
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': First, Happy New Year to All of our readers! And yes... I'm up way toooo early this first day of the New Year! I guess I can't wait for the New Year to begin! Anyways, last week / year I blogged about the 'Indy Comic Book Week' that started December 27th, 2009 and ends this Saturday January 2nd 2010.... The above pictured comic books are not ones that could be at your Local Comic Book Shop, (LCBS) during 'Indy Comic Book Week', because they aren't available as of yet! However, I have seen .pdf preview copies of these projects, and wanted to bring them to your attention also, as they should be ready to read in the early part of this new year, 2010! So what are they about? Here is the first one's press release: Project: Archangel is the story of a covert, government sponsored team of psychic operatives formed to combat an exceptionally unique enemy; the population at large, or rather the monsters we unleash upon ourselves. Creator/Writer: Keith Holmes Okay.... So what is the second project about? Templar is the story of Isaiah, the fledgling Knight Protectorate of New York City. Set in fictional Fort Hunt, NY, a modern day throwback to the violence-scarred South Bronx of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Templar chronicles the life of Isaiah, New York’s Fledgling Knight Protectorate assigned to hunt down the children of the mysterious Lost Tribe of Israel; the Nephilim. Weighted with vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience Isaiah must use his Templar training, blessings of cognition, and physical prowess to defeat the spawn of Heaven’s fallen angels hidden among us (vampires, werewolves, flesh-eaters), keeping his duties a secret from the “mortals” he is sworn to protect. Creator/Writer: Keith Holmes So why did I pick these two projects to start off the New Year? Well, both Keith Holmes and Todd Rayner are Facebook Friends, and I've seen mentions of their endeavors off and on since August of 2009. Plus I was sent preview copies starting back in August and as recently as Christmas Eve. So I thought that even though the series aren't totally ready yet, I would mention them here. Templar was first sent to me as a two page .pdf preview. Although I thought the cover and interior page were illustrated well and with vivid colors, I wasn't sure the series was 'for me'. There was a severed head of a creature flying around on the cover, with blood gushing... A second preview .pdf was sent as a follow up. This was a nine page preview, with the cover shown at top right of this blog post. This was starting off differently than the first preview that was sent to me... but then included the same interior page I had been sent before, along with the severed head cover from the earlier preview. Now I've read EC Comics, underground comix, HoRRoR comics, etc., so I've seen a lot of different genres. I haven't figured this one out yet, but the art, other than the violence depicted, was something that drew me back in to see the second preview. I'll have to wait to see the full issue before commenting further on this project. Please Note: This issue is not yet rated, but intended for mature audiences. Project Archangel's storyline wasn't as 'graphic / grim n' gritty' as 'Templar'. I was sent an 8 page preview .pdf, that had a cover and 7 interior pages. The storyline was more 'reader friendly' for me, but that is just according to my 'tastes'. The intro of the 7 pages led me to wanting to see more. So this is a project I'll keep closer tabs on, and probably blogging about again later. So, since these two projects were just sent in preview form to me, I'm reserving 'judgement' on them until I see more. You can see more yourselves by checking out their web site at: ! Even better, if You are a Facebook member - (and why aren't you if you aren't already!), by becoming a 'fan' at their FB Fan Page here: Enterlight Studios - Graphic Entertainment! That way you can be 'inter-active' with the creators of these two series! I will be blogging about more proposed or published indy comics series right here at in the first days of the New Year. This is my 'contribution' to 'Indy Comic Book Week'! You can follow what is happening and how you can participate in the final days of 'Indy Comic Book Week' by checking out the details at: Additionally, for our part...Tina and I will be having all the independents comics / graphic novels that we have ready to be sold, listed in our online store at low intro prices at: BTW, If YOU are a comics or graphic novel creator, and would like to possibly see Your work reviewed here in my Blog, please check this following link, where I tell you: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog usually on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown or released. Again, Thanks to All of You reading this, and a Happy New Year to One and All! ~ Michael D Hamersky @