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Thursday, January 21, 2010
'The 45' Com.X Signing... In Cardiff, UK - Saturday January 23rd 2010!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Other Cons


'The 45' Com.X Signing!

First UK release of The 45

Saturday, January 23, 2010!

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above: Andi Ewington as Seen At the Com.X Booth at the 2009 Long Beach Comic (LBCC) when I met him and discussed his upcoming book!

To the Top Right: The Front Cover of Forty-Five being held by Andi Ewington, 'hot off the presses'... two and half years in the making!

To the Bottom Right: The poster to the event, the 1st United Kingdom release! Being held at 'Forbidden Planet' in Cardiff, UK. Congrats to Andi and the Com.X folks!  Have Sum Fun!


Click here to see our NEWLY LISTED ITEMS for sale! 
Click here to see our NON-CATEGORIZED COMICS for sale!


Congrats to Andi Ewington and the Com.X people who I met in person at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC)...

They will be at the First United Kingdom Release of the '45' this week!

Below are the details of the event for the UK readers of this Blog so they can possibly make it to see Andi and the others attending:

'The 45' Com.X Signing
First UK release of The 45!
Type: Music/Arts - Opening
Network: Global
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2010
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Forbidden Planet, Cardiff

Description: To celebrate the UK release of their much anticipated new release 'The 45', Com.X will be showing up in full force to sign copies of the book for fans.

Guests include Com.X publisher Eddie Deighton, writer of 'The 45' Andi Ewington, writer of 'Cla$$war' Rob Williams, writer and artists of 'Razorjack' an colorist on 'Watchmen' John Higgins and artists Charlie Adlard (Walking Dead), Lee Carter, Matt Timson, Sally Hurst, Ben Oliver (Young X-Men, The Authority, Ultimate X-Men), and Jon Sloan.

They will be appearing at Forbidden Planet in Cardiff from 1pm to sign copies of their work.

So what's the work about?

"Forty-Five is a series of Superhero interviews documented by James Stanley. As a soon-to-be father, James wants to find out what lies in store for his family if his unborn child turns out to have a Superpower.

Having decided to forego the test that would determine whether his child is carrying the all-important "Super-S" gene, which differentiates the genetic makeup of a superhero from that of a normal person, James sets out on a quest to interview forty-five super-powered individuals in the hope that their experiences may better prepare him for the birth of a child that is potentially gifted with extraordinary abilities.

On his journey, he encounters characters from all walks of life; from single mothers struggling to raise gifted children, to rebellious super-teenagers, all the way through to those reaching the end of their lives. But what starts as a voyage of personal discovery becomes something far more ominous when he crosses paths with an organization known as XoDOS."

"Each page of art has been illustrated by a different comic artist, with no predetermined brief given; just the written page as guidance. The concept is unlike anything you've seen in comic books so far; it truly is an original attempt at redefining what people expect from a comic book format."

The List of the 45 Artists involved with this project include, (but not limited to):

John Higgins
Neil Edwards
Ben Oliver
Trevor Hairsine
Lee Garbett
Liam Sharp
Calum Alexander Watt
Steve Sampson
Kit Wallis
Admira Wijaya
Carlo Pagulayan
Seb Antoniou
Rufus Dayglo
David Ryan
Sally Hurst
Andie Tong
Charlie Adlard
Andrew Wildman
Stephen Thompson
Simon Coleby

My congrats to Andi Ewington, with whom I have been communicating with since early last year.  It was great to meet him in person at the October 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, (photo at top left of this post), and discuss his then still upcoming book.

For my earlier blog post on meeting Andi and others from Com.X, please see this archived blog post: "Have YOU Take THE PATH?".

You can check out the upcoming event in Cardiff at this link: "45 First UK Signing Event".

PLUS, You can become a Member of the '45' Facebook Group Page by following this link and joining:  "Forty-Five".

My thanks to both Andi Ewington and the Com.X people for the time they spent with Tina and myself at the 2009 LBCC.  And for the promo literature for the earlier mention / review in this Blog, plus what was sent for this 'Main Feature'.

PLUS: Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! We usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, book signings, and other pop culture news and events, such as the one blogged about here today! 

Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'.  And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Comic books / graphic novels like the one shown above can be found at our own web site:




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"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



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Note: If you are breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!



If you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.



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Back on Monday, October 19th of 2009, the 'Main Feature' in this Blog was: "Do YOU Want To See A DEAD DUCK Fly?". (Click here for link to that post.)

At that time I explained that Jay P Fosgitt was asking for help on getting the pre-order numbers up for this graphic novel.

Now I see the following on Jay's Facebook Wall from Tuesday, January 19th:

"I'm sending in my submission today for the National Cartoonists Society Awards. Cross your fingers that Dead Duck makes it into the running for best graphic novel!"

So, here's hoping that Jay's graphic novel makes into the running for that category!

Here's the link to Jay's  Facebook Fan Page for 'Dead Duck' so You can send join: FRIENDS AND FANS OF DEAD DUCK.

Jay is pictured below with two of the main characters from his graphic novel, Dead Duck and Zombie Chick:


My thanks to Jay for submitting the graphic novel 'preview' to me last year, so I could mention / review it in my Blog.

Good luck to Jay on making it into the running for 'Best Graphic Novel'.

We don't have a copy of the 'Dead Duck' for sale in our online store at: ComicBooksCircus.com, but you can find it at most good LCBS or at online book stores. 



Talking about publications: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.

~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, January 21, 2010 9:14 AM PST
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Iota Arcane's Imaginary Slave?
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


Iota_Arcane's Imaginary Slave?

Yes, AND Much More, as Seen At the 2009 Long Beach Comic (LBCC)!  

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above (l-r): The creative team of Iota_Arcane & D. Castr at the Taco Comics Table in Artists Alley of the Long Beach Comic Con!

To the Top Right: The Front Cover to the 1st Issue of Iota_Arcane's Imaginary Slave!

To the Bottom Right: The album cover to Iota_Arcane's 'Dead Androids' album!


Click here to see our UNDERGROUND COMICS for sale! 
Click here to see our NON-CATEGORIZED COMICS for sale!

Above: Iota_Arcane & D. Castr of Taco Comics at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con!


Tina and I saw a lot of comics creators at their tables in the Artists Alley at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC)...

But none so wild and crazy as Iota_Arcane and D. Castr at their Taco Comics Table!

Indeed, I've held off blogging about their works for a while, because they just didn't 'fit into' this blog in the 'normal' sense.

Now that doesn't mean their work isn't good, it's just that the work is more of what used to be called 'underground' style, and their music is more hip hop style than what I usually would mention here, if I mentioned music at all.  It's a comic book blog after all, you know! 

What grabbed Tina's attention was that the comic book shown at the top right was generated from a 'track' on Iota_Arcane's CD titled 'Imaginary Slave'.  So the fact that the music media spawned a comic book was interesting to Tina.

For myself, I thought it was a cool background story.  The music is hip hop, not my normal listening to music venue.  The comic book as you can see from the front cover is kinda weird, but just as 'far out' as the underground comics from the 1960's - 1970's we are selling in our online store.

The tune that plays in the background on the video presented above is kinda catchy... more so than the CD, but again, that is my personal taste in music.  I blog about what I like here, and the combo of a CD track to a full blown Comic Book is a story that I like.

As a side note, here's Iota_Arcane's notes on the CD itself: This is a collection of old songs & poems I have been performing live for years. I linked up with a old friend Deadend from Head Hunterz Crue and I was lucky enough to have him do all the production and recording for this project with Dj Step Daddy on the Cuts. This is me doing me. It is super unorthodox with no standard or rules. Just shredding in Rhymes. D. Castr did the cover art. D. Castr and I also have a comic book out based on the "Imaginary Slave" song on this album that correlates with the comic book".

I'm presenting their story here for YOU to check it out further, IF this style of art and / or music is more your speed than mine.

They were fun guys and passionate about their Taco Comics Table at the LBCC.  They deserve to have some publicity about their creative products.  They are not sitting around waiting for fame to come to them. And also not sitting at their table not paying attention to those passing by. Indeed, they both could have figured that Tina and I were definitely not 'hip' enough to share their creations with, but they were definitely energetic and friendly enough when then realized that Tina and I expressed interest in what they were doing. 

