
Topic: Comic Books - New
It's getting near the End of Round 2 in the Small Press Idol contest... And I still have more contestants to blog about here! Oh yes, there's still time to check them out and vote for them, but you gotta hurry... because there's only 7 Days left for the contestants to get the votes in for their projects before Round 2 closes and only 20 contestants move on to Round 3! There were 27 entries that made it out of Round 1 and are now being voted upon in Round 2. But only 20 can move on to Round 3! So why does this matter and why am I blogging about this contest again? Well, in Round 2 it is not only the three initial Judges that are doing the voting... it is also registered persons on the site, like YOU or me could be, that are voting in this round! I have already blogged about a few other entries in the SPI contest so far.... please see my prior posts for those. 'White Rose' is the subject of this blog post. It got a late start in moving into Round 2, and could use your help in catching up and staying in the Top 20 so as to enter Round 3! It has found favor with the voters so far, because as of yesterday it was #11 on the listings! The project was submitted by George Burnett from the Gloucester, MA area. The Small Press Idol 2009 has 4 rounds: Round 1 is already over. It was to present the Basic Concept - Talent. Round 2 ends on April 30th. It is more about showcasing the characters with illos and background text. Only 20 entries move on to Round 3! Round 3 goes from May 18th - June 7th. It is on the 'sequential primers'. Round 4 goes from July 15 - ??? It is the Origin or the #0 issue. Below is the Basic Concept shown in Round 1 from the 'White Rose' project: " In our world, we think of a person as composed of three things - Body, Mind and Soul. In the world of the White Rose, there is a fourth thing: the Name. To Name a person is to have power over them. To steal their Name is to gain that power. Memory is linked to the Name. But it’s not the ordinary memory inside one person’s mind. It’s the Memory of the Name itself, of everything that person ever did, and everyone they ever met - to steal a person’s name is to effectively wipe them out of collective Memory - it’s as if they never existed… This belief in the power of Names is widespread, but the dark rituals allowing Names to be stolen are the stuff of myth and legend. Just as every child learns to fear the bogeyman, name thieves are the inhabitants of their bedtime stories. The truth behind these tales has been lost to time… until now. After surviving a horrific attack on her village, a young woman wakes with no memory of her Name; in fact no one else in the village can remember it either. It seems she is the victim of a forgotten magic… somehow, during the attack, someone has stolen her Name. They call her the White Rose, but she is determined to get her true Name back, and she’s not going to let anyone stop her…”
Round 2 at the web site shows the characters from 'White Rose'. The above illustration at the top left of this post is in pencilled form only at this time and is just a representation of what other pages are like at the web site for viewing and reading. I believe those blog readers that are into 'Fantasy' Comics and Graphic Novels may enjoy this project. Those of you that have been reading this Blog for a while will know of my fondness for 'Red Sonja' and 'Belit' from the Conan Era. For more on 'White Rose' I invite you to check out this entry on the Small Idol Press web site. After viewing his progress so far, and liking it, George would definitely appreciate your vote! If you are not yet signed up to vote at the Small Press Idol 2009, feel free to do so! If you have signed up to vote at Small Press Idol, you can vote for 'White Rose' at: To read more about the 'White Rose' project go to: If you haven't signed up yet for Small Press Idol, the 'sign up' page to vote for 'White Rose' or any other of the SPI entries is at: (Please Note: Michael / Tina / Make It So Marketing Inc are not affialiated with, nor compensated by the contestants, publisher, the SPA, or the SPI. This blog post is for mention of the SPI only. No 'favorites' are to be implied in this blog post. It is for informational purposes only!) For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael (and Tina) |