
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': Tina and I saw a lot of comics creators at their tables in the Artists Alley at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC)... But none so wild and crazy as Iota_Arcane and D. Castr at their Taco Comics Table! Indeed, I've held off blogging about their works for a while, because they just didn't 'fit into' this blog in the 'normal' sense. Now that doesn't mean their work isn't good, it's just that the work is more of what used to be called 'underground' style, and their music is more hip hop style than what I usually would mention here, if I mentioned music at all. It's a comic book blog after all, you know! What grabbed Tina's attention was that the comic book shown at the top right was generated from a 'track' on Iota_Arcane's CD titled 'Imaginary Slave'. So the fact that the music media spawned a comic book was interesting to Tina. For myself, I thought it was a cool background story. The music is hip hop, not my normal listening to music venue. The comic book as you can see from the front cover is kinda weird, but just as 'far out' as the underground comics from the 1960's - 1970's we are selling in our online store. The tune that plays in the background on the video presented above is kinda catchy... more so than the CD, but again, that is my personal taste in music. I blog about what I like here, and the combo of a CD track to a full blown Comic Book is a story that I like. As a side note, here's Iota_Arcane's notes on the CD itself: This is a collection of old songs & poems I have been performing live for years. I linked up with a old friend Deadend from Head Hunterz Crue and I was lucky enough to have him do all the production and recording for this project with Dj Step Daddy on the Cuts. This is me doing me. It is super unorthodox with no standard or rules. Just shredding in Rhymes. D. Castr did the cover art. D. Castr and I also have a comic book out based on the "Imaginary Slave" song on this album that correlates with the comic book". I'm presenting their story here for YOU to check it out further, IF this style of art and / or music is more your speed than mine. They were fun guys and passionate about their Taco Comics Table at the LBCC. They deserve to have some publicity about their creative products. They are not sitting around waiting for fame to come to them. And also not sitting at their table not paying attention to those passing by. Indeed, they both could have figured that Tina and I were definitely not 'hip' enough to share their creations with, but they were definitely energetic and friendly enough when then realized that Tina and I expressed interest in what they were doing. Since the LBCC, they have since gone on to do a couple more comic cons that you can see at their websites. You can check that and them out further at the following links: Iota_Arcane Band on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads at: For the Taco Comics Facebook Member Page: Iota_Arcane & D.Castr's Comics Page: Taco Comics Blog at: My thanks to both Iota_Arcane & D. Castr (David Castro) for the time they spent with us at the LBCC. And for the promo comic and CD for a possible mention / review in this Blog. PLUS: Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! We usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, or TV show based on comics, such as the one blogged aobut here today! Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article! ~ Michael D Hamersky @