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RECOMMENDED GRAPHIC NOVELS AS GIFTS FEATURETTE:   This blog's  'Main Feature' today was on what items to avoid giving as a holiday present to business associates.

Well, what about those business associates that you work with on a regular basis and personally know very well, and that you would like to introduce them to the reading genres that you enjoy?

I would think that giving a graphic novel could be a good idea if you have heard them talk about books and / or movies that they have recently read or seen.   Here are some thoughts on graphic novels that I have reviewed this year with what audience to give as gift to.

For someone that reads HoRRoR books: 


For someone that likes to read books to their children:

The Path,

For someone that likes audio books in a HoRRoR vein:


For someone that likes a 'Fun Read' and enjoys old TV Shows, say like the 1960's Batman TV Show:

Miserable Dastards!

For someone that likes Sci-Fi with social commentary:

Eye Of The Gods! 

The above are just some of the ideas that I have, based upon my personally reading them and then reviewing them here. Again, the above are meant for business associates or business friends that YOU personally know, and are NOT currently reading graphic novels. 

It would be a lot easier for me to recommend single issue 'floppy' comics, but NOT for business friends or associates.  Unfortunately it is still easier to give a graphic novel that re comics in a form of a book instead of a 'comic book' itself.

Possibly in the days to come, I may list more graphic novels and comic mini-series to give as gifts for those that you know that already read this form of literature. I am leaving this blog post open to possibly come back and add more, or post a link to a continuation post, as I have run out of time here this morning.....   




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