| | Vinnie with Neil Segura at the Forever Freshman booth at the 2013 FCBD! | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3849 - This past weekend my youngest son, Vinnie, and I attended the Free Comic Book Day event in Rancho Cucamonga. While we were standing in line for a couple of hours, we passed several booths with comics creators and small press publishers. One of the booths had Neil Segura and Ray Mendevil with their Forever Freshman comic books. Vinnie had previously blogged the 'Preview' issue of this comic book back in blog #3435. So Neil gave Vinnie a copy of issue #2 of the comic book series for possible review. Here's Vinnie's Take on the comic book: While at the FCBD event (which you can read a blog post about here) this past Saturday, I saw many comic creators and publishers. I had the chance to see the creators of "Forever Freshman," a comic by Neil Segura and Ray Mendivil, which I had previously read and reviewed, which can be found here. We talked for awhile, and they gave me the second issue to read. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, seeing as I am a freshman in high school now as well.
The story, which is a collaborative of both Ray and Neil, but written by Ray, is fun and reminiscient of what happens in highschool. The two characters, Neil and Ray, who are based off of the creators, have a fight and nearly end their friendship over a girl. However, after watching a chick-flick, they realize that they can't be fighting, and their friendship is saved. At the same time, their principal, DeMaskero, tries to catch them to put them in detention. They also skip school with the girl, Annie, who they were originally fighting over, and go on a kung-fu-chili-fueled adventure. In the end, Annie chooses another guy over Ray or Neil, which was the best thing for them, as they remained friends. DeMaskero ends up catching them, and they now have to attend Saturday School.
One thing I noticed was that when they were hallucinating from eating too much chili, Ray asked the girl "Annie, are you ok?" followed by Neil saying "Are you ok, Annie?" which happens to be in a Michael Jackson song. Whether or not that was intentional, I do not know, but I did find it mildy amusing.
The art, which was done by Neil, is quite detailed for being so cartoony. The first page shows an elaborate design of the evil principal's office as he is scolding the hall monitors and brewing up a nasty plan to catch Ray and Neil. The creators also had special permission to include characters from the "Reed Gunther" comic books, and they made a "cameo appearance" in one of the panels. There is also a full two-page picture of the three kids' journey which is just unbelievable. It shows them all fighting off a giant ant, talking to the toad king, rocking out with Neil on guitar, Ray on drums, and Annie singing, and each one on a majestic steed; a dragon for Ray, a giant eagle for Neil, and the seahorsicorn for Annie, as she holds onto the magic key. The inside back cover shows the ancient Chinese scroll detailing the ingredients for the kung-fu chili. Unfortunately, the part of the scroll telling of the secret ingredient was either burned or torn off, and will forever remain a secret.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed "Forever Freshman" issue 2. The story was interesting and the art was beautiful. I give it a Near Mint (NM), a 9.4 out of 10.0 grade scale. Those guys did an awesome job. You can also visit their website for more information or to pick up a copy of any of their issues for yourself.
~ Vinnie
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,849 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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