
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3185: I woke up way too early again this morning...I must be in 'training' for the upcoming San Diego Comic Con, that is only 13 days away! So I was getting ready to start blogging about a book that I just finished as a change of pace from this week's blog topics of vampires / werewolves / & more vampire! However, just before that, it occured to me to look up on the GCD (Grand Comics Database) to see if there were any comics books on a BBC TV Show that Tina and I just finished watching last night, (see DVD cover at the top left of this blog). That would be the Season One of Torchwood on DVD. And No...There wasn't any comic books on this TV Show. I double checked on the Doctor Who comic book listings, which is where this TV show sprang from. Plenty of Doctor Who comic series, one-shots, etc., but no Torchwood. For some reason I decided to check it out on Google. Premonition? I don't know. However, immediately up comes the fact that Titan Magazines is going to be publishing a comic book on this TV Show! The same Titan Magazines, whose booth I stopped at last year at the SDCC and picked up a few magazines for possible review. (See this link for those blog posts.) Well, I had to stop my scheduled blog post for this news. As Titan Magazines is promoting this new comic book with a variant cover just for the San Diego Comic Con, (as pictured at the above right of this blog)! So why am I somewhat excited about this news? Well, of course Tina and I are attending all 5 days of this comic con. Heck, it's in own our own 'backyard' so to speak, as it is only 35 miles South of us. And that's where I got my start in dealing with comic books, way back in 1972 as a dealer at the El Cortez Hotel where that year's con was held. But that's a story that's been told before... The real reason I am somewhat excited about this, and want to see about standing in line for this comic book, is that Tina and I just finished Season 1 last night on the DVD. This DVD was released back in 2008, and no...we are not selling any of them, and we picked it up because during the American Summer Season on TV, we usually don't have that many shows to watch, as most shows on are a 'repeat' basis. Both Tina and I found this DVD to be very enjoyable. I won't speak for her, but I found it to be even more enjoyable than I thought it would be because...There isn't any Doctor Who 'baggage' here! When I say 'baggage', it's that a viewer of this DVD doesn't have to know any of the Doctor Who continuity, which goes back a long way...too far back for me to get involved in that, even though we sell Doctor Who comic books. Suffice to say, I found that this 1st Season DVD held crisp, bold, and outright daring episodes, thirteen of them in number. However, I do want to stress that this DVD is NOT for those that of young age, as several of the topics and scenes are graphic in sexual content and violence. Not my usual fare of watching TV, turst me on that one! Yet it is the characterization of the five main characters that drew me into this Season One right from the start. Yes, some of the accents from this BBC production threw me off, but I got the gist of each of the scenes. And the storyline that each episode unfolded made me want to come back for the next episode. It's taken us a few nights of watching this DVD set, but IMO it was worth the time invested in it. I for one will be looking forward to seeing the Season Two DVD set. Plus will brave the probable long line to get a copy of the San Diego Exclusive Comic Book #1 for myself. Oh, and what's this TV Series about? Here's just a bit from the Wikipedia entry: "Torchwood is a British science fiction television programme, created by Russell T Davies. It deals with the machinations and activities of the Cardiff branch of the fictional Torchwood Institute, which deals mainly with incidents involving extraterrestrials. An initial 13-part series was commissioned by the BBC as a spin-off from the 2005 revival of the long-running science fiction programme Doctor Who with which it is closely interlinked. The main cast consists of John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori and Gareth David-Lloyd. Gorman and Mori left the programme after the second series, with Kai Owen promoted from a recurring role to the main cast in series 3." I notice that there has been three seasons so far. It was mentioned that a fourth season is in production right now, for release in 2011. As for a 'grade' for this DVD...Well, I would give it a Near Mint Minus (NM-) 9.2 out of a 10.0 Comic Book Grading Scale, even though it isn't a comic book. As for the comic book, well, I'll tell you about it after the San Diego Comic Con, if I'm lucky enough to buy one!BTW, there is also a Facebook Fan Page for Torchwood, which I've 'liked' this morning. So I'll be checking that out further between now and Comic-Con. That's it for this blog post...funny how my Thursday morning blog got re-directed. Plus isn't it amazing on how many TV Shows and Theatrical Films get adapted for comic books? We are truly living in a 'Second Golden Age of Comics' right now people! My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,180 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @