
Topic: Comic Book Writers
This entry in our 'Spotlight On...' blog post series is about ... Bruce Durham, who sent a Facebook Friends request to me at the beginning of September. As I do with everyone that either sends me a Friends request or accepts one that I send them, I check out the info and photos tabs on their Facebook wall to get to 'know' them a little better. What I saw on Bruce's photo wall really got my interest, as he had attended the 'Howard Days' back in 2006! For those that don't know which Howard, that would be THE Robert E Howard (REH), creator of such characters as Conan, King Kull, Solomon Kane and others! I invited Bruce to send in a brief bio about himself, as I could see he had several interests and activities that he was doing that would make a good blog post. The following is what he submitted: Hi, my name is Bruce Durham, or for those who frequent the community forums, Crom’s Justiciar. I was born in Toronto, Ontario shortly before Hurricane Hazel and have spent the majority of my years in neighbouring Mississauga. Though I majored in film and television, it was before Toronto gained the moniker as Hollywood North. So, seeing as I predated the industry, I ended up in the cable TV business. For over 30 years. In the 60’s I perused a selection of pocketbooks and came across a title with artwork that was, quite simply, stunning. The book was ‘Conan the Conqueror’, and the cover was by the legendary Frank Frazetta. From that moment on I was hooked, and anything that had the name Robert E. Howard attached, I bought. It was only later I came to understand the liberties that (Lancer) series editor L. Sprague de Camp had taken with Howard’s work, and it wasn’t until the Wandering Star and Del Rey editions appeared that I could read Howard as he was meant to be read. In 2002 Conan Properties Inc. was acquired by Paradox Entertainment. In early 2003 they opened a website complete with community forums. At the time I was moderating another Paradox forum, and because of my knowledge of REH was asked to help out. After a short stint as a moderator, I was made Administrator. Over the years the forums have grown into a valuable resource on all things Howard, attracting scholars such as Rusty Burke, Mark Finn and Patrice Louinet. In addition to Howard’s writings there are forums covering the comics, frequented by various artists and writers, as well as debates over the films. Currently Michael J. Bassett and Paul Berrow, director and producer respectively of ‘Solomon Kane’, drop by to post updates. In addition, Berrow is keeping us posted on the new Bran Mak Morn movie. And it doesn’t stop there. We discuss the Hyborian Age, Rpgs and so on. The website can be found at In my spare time I write, with over 20 stories published in various venues, as well as authoring an upcoming graphic novel. You can visit my website at: So as you can see Bruce is a pretty busy guy! You should check out the forums mentioned in the link above should you be interested in the Hyborian Age and other things Conan! Bruce didn't mention that if You are on Facebook, You can find out more about what he is doing and also post input at his Facebook Comic Con | Bruce Durham creator table at: My thanks to Bruce for taking the time to update me and this Blog's readers as to what he is currently doing, and where you can contact him further and also get into some lively discussions! And... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films! While You are here today... Please check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that most of our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! And Yes, there are many Conan item listed there, plus hundreds more to be listed! ~ Michael @