
Topic: Other Non Comics Works
The First Of A Trilogy Of Spy Thrillers!
This is a 'heads up'... To those of you that enjoy spy thrillers. Which would include my wife Tina and myself, especially when they are transformed later into films, like James Bond, which Tina has seen all of them! Well, this upcoming novel isn't a film, (yet), but it does have a book trailer online for you to view to give you an idea of what's ahead for this novel! I recently became Facebook Friends with the author Jeremy Duns, who wrote me the following: "I just wanted to share the news that Free Agent will be available as an audio book. In the UK, it will be released by Oakhill Publishing and in the US by Recorded Books - both versions will be unabridged. There will also be a large-print edition in the UK, published by FA Thorpe. Well, I took a look at the links that Jeremy provided, and decided to give you a 'heads up' on this upcoming book. Like those of you that will take the time to look at the excerpts, I didn't get to read the whole novel, but it looks interesting enough for me to want to blog about it. It is Not a Spy Thriller Graphic Novel, (like the online graphic novel 'The FAT Man' I've blogged about before), but it is in a similar genre without the illustrations. Here is a little back of background on the novel: In July 1945, MI6 agent Paul Dark took part in a clandestine mission to hunt down and execute Nazi war criminals. He will discover that everything he understood about that mission, about its consequences, and about the woman he once loved, has been built on false foundations. For those of you that are on Facebook, you can view these links: The 'Free Agent by Jeremy Duns' Group Page is at: The BOOK TRAILER is at: If you are not on Facebook, then the entire first chapter of the novel is also posted online at Simon & Schuster's site: Also, Jeremy has more information about himself at his own personal web site at: There you will find a previously unpublished article of his titled 'Beyond Bond' - A look at some forgotten spy thrillers. Also there is the fact that Jeremy knows his stuff, he also wrote the following article: 'Hunting the Nazis' - The True Story of the Belgian SAS'. Like I wrote at the beginning of this blog post, this looks a good novel to check out when the book is published first in the UK, and then in the States. (Please Note: A complimentary hard copy for this mention / review was not provided by the creator as it is in online format only at this time.) For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael