
Topic: Comic Cons
All Of The Below Will Be At The 'StarFest Entertainment Festival' In Denver! The Cons Run April 17th to 19th, 2009 Daniel Crosier, Kevin Dilmore, Noah Van Sciver Brian Wood, Kevin Gentilcore, Tom Hodges I have been asked about the "Comic Convention" that is being held in Denver, Colorado starting April 17th... Actually it is called 'The StarFest Entertainment Festival', and there are really Four Conventions in this one Festival! They are StarFest, HorrorFest, ComicFest and GameFest. Each convention has events and activities for fans of their particular genre of entertainment!The above pictured persons are just a few of the guests that will be attending / exhibiting at one of the four cons! They are known either for their works in comics, graphic novels, Star Trek fandom, or Star Wars works. There are other stars attending the four conventions, but you should check the web site to see them listed there! So if you are in the Denver, Colorado area or traveling there during this time period, be sure to check this ComicFest or the other three conventions out! Here are the details for the Festival as this blog is published:Where: The ComicFest & GameFest are being held at a different separate building - the Hilton Garden Inn - Denver Tech Center The StarFest & HoRRoRFest are held at a completely separate building - the Mariott Denver Tech Center. Hours: Way too complicated to detail here! Please check the web site that has multiple pages on when, where, cost, schedules, etc., at: Please note: Con schedules and other details are subject to change! For those of you that are new to our blog today, we also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael