! ~ Michael @