Since the LBCC, they have since gone on to do a couple more comic cons that you can see at their websites.

You can check that and them out further at the following links:

Iota_Arcane Band on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads at: http://www.myspace.com/xnationalz

For the Taco Comics Facebook Member Page:


Iota_Arcane & D.Castr's Comics Page: http://www.TacoComics.com

Taco Comics Blog at: http://www.TacoComics.WordPress.com

My thanks to both Iota_Arcane & D. Castr (David Castro) for the time they spent with us at the LBCC.  And for the promo comic and CD for a possible mention / review in this Blog.

PLUS: Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! We usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, or TV show based on comics, such as the one blogged aobut here today! 

Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'.  And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Comic books like the ones shown above can be found at our own web site:




Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!



WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.



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After Today's "Main Feature" publicizing a couple of wild and crazy guys I just met at the 2009 LBCC... I thought I would mention a man who I've met several times during the years when he traveled out to the San Diego Comic Con International (SDCC).

That would be Gene (The Dean) Colan, a man whose work I have loved ever since the 'Silver Age of Comics'!  And yeah, I do like more than the just Fantastic Four that I blog a lot about here.  I enjoyed Gene's work on Daredevil, Sub-Mariner, and Iron Man just to name a few features he has done!

Gene is pictured above at the 2001 SDCC looking at some original artwork that was passed around at the 'Marvel Bullpen Reunion' panel that was hosted by Mark Evanier.

The real reason I am blogging about Gene today is that there is a new book coming out in February of 2010, "The Invincible Gene Colan", which is pictured below: 

Here's the PR for this February 2009 issue:

With more than 65 years at the drawing board, Gene Colan proved himself to be Marvel's most dedicated, and one of its most important artists. Now Hero Initiative and Marvel Comics have created a breathtaking collection that looks back at Colan’s important career and phenomenal work as no other volume has before. The Invincible Gene Colan is a 128-page hardcover book that showcases Gene’s amazing art, and includes important analysis from Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, John Romita, Walter Simonson, Neil Gaiman, Tom Spurgeon and Tom Palmer.

Originally solicited as a softcover, The Invincible Gene Colan is now a hardcover, at the same price of $19.99. Net proceeds will benefit Gene Colan. The book can be ordered in the Hero Initiative section of Diamond Previews, using order code DEC090880. Please your order with your favorite retailer today! Orders must be in by December 24, 2008, and the book will be in-stores February, 2010. Through special arrangement with Marvel Comics, there will be only ONE printing of this book EVER.

 “As a fiction writer in the early 1990s, I had the profound good fortune of seeing Gene Colan illustrate several of my stories,” said book Editor Clifford Meth. “Then, last year, Gene contacted me with the hopes of finally retiring. That call sparked the genesis of this book. The Invincible Gene Colan is a lasting and long-overdue tribute to perhaps the greatest master to touch the comic art form. Gene Colan is the Bob Dylan of visual storytelling. He is quite simply without peer.”

"It's quite an honor to have the most iconic, respected and beloved comic book company, Marvel Comics, publish a book honoring my career,” said Gene Colan. “It was apparent from the time I was a young boy that I had talent drawing. As I grew older, I began to sharpen my skills and point them in the direction of comics, my passion. Since 1946 it's been a thrill for me to be part of the Marvel family. And it really is a family! The Invincible Gene Colan is the culmination of a 63 year relationship with Marvel. I'm deeply grateful!"

My thanks to both Christina Arrobio-Zietsman from the Hero Initiative and Clifford Meth for sending me word separately on this upcoming book. I have NOT seen previews of this book as of this blog posting date, but I have always appreciated Gene Colan's artwork. 

That PLUS the fact that Gene is one of my childhood comic book idols who is the nicest guy ever in person.  As well as his lovely wife, Adrienne Colan, who told some great stories while Gene was busy sketching at their Comic Con table throughout the years they've attended!


Talking about upcoming publications: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.

~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:28 AM PST
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Human Target?
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows


The Human Target?

Yes, The Human Target Returns To Television for 2010!  

