Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3302: I'm still reading, (and possibly review blogging), publications that I received at several comic cons this year, including a couple of short comic book boxes full of comics and graphic novels from the recent 2nd Annual Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC)! In the Artists Alley of the LBCC, I came across Mark Rivers' table, where he showed me one of his comics from his 'Dirty Kitchen Press' imprint, 'Freaks Mutants, and Monsters' #1. Here is 'My Take' on this indie comic book: Front Cover: Kind of a cool comic book cover in an 'underground comix' style. Inside Front Cover: Table of Contents shows 4 separate stories. The copyright info, which I always read...portrays an 'attitude', which may or may not be reader friendly for those that read it. There is a good placement for Mark's web site at the bottom right of the page. 1st Story: 'Saga of the Burrito Monkey' - You know... As I read this, I find myself transported back to the late 1950's when 'Atlas Comics' was in its heyday with MoNSTer and HoRRoR Comics! Titles like 'Journey Into Mystery', 'Tales To Astonish', and 'Tales of Suspense' started back then. This story although updated for the 2000s, reminded me of the presentation format that was used in those above named comic book titles. Being 'Old School'... I kind of liked this, even with the 'Underground Comix' style of art, and 'current day' dialogue that was used. Actually, I 'Liked' this feature! Good start for this 'anthology comic'! 2nd Story: 'I Fought Muscadon and lived' - Yet another story that reminded me of the 'Good Old Days' of Atlas Comics, yet updated in artwork and dialogue. Great moral to the story and a twist ending. Another 'Winner'! 3rd Story: 'Attack of the Meme Meeps'! - Really good situational sotry plus with a twist ending. Again using influences from the past, yet updated for the 2000s audience. 4th Story: 'Merry Christmas' - A 2 page only story. Unfortunately, this one didn't 'flow' with me. It wasn't like the previous three stories. Maybe because it was only 2 pages in length? I don't want to call it a 'filler' story to round out the pages needed for the comic book, but the two pages didn't work for me. A weaker story to end the issue in my opinion. However, as I've said before, reviewing an 'anthology comic' is a very hard thing to do. Writing and illustrating all the stories in an anthology has to be the same, in that it is a very hard thing to do. Usually most regular sized anthology comics have three stories... Where I find I really 'loved' one, was 'okay' with the second, and wondered where the heck the third one came from, or why was it even included???! Here, in this issue I was able to read three really good illustrated and written stories, and was left wondering about just one of them. Because of that, I'm still going to give this comic book issue a very favorable rating at a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM) 9.0 out of a 10.0 comic book rating scale. That's because the 1st three stories flowed so well in their presentation! Where can YOU get a copy of this comic book, if you aren't lucky enough to see Mark Rivers at a comic con like I did? Well... You could go to his web site, Freaks Mutants, and Monsters where you could download a digital copy, or click a link there to order a hard copy! BTW, while you are on that site... Check out his blog where he blogs about his creations and other topics. Just click the 'Home' link on the order page. (I don't see any Facebook Fan Page for his imprint, so can't direct you there at this time.) My Thanks to Mark Rivers for bringing this comic book of his to my attention! -------------- PLUS: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,300 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 2,040 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet...I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky @