
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': First of all, please click the above link under Joan Severance's photo, where I blogged about that film when Joan Severance portrayed 'The Black Scorpion', to see what Tina and I thought about the film... Okay, are you back? Great! That archived blog post was from January 25th of 2008, which was an updated re-post from July 8th of 2007. Although my wife Tina and I weren't overly enthused about the film, when this comic book came in from Bluewater Comics for a possible review, I stopped to take a look at the 'Cover B' issue that was sent. I thumbed the inside pages and liked what I saw enough to set aside my earlier thoughts on this film series to read this first issue of the comic book series, and give it a chance. So what is this comic book series about? Here is the first issue's promo release: Roger Corman Presents Black Scorpion #1 is Roger Corman's femme fatale superhero gets reborn, as Black Scorpion once again prowls the streets of Angel City. In this dark redux of the popular film and television series, Detective Darcy Walker, consumed with revenge by the murder of her father, dons a mask to strike at the criminals that deem themselves above the law. By: Paul Salamoff, Daniel Cuchacovich Okay, so what did I think of this first issue? First, I am not a big fan of multiple covers for an issue. I went through the early 1990's boom and bust of publishers printing multiple covers, special effects covers, etc. However, the cover I received was a 'smashing' cover, and made a big 'hit' with me! (It's the top cover pictured in the top right inset.) That cover 'B' was illustrated by Azim Akberali. Would I have been as interested in checking out the interior pages if I had received either of the other two covers? Well, the cover at the bottom left of the inset is familar to me as a possible 'Catwoman' type of cover, so probably yes on that one, if I had seen it at my LCBS. The cover at the bottom right of the inset, well... probably not so much. When potential readers / buyers of a comic book at their LCBS are viewing the LCBS's new comics racks, a cover has to stand out enough to be picked up. Especially if it is a first issue. So two of the three could have done it for me. Enough of the covers... what about the interior pages? For the first part of an origin story, well... I was impressed. Especially after not really liking the film that Tina and I viewed years ago... So that says something right there! The storyline was well paced, the dialogue was written well, so kudos to writer Paul J Salamoff. The interior pages were penciled by Daniel Cuchacovich. I liked his artwork for this genre of story. It fit well with the total presentation. The colors by Zac Atkinson meshed well with the artwork and the tone of the story. Wilson Ramos Jr.'s lettering was the usual fine work! So in this case, the comic book series held my interest enough that I would want to continue reading the second of the four issue mini-series. Even though the film itself was not one of our 'have to see next one in the series' type of films... You can see more yourselves on this mini-series by checking out their web site at:! Also, if You are a Facebook member - (and why aren't you if you aren't already!), you can become a 'Friend' with Bluewater Comics by checking this link out: Bluewater Comics on Facebook! They are currently using their Facebook 'Member Page' for contact instead of a 'Fan Page' at this time. BTW, If YOU are a comics or graphic novel creator, or a small press publisher, and would like to possibly see Your work reviewed here in my Blog, please check this following link, where I tell you: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog usually on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown or released. Additionally, for comics that are similar, if not the actual issue(s), to the above reviewed comic book, we have those listed in our online store at low intro prices at: Again, Thanks to All of You reading this, and a Happy New Year to One and All! ~ Michael D Hamersky @