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above: The Co-creator of the Comic Book Feature, Len Wein!

To the Right: The Front Cover to the 1st Issue that the Human Target appeared in, Action Comics #419 - December 1972!


Click here to see our DC SUPERHEROES COMICS for sale!

Click here to see our TV & MOVIE COMICS for sale!

Above: Jackie Earle Haley as Guerrero, Mark Valley as Christopher Chance,
and Chi McBride as Winston


Tina and I watched the Season Premiere Episode of the 'Human Target' Sunday Night...

Which is being rerun tonight, (Tuesday - January 19th, 2010). I'm blogging about this TV show because it is loosely based on a comic book series co-created by Len Wein and Carmine Infantino back in 1972. 

1972?  Yes, that far back!

Too often the co-creators of properties that old don't even get mentioned in the 'credits' of new works.  Or, possibly the co-creators don't even want to be associated with the new works.

In this case I went to the member page of my Facebook Friend, Len Wein, to see what he said about the TV Show.  What I found there was:  "(Len Wein) is pleased that Cartoon Network is rerunning his first Ben 10 today at Noon. Tonight, at 8 on Fox, the premiere of Human Target! Watch 'em both if you can".

So I felt good about seeing this on his page, and wanted to blog about the new series today as a 'Main Feature'.

Which is doubly good, because I really like two of the main cast members of this new show.  More on that later in this post.

First I want to give a little history on "The Human Target". The Human Target is actually named Christopher Chance, and he is an American comic book character co-created by Len Wein and Carmine Infantino. (Len is pictured at the top left of this post.)

Christopher Chance in the comic books is what I would consider a 'unique' combination of both private detective and bodyguard, who operates by impersonating his clients in order to eliminate threats to their safety. (Yes, I know, that's not what he does in the Premiere Episode of this 2010 TV Show.)

The first appearance of 'The Human Target' was published in Action Comics #419 back in December of 1972, (pictured at the top right of this post. See the blurb for 'The Human Target' above the Action Comics Logo.)

This early appearance, and others in Action Comics are known as "back-up stories".  Action Comics is of course published by DC Comics. Later on the feature appeared in core 'Batman' titles such as 'The Brave and the Bold' and 'Detective Comics'.

It wasn't until much later that DC Comics gave this feature its' own comic book title, in 1991. The one-shot comic book, (shown to the left) was titled: The Human Target Special.

This was during the time that The Human Target was adapted as a Summer Televison Series in July of 1992 that starred Rick Springfield.  (Yes, THAT Rick Springfield!) It lasted 7 episodes, and had Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo as writers.  

After that, it wasn't until 1999 that Christopher Chance then starred in a limited series, followed up by a one-shot, and then in an ongoing Human Target series written by Peter Milligan and published under DC's Vertigo imprint. That run lasted the longest, with 21 issues in total. For a full listing of these titles and issues please click this link.

Okay... I've brought you up to date on the history of this comic book feature and its' earlier incarnation as a brief TV Series.

Now for the current series which premiered Sunday, January 17th of 2010 as a Fox television series starring Mark Valley, Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley.

First: I like the choice of two of the actors for sure...

That of Mark Valley as Christopher Chance.  I think it is about time that he was given the chance to headline a series. 

I thought he had a good role in the TV Series, 'Boston Legal', as Brad Chase, from 2004 - 2007.

His role in 'Fringe' on FOX TV was too short. But then again, he did marry Anna Torv, his co-star on the show in December 2008. (Anna plays agent Olivia Dunham.)

But now, he has a 'chance' to become a major TV Star...

Additionally I liked Chi McBride on 'Pushing Daisies'.  Tina saw the special panel at the San Diego Comic Con before that show premiered, and I wound up watching the series with her, althought I wasn't as excited about it as her.  However, I thought that Chi McBride and Kristin Chenowith were two of the best actors on that series...

I mentioned that I liked the choice of two of the actors for this series. It's not that I don't like Jackie Earle Haley, it's just that I've only remembered seeing him in the Watchmen film, where he had the role of Rorschach.  His role in the premiere episode of this new series was a vital one, and his look fit the role.

Speaking of roles, of course it is the guest stars that help make a series when the show itself is set in different locations with different characters for each episode.  I'm looking forward to the episode with Moon Bloodgood myself!  I've liked her ever since first seeing her on 'Journeyman'.  Her role in the film Terminator: Salvation, (seen to the left), wasn't bad either!

My thanks to the FOX Network for airing this premiere a second time... as it was up against the Golden Globes on Sunday.  The second episode of this new show airs Wednesday night.  Tina and I will be watching it!  Good luck to this new series!

PLUS: Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! We do usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events, or TV show based on comics, such as the one blogged aobut here today! 

Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'.  And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Comic books like the ones shown above can be found at our own web site:




Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!




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Hey Guys!  You've got less than a month to be ready for the 2010 Valentine's Day!

Yeah, I know... guys usually wait till the last minute, but I wanted to give you a heads up for this year!

Below is the mini-comic from Main Enterprises that was published February of 2009. 

I received it too late to blog about it back then, but wanted to blog about this special issue in the 'Featurette' section of this blog this morning. 

Jim Main of Main Enterprises sent me a few of his 'mini-comics' for possible mention / review. This one is approx 4" x 5 1/2" with 24 pages.

Here's the PR for this February 2009 issue:

"Joining the ranks of our minicomic sized annual publications (like the one we did for HALLOWEEN) is this 24 page extravaganza for you romantic types out there. Ha...guess again...while some of the contributors did go the sincere route, the bulk of this title is made up more along the style of the classic gruesome greeting and monster greeting card and funny valentine styles...and that's because of the talents that sent material my way!

In this issue you'll see work from Dan Taylor, Carrie Taylor, Sam Gafford, John Lambert, Dave Farley, Rick Limacher, Noor Hafizah, Terry Pavlet, Brad Foster, Jack Bertram, Brien Wayne Powell, Tim Tobolkski, Tim Temmel and J. Dultz, and Steve Skeates. Order your copy today! $2.25 postpaid in the USA. Personal checks only.made payable to Jim Main."

Like the above paragraphs say, it's a different kind of Valentine for sure! I'm looking forward to what the 2010 'Happy Valentine's Day' issue looks like!

You can purchase this, as well as over 50 other issues of Jim's magazines at:

http://www.mainenterprises.ecrater.com/ .

Thanks Jim for sending this issue in for possible mention.  You have some great stuff in your back issue bins for sale online!


Talking about publications: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.



WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:27 AM PST
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Monday, January 18, 2010
Ed Hannigan - Covered - Exhibition - Event
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Other Cons


Ed Hannigan: Covered

Presented by The Cartoon Art Museum and The Hero Initiative

The Cartoon Art Museum exhibition runs:  February 13 – June 20, 2010

The Reception and Charity Auction:  April 2, 2010 

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above: The HERO Initiative Logo

To the Right: The Front Cover to the Special Book!


Click here to see our MARVEL SUPERHEROES COMICS for sale!


I received the following press release from the Hero Initiative which I wanted to share here today...

That's because the press release is about Ed Hannigan, whose works I enjoyed reading while he was at Marvel Comics.

The following is about the book, the exhibition, the charity auction, AND the man, Ed Hannigan:

"The Cartoon Art Museum and the Hero Initiative proudly present Ed Hannigan: Covered, a retrospective exhibition celebrating the art of Ed Hannigan.  This retrospective features a selection of covers and original artwork created by Hannigan for Marvel Comics and DC Comics in the 1970s and 1980s, including such popular characters as Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and The Defenders.  

Today, Hannigan is 58 years old and has multiple sclerosis.  The Hero Initiative, a charitable organization that provides financial assistance to comic book professionals in need, and Marvel Comics have collaborated on a tribute book, Ed Hannigan:  Covered, that features highlights from Hannigan’s artistic career. 

The Cartoon Art Museum will display some of Hannigan’s most notable covers alongside the cover and complete interior artwork for one of his most famous single-issue stories, The Spectacular Spider-Man #64, which introduced the crime-fighting duo Cloak and Dagger.  

Sponsorship for this exhibition has been provided by The Comic Outpost.  The Comic Outpost, located on 2381 Ocean Ave. San Francisco, CA has been fulfilling the needs of comic book lovers for well over 15 years.  Current owners Gary Buechler and Roger Yan firmly believe their customer service and subscriber program is second to none.  For more questions, visit their website at www.comicoutpost.net.

SAVE THE DATE:  An auction of original artwork will be held at the Cartoon Art Museum on Friday, April 2, 2010, in conjunction with San Francisco’s WonderCon Comics convention.

About Ed Hannigan:

Ed was born August 6, 1951 in Newport, Rhode Island, the first of what would become eight children. His dad was an officer in the U.S. Navy, and later an engineer/sales executive for Tidewater Oil (later to become Getty Oil). He grew up throughout the Northeast, where his grandmother used to give him comic books. With their help, he learned to read at a young age, particularly impressed with World's Finest, featuring Superman and Batman.

Ed soon became a Marvel fanatic, and was determined to draw comic books some day. In high school in Ashland, Massachusetts he practiced drawing constantly and produced comics of his own. He also illustrated the senior yearbook.

In 1971, after moving to New Jersey, he managed to wrangle an invitation to visit Marvel Comics’ offices. He showed his art samples to the folks there—Marie Severin, Mike Esposito, Herb Trimpe and others. They were polite, but less than impressed. But he still kept coming around. Then one day Sol Brodsky needed someone to do some lettering corrections on the British weekly reprint series, Mighty World of Marvel. Ed volunteered and for a short while, became a letterer.

Sol then needed someone to do some zip-a-tone shading on the same reprint line. Ed and Klaus Janson took on that job and were friendly rivals for a while as they shaded photostats of old Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and Thor stories. But Ed did not give up on drawing comics, practicing and learning from the pros at Marvel.

Eventually he was allowed to do some sketches for those same British reprints and finally was given a Planet of the Apes cover to draw. After that he started helping Art Director John Romita to design covers for other artists and occasionally himself to draw. He also illustrated some stories. By and by, Ed became the busiest comic cover sketch artist in the place. At one time or another he did cover designs for just about every comic in the line.

Ed tried to tailor cover designs to the style of whichever artist was going to do the final art, but he also introduced some trademark features of his own, most famously, "messing with the logo" in some way or another, destroying or distorting it. The sketches became more elaborate and often were fully colored.

He continued to draw some stories ands even wrote a few (Defenders was his longest run), but cover sketches were his mainstay for the next several years, and that's what he is best known for in the industry.

When the comics business contracted in the early 1990s, Ed was forced to find other employment. He end up doing computer graphics for a publisher in Massachusetts for nine years.

In the course of those years, he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which at first was a minor annoyance, but soon progressed to a major disability. He now lives in New Hampshire with his wife and two children."

I wanted to add that Ed also pencilled the cover of Fantastic Four #170 cover dated May 1976 with inks by Joe Sinnott.  I always want to mention work done on that series by comic creators as it has been my all time favorite comic book run. 

The Facebook Group Page for the HERO Initiative can be found by clicking here.

The Facebook Fan Page for the Cartoon Art Museum can be found by clicking here.  

I am a member / fan of both of these pages on Facebook, and there is good reading there as well as updates by both organizations.

My thanks to the HERO Initiative people for sending me the Press Release.  I invite my blog readers to either / or / and attend the exhibit / charity auction event / pick up the book. 

PLUS: Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do blog usually on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events or places such as the one blogged about here today.

Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'.  And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Comic books like the ones shown above can be found at our own web site:




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"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



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Note: If you are breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013



We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

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I met Mike Towry, (pictured below), at the 2009 Special Comic Con 40th Book Signing at the Mysterious Galaxy Book Store

Since then I've subscribed to two of his blogs and now find that that he has started another one that I am also interested in...

Click Here to see our lowest priced comics, books and magazines listings!

That would be the new blog:


Which has the 'tag line':

"A venue for all your comic-convention memories, pictures, and praises!"

One of the other blog by Mike that I have mentioned before is the Shel Dorf Tribute Blog.  Shel was one of the co-founders of the San Diego Comic Con, who passed away last year. That blog can be found at:


Plus, unfortunately, another co-founder of the same SDCC passed away shortly after Shel did.  That would be Ken Kreueger.

Mike has started another tribute blog for Ken at:


I am bringing the above blogs up, because I believe that Mike is on the right track here with his blogs. A place for all that have memories of either Comic Cons, Shel Dorf, or Ken Krueger, to add their thoughts to in writing.

For those of you that are interested in the history of the Comic Con International: San Diego, and the persons that co-founded it, you might want to subscribe to those blogs.

I thank Mike for bringing this new blog to my attention.  Keep up the good work!


Talking about Comic Cons: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.



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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Monday, January 18, 2010 7:11 AM PST
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Friday, January 15, 2010
Jack Is... Almost Back!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: TV Shows


Jack Is... Almost Back!

The 8th Season Of The Fox TV Show Series Starts THIS Weekend! 

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above: The Front Cover to the '24' Omnibus TPB!

Below:  Just A Few Of The Cast From Season 8 @ the SDCC Special Panel!


Click here to see our TV AND MOVIE COMICS for sale!

Above: The '24' Poster Displayed On the Exhibit Floor @ the 2009 (SDCC) San Diego Comic Con International!

Click Here to see our NEWLY LISTED comics, magazines, toys and more listings!


As Tina would say:  Woo-Hoo! 

Yes, that is right... '24' is FINALLY returning this weekend for a Season 8!

We've had to keep ourselves busy reading the '24' graphic novels & TPBs that we bought to read and resell later in our online store, otherwise we would have bought the '24' Omnibus from IDW Publishing pictured at the top left of this post that is a compilation of them! 

That's because Tina is such a BIG Fan of '24'.  That is the one TV Series that she will NOT tape to watch later, period!

So yeah, we will definitely be watching the two night / four hour Season 8 Premiere this upcoming Sunday and Monday nights!

For those of you that don't know, the show will return on Sunday, January 17 at 9/8c and Monday, January 18 at 8/7c. Then it replaces the 'Lie to Me' Fox TV Series on Mondays at 9/8c for the rest of its run during Season 8. For our international blog readers, '24' premieres in the UK on Sky One on January 24, 2010, and in Australia on 7TWO on January 26, 2010.

The 'Big Draw', Kiefer Sutherland, will return for the 8th season. Kiefer, as Jack Bauer, is the only actor that has been in every episode since the start of Season 1.

Kiefer, who we have seen before at this Comic Con, was very pleasant, well spoken, and entertained by the crowd.  Of course the crowd was defintely hanging on every word he uttered!


Mary Lynn Rajskub (pictured to the left), Cherry Jones, and Annie Wersching are the only main cast members from season 7 who will also be returning as main cast members in season 8.

A special note here:  Tina and I both noticed how quiet Mary Lynn usually was during the special panel at Comic Con, but every time Katee Sackhoff would speak, Mary Lynn would roll her eyes, or make some sort of face.  Very interesting, and something you wouldn't probably 'catch' from still photos.  If you can find some videos from this Con, take a look at what I'm talking about...

Others returning, but not as main cast members are: Elisha Cuthbert as a "Special Guest Star", and Bob Gunton back as Ethan Kanin, who is now the Secretary of State.

We didn't see Carlos Bernard at the Comic Con International: San Diego (SDCC) this year at the panel.  His role as Tony Almeida returning or not, was Not answered by the show's producers at the panel.

Season 8 is supposed to be set 8 months after season 7. Of course being '24', Season 8 begins and ends in a '24' hour period, this time at 4:00 PM.

And yeah, Tina, (shown to the left by the 24 Poster), is excited that the Season 8 is unfolding in New York City, amidst the shadows of the Statue of Liberty! Tina was born in the area, and still has a lot of family around there that we visit when we go back East.

No spoiler here, but the reason New York is where the action takes place this Season 8; is because CTU has been upgraded and is now operated by the MBA-schooled Brian Hastings (Mykelti Williamson) out of  New York.

Cole Ortiz (Freddie Prinze Jr.), is a former Marine who wants to follow in Jack Bauer’s footsteps. He is running the division’s Field Operations. 

Freddie was pretty quiet during the special SDCC panel, but came over as a 'nice guy'.



Expert data analyst Dana Walsh (Katee Sackhoff - who is shown to the left), collaborates with systems analyst & drone pilot Arlo Glass inside CTU's New York branch.

I have liked Katee in a couple of other shows, and am interested to see how she does on this series.  She was asked a lot of questions, and appears to have a large fan base...


Who else is there this Season 8?  Well, Rob Weiss serves as President Allison Taylor’s new Chief of Staff, and Meredith Reed is an ambitious journalist with ties to the unfolding situation.

As for Jack Bauer, he is simply a man who wants to move on with his life and to be with his daughter and granddaughter. Of course those plans come to a halt when, once again, America needs his help!

Additional new cast members include Anil Kapoor (TV Host - Slumdog Millionaire) (as a Middle Eastern leader named Omar Hassan), and is pictured to the left.

With so many people on the panel, (there were also production people), not everyone got a lot of time to talk. This picture was one of the few times that he addressed the audience.


Also new to this Season 8 are: Jennifer Westfeldt (Kissing Jessica Stein) and John Boyd (The Notorious Bettie Page), who were confirmed on the day production was slated to begin. Westfeldt will play journalist Meredith Reed, while Boyd will play CTU systems analyst Arlo Glass.

Again, this is one Premiere we aren't going to miss! And if you are a 'Jack Bauer' fan, we know you won't either!  And we are going to be along for the '24 Hour Ride' until the Season Finale on May 24, 2010!

Our thanks to the folks that brought down the cast and production staff of '24' to the Comic Con International: San Diego last July.

And thanks to the folks at IDW Publishing for taking this TV Series and publishing great stories in a graphic novel format!

PLUS: Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!  We do usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events or places such as the one blogged about here today.

Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'.  And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Comic books, TPBs and graphic novels like the ones mentioned above can be found at our own web site:




Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"


Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013


We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link

If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!

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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

If you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.


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Which I found out about late last night, by reading the Blog of a brand new Facebook Friend, Blaine Tufts.

Blaine, (pictured to the left), writes the 'Temporal Geek' Blog.

The 'tag line' for this blog is:

"Daily Birthdays and Events in Sci-Fi, Comics and related areas!"

What caught my eyes when reading the first of Blaine's blogs was the entry for the fact that it was  the Birthday date for a comics creator whose work I appreciated when I was younger.

That would be Vincent Alascia (January 14, 1914 – September 3, 1998), also known as Nicholas Alascia.

Vincent, (pictured to the left), was an American comic book artist first known for his work on  the Captain America strip during the Golden Age of comics.

Later, (which is where I knew him best from), was his 23-year run as inker on a creative team with penciler Charles Nicholas Wojtkowski (known in comics as "Charles Nicholas") and writer Joe Gill at Charlton Comics from 1953 to 1976.

What I don't really remember Vin for was his work for other companies inbetween Timely and Charlton Comics. 

You see, it was after Timely's downsizing in 1948, that he freelanced for other comics companies such as Avon,  where he inked Martin Nodell, (yes, Jacque Nodell's grandfather), on anthological horror stories in that publisher's 1950s comics 'City of the Living Dead' and 'Eerie' comic books.  

Getting back to where I appreicated Alascia's works, was at Charlton Comics based in Derby, Connecticut. There with Charles Nicholas (the 1921-1985 comics penciler), Vin worked on multiple genres including crime, suspense, mystery, science fiction, war, Western, romance, and hot-rod titles.  The first was 'Crime and Justice' #16 from January of 1953.

(I still have some of those issues, and after re-reading them again will be placing them in our store to sell.)

The below front cover to Billy the Kid #40 from June of 1963 is just one of many covers that the Nicholas - Alascia team produced over the many years at Charlton Comics.

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I want to thank Blaine Tufts for adding me as a Facebook Friend yesterday, and pointing out his Blog to me.  I believe that many of my Blog's readers would appreciate seeing these important date as well.

And thanks to the Nicholas / Alascia team for all the artwork they provided in the years I was reading Charlton Comics.  Their work will be long remembered...


BTW, speaking of comics creators, if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Friday, January 15, 2010 8:11 AM PST
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