Mood: d'oh
Topic: Comic Cons
Eric Millikin... Just notified his Facebook Friends that he was getting ready to take his flight to this First Ever WebComics Weekend Con being held in Easthampton, Massachusetts. The Official Title of this con is "New England WebComics Weekend" in case you were wondering... But before you all get too excited about this weekend convention, you should know that according to the con's web site, that the con is considered to be 'sold out' for attending! Sorry about that! I usually am aware of conventions and able to give our blog readers a 'heads up' before a con starts. However I just found out about this start-up convention thanks to Eric! However, if you were one of the lucky ones that have already Formally Pre-registered to this first time convention, then prepare to have fun! According to the schedule of events, there is plenty to keep you busy during the convention! For those that can't make it to see Eric Millikin at this convention, feel free to check out his webcomic and other artwork at: Below are the details for this 2009 comic con should you be Formally Pre-Registered and thus be able to see Eric Millikin there: Eastworks Building in New England's Pioneer Valley Hours are posted on the web site, but I had to mention this! The activities start Friday night with a 'Northampton Pub Crawl' at 8:00 PM to 200 AM! Saturday the Con resumes: 11 AM - 8 PM Sunday the Con runs: 12 PM to 5 PM
BTW, there are more guests than just Eric at this Con! LOL They include: Rene Engstrom, Chris Hallbeck, Jon Rosenberg, Jeff Zugale, Serena Castells, Luke Foster, Dawn Griffin, Juli Mayers, David Wilborn, and Joe Zuniga among dozens of others! Sorry, but there's two pages of guests and other cartoonist atendees listed... too many to list here!
For those of you that are new to our blog today, we also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael