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COMIC CONS FEATURETTE:   I have already started mentioning graphic novels that I thought were possibilities as gifts for those friends of yours that are not into reading comics or graphic novels. (See previous Featurette section here.) the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC), I ran into Vince Musacchia at the 'Silver Comics' booth, as seen below.

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I was very pleased to see the Silver Comics series that Vince Musacchia has contributed to and that I have blogged about before, (for latest blog post click here).

Well I was a little surprised to see that Vince was involved in  a series from the late 1980's that I only find single issues here and there at comic cons or in peoples collections that are offered to us to buy.  I had several of them before, but not all of them...

That series would be 'The Honeymooners' comic book series from Triad Publications!

There had been two earlier incarnations of the famous TV Show in a comic book format.

DC Comics had a 12 issue series titled "Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners".  That series started in 1956.

Lodestone had 1 issue in October 1986.

Then Triad Publications had a 12 issue series that started September 1987 and ran through July/August 1989.  The 1st issue's cover from Triad looks similar to Lodestone's but I currently do not know the connection.

Updated - December 5th: Vince contacted me with this info: "My role on both the Lodestone one-shot and all twelve Triad issues was Creative Director. I also penciled some issues, and inked all thirteen, as well as colored all story pages. The covers that were hand-tinted were done so under my direction. And all illustrated covers were completely by me , except the Lou Albano cover which was done over breakdowns by Win Mortimer. And on the Christmas issue I was aided by my dear friend Ted Camut. Ted did the airbrush effects and rendered the '55 Chevy".

Vince had several of the back issues of this comic book series available with him at the LBCC, as seen in the photo above.

So if you or you know someone who is a fan of this TV series and or Jackie Gleason or the other actors in the series, you might want to check this lead out further!

Here is the link to contact Vince: for details on how to purchase those back issues directly from him.

Plus Vince has an interesting blog as seen at: !   